
A bit of Red, White, and Blue!

YAY!!!  It's Friday!!!  I'm happy about that.  For REALS!  We have a brand new challenge for you over at CAS-ual Fridays this week!  It's all about the Red, White, and Blue this week!

I pulled out some stamps I recently got from The Stamps of Life for this one.  I love this Crayons set so stinking much!  I combined the stamps with three little Kelly Purkey sequins from Simon Says Stamp.


Ummm... yup.  Totally LOVING the crayon look of these stamps!  And combined with Ladybug and Bahama blue Momento inks from Imagine Crafts/Tsukineko they look JUST LIKE CRAYON only without the mess.  YAY!  LOVE IT!

Hi (detail)

AND...it just so happens that this week's sponsor is one of my personal favorites, Simon Says Stamp!  One awesome card maker entering this week's challenge will win a $25 Gift Certificate to the Simon Says Stamp Store!  Woot!

Soooo...be sure to head on over to CAS-ual Fridays to check out what the rest of the Girl Fridays have created!  AWESOME cards this week!  Then take this fabulous Memorial Day weekend (for the US folks, at least), pull out your Red, White, and Blue and make something FABULOUS to link up!  

Have a Happy, fabulous folks!


  1. I like! Just wanted you to know that I still check out your blog even if I'm bad about posting!

  2. What a fun stamp set! Love the brightness of those inks!

  3. adorable! Love the simplicity, the use of the sequins and I too, love the crayon look of this set!

  4. LOVE it!!!!! What a fantastic clean and simple card with such a huge impact!
    Sylvia xx

  5. Every time I looked in the gallery, I wondered what the cool crayon stamps were (although I wondered if you had written it yourself because you do cool stuff like that). Super fun card!

  6. Simple yet so cute. I love the crayon look!

  7. The crayon look is fabulous! beautifully CAS card!

  8. Loving this set too! Such an awesome look!!


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