
Hanukkah Greetings and a Christmas Bucket o' Goodness

Creating fabulous cards and wonderfully presented gifts doesn't have to be hard!  Actually, it doesn't even have to take all that much time!  Today I have a simple Christmas gift and a pretty Hanukkah card to share with you.  Both of these projects are super simple and wonderfully festive, all at the same time!

Treat Bucket

I found this great treat bucket at Target in the $1 bin. And...because it was part of the previous season...it was 50% off. Yup. Totally. Love it when that happens! I stuffed it with a bag of Christmas candy and tied that off with a fabulous May Arts mesh ribbon bow. I then stamped a tag (punched with a great Fiskars ornament punch I've had for years and years) from the brand new PSA Essentials Peel and Stick tag collection, colored it, and attached it! Nice and easy!

Star of David Happy Holidays

As for my Hanukkah card, I used a great Bazzill shimmer paper as the base to give it a little sparkle with ZERO work. Then I stamped the Star of David from the PSA Essentials Mixed Holiday Peel and Stick pack and fussy cut them. This sounds time consuming, but due to the straight lines, it's actually super quick! I stamped the sentiment on a little banner and...voila! Nice and easy! LOVE.THAT.

For more PSA Essentials inspiration, check out the PSA Stamp Camp blog!

Also, I have a really great Christmas wreath going up over on the May Arts blog today! I've included the full tutorial so you can create this one, too. Be sure to stop by there to check it out! Here is a little sneak!

Ribbon Wreath Step 2

Oh...and for those wondering how court went yesterday... The guy didn't bother to show up, so that was certainly a point in our favor. We sat before the Magistrate and a detective and told them what had happened. The magistrate said he felt the charges should at the very least be bumped up from 'wanton destruction of property' to 'malicious destruction of property'. We don't know if there are other charges. It all seemed quite positive from our end, although, we won't hear anything for awhile. They did tell us that we WILL hear something, but due to the back logs and such, it will be a bit, so we are good with that. I'm just happy to have this piece done with. I never knew 20 minutes of sitting in a room describing an incident could be so VERY exhausting! LOL!

Jingle Out!


  1. Lovely projects! I wish our Target had had these buckets! And I think that is fabulous fussy cutting in your pretty Hanukkah card! Best of luck for a good verdict in your favor!

  2. That buckets is a perfect little hostess gift or ...

    Glad court went well and I agree, I can be exhausting! I once had someone do a hit and run on my vehicle in a parking lot. I got his license plate and had a witness. Voir dire was 30 min...ugggh.

    Off to check out your wreath!

  3. Great ideas! I will be on the lookout at Target for buckets. It's perfect for neighbor gifts and for people who stop by! :)

  4. Ohhh I love today's post (ok...ya know I love every day's post too)I gift in a gift. Buckets make a great way to gift someone...especially the little ones. The tag just makes it THE PERFECT gift!!

    I love the Hanukkah card too..very festive and pretty. (love blue)

    Keeping fingers crossed about all the court stuff. Sounds as though it's going to turn out alright.


  5. Cute cards, and YAY that the guy didn't show up. I'm sure you could stand to never see him again!

  6. so glad that guy did not show up...i am sure that was a relief to get that done with..

    Your projects are adorable..

  7. great job! love that hanukkah card!

  8. Your wreath is so pretty! I pinned it. :)

  9. Glad all went well in court! CONGRATS on your Moxie Fab prize too Jingle :)

  10. Great job on your projects, and I'm glad to hear that court went well! I wish we had a Target close to my house, all we have is Wally World.
    Love Penny http://scrap-aholic.blogspot.com/

  11. Great projects. I love fun little buckets like that! Perfect!

  12. Your wreath is awesome, and I like the little bucket too!

  13. i love that bow! xox
    and glad to hear you didn't have to see that guy in court!


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