
World Card Making Day Giveaway! ***CLOSED***

***This is my second post of the day...be sure to check out the Stampendous!/May Arts blog hop below!***

Well, it's time to CELEBRATE!!!!  It's World Card Making Day and we are all over this!  I decided that WCMD is pretty much the PERFECT reason to have a giveaway, so...here you go!  Included are items from Stampendous!, May Arts, Eyelet Outlet, PSA Essentials, Skipping Stones Design, Inkadinkadoo, Making Memories, and Clearsnap!  CHECK IT!!!

#worldcardmakingday giveaway @ http://just jingle.blogspot.com

To enter, leave a comment below telling me how YOU are celebrating World Card Making Day!  If you are a follower of my blog leave an ADDITIONAL comment for an extra entry!  If you 'LIKE' my Facebook Page, leave an ADDITIONAL comment for a third entry!  (You can like over in the sidebar if you don't already!  :))

Also, I'm working toward 900 'likes' on my Facebook page and once we hit that one new liker will win a set of stamps and some ribbon as will whomever referred them, so SEND YOUR FRIENDS!!!!

Happy World Card Making day, folks!

Jingle Out!


  1. You are SO generous, Jingle! I'm celebrating by shopping at Archivers and then coming home and getting inky! Happy World Card Making Day, friend!

  2. I'm a new follower! (how was I not already?!?!?!?)

  3. Making cards today....hopefully lots of them

  4. I am spending the whole day in my office:) Happy WCMD Jingle!

  5. I am liker #882 on FB i think:) Good Luck on reaching 900!

  6. Happy World Card Making Day to you too!!! What a super generous prize pack you're offering... thanks for the chance! I'm celebrating first by enjoying my coffee while perusing my favorite blogs and facebooks looking at all the gorgeous cards being made. And next I'm headed to my studio to make some cards of my own! My perfect kind of day!! :o)

    Oh... I'm a follower now on your blog and by email too so I won't miss a thing. :o)

  7. Happy WCMD to you too!!! I'm hoping to get some cards made today!


  8. i am making cards today in between lacrosse game and errands! love the giveaway!!

  9. What a great prize package! I have followed you on my RSS feed for a while now but added the Google follower thing in case you can't see the other.

    I am blog hopping one handed on my phone while I juggle my newborn but I hope to get a chance to work on Thea few of the challenges going up all over this afternoon. :)

  10. Oops I follow directions poorly! Here is a comment for "I follow your blog." :)

  11. And here is one for liking you on Facebook. I am excited to see you there!

  12. This is so awesome Jingle! I am celebrating by making a few Halloween cards! :)

  13. I've been a follower and enjoy your cards :)

  14. I just liked your facebook page! :)

  15. Happy WCMD! I am working on ATCs that are due for a swap on Tuesday! Gotta get them done!

  16. I am already a follower here!

  17. I just added you to my FB likes too!

  18. Wow--what a generous giveaway! I am celebrating WCMD by trying to fit in some card-making in between doing laundry and going to my son's tennis matches (fortunately, it is a local tournament). I'm also seeking inspiration for this year's Christmas cards!

  19. This is amazingly generous!
    Today I am celebrating by focusing on making birthday cards for special friends who are celebrating their birthdays this month.

  20. Hi
    I am a Follower :)

  21. I am now a follower! I like your cheery entries.

  22. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to make any cards today. I'm taking my DD to her fencing lesson and then have a party to go to.

    Thank you for the chance to win.

  23. I'm out of state visiting my sis & hopefully we'll get to make some cards together before I have to head to the airport. Thanks for a chance at your fabulous giveaway!

  24. Hi! Whoa - so many AWESOME goodies in the giveaway, thanks for the opportunity to win! I have cleared my schedule for cardmaking most of the day, along with blog hopping to see all the fun designs and inspiration! YOUR designs are always inspiring! I am creating some "just for fun" card designs but also getting my OWH holiday cards ready for mailing this month. Happy weekend!

  25. What a nice prize package. I am now a follower. I am trying to make a bunch of cards but it's not going so great. I'll keep working at it.

  26. I'm cruising the blogosphere for WCMD... I might even make a card later!

  27. After my blog tour, I am headed to Archivers and other shops for more goodies, then home for more crafting!

  28. I celebrated this day making an awesome Birthday card for my awesome BFF!! carolwatsonscreations.blogspot.com please check out my blogspot. Thanks for the chance to win!! Carol

  29. I also liked you on Facebook so I get to hear from you there and can see your blog. Thanks again! Carol

  30. Happy World Cardmaking Day. I am celebrating by looking at all the lovely cards on the net and feeling miserable because I have a bad cold! Thanks for the chance to win - you rock!

  31. I am celebrating by organizing my craft room, blog hopping and making cards for our church card ministry and OWH.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  32. Some great goodies! Thanks for the chance to win - can't wait to see what you make for WCMD!

  33. I am a follower.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  34. I spent my morning at a Christmas Stamp A Stack get together. I am now home looking at my collection of blogs that I can't live without. I really enjoy you blog mostly because you make me laugh and perk up my spirits. Also enjoy you cards. Thanks much for a change to win candy. Pam

  35. HAPPY WCMD Jen!
    I'm colecting sketches today...waiting for the kiddos to get to bed so I can make some cards!

  36. hAPPY wcmd!!!!!!!
    today I spent the morning at soccer games and finally just got back, so hoping to scrap something soon!!!

  37. I just liked your Facebook page. I click on the Anonymous below because of don't have a blog (just follow others) and not sure what an URL stands for. Any, thats again for the chance to win and for the ejoyment of reading your blog everyday. Pam Carter

  38. WOW...that's going to be one VERY happy winner!!

    I just love looking at your cards and your creations...so much talent!!


  39. I celebrated by going to a baby shower for a friend.....made a card for it, of course!

  40. Thank you even if I do not win...this would be so much fun to explore and my finances have been very tight lately. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  41. I am now a follower of your blog.

  42. I made two cards today in honor of World Card-Making Day. If I would not have had to stop to make dinner for company, I'd still be papercrafting! Thanks for the chance to win!

  43. Hi, have always been a blog follower!!

  44. I spent my day (WDMD) making cards for various blog challenges. :)

  45. Im making cards of course =) Halloween and Christmas ones. Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful goodies.

  46. Im a follower of your blog.
    Thanks again!

  47. I like you on FB.
    aka PaperCraftingAddict Scrapper.
    Thanks, have a great night!

  48. Sadly, was not able to create today between soccer games, football games and visiting the in-laws! Thanks for the chance to win this awesome prize!

  49. First thing this morning I was making cards!!! Great way to start the day!!! I'm a follower and would love to win

  50. I like you on Facebook. You are at 890 with mine

  51. What an awesome giveaway!! I always love reading your blog and a giveaway is just a bonus! I spent WCMD making cards, of course!!! So far, I've made 5...woo hoo!

  52. Already follow your blog on GFC and by email. (told you I love your blog!)

  53. Celebrated today with soccer games and a little bit of crafting with my two daughters.

  54. I subscribe to your blog also!

  55. I did not even know about this day. I will have to keep it inmind for next year. I was at my friend's wedding shower all day today.

  56. What a generous giveaway! Today I watched some football, drank coffee to keep warm and did a little bit of card making. It was a perfect day!!

  57. I am a follower...lovel your cards...great inspirations...I just made some bookmarks to give away to my daughters' friends.

    Thanks for the wonderful giveaway..extremely generous of you.


  58. You're too cute! I made a card last night but then had to spend the day babysitting. I hoping to make cards tomorrow.

  59. Wow....I had a fantastic day with 13 other ladies...we made cards and 3d paper craft projects all day.....

    It's an annual event and on we look forward to each year!

    Roll on WCMD 2013


  60. Wow....I had a fantastic day with 13 other ladies...we made cards and 3d paper craft projects all day.....

    It's an annual event and on we look forward to each year!

    Roll on WCMD 2013


  61. You are so generous! I spent the day teaching cardmaking classes then having a crafty pyjama party!!!!

  62. You are so generous! I spent the day teaching cardmaking classes then having a crafty pyjama party!!!!

  63. I love your fun and cheery comments and posts... look forward to receiving my Just Jingle email notification :-)

  64. oh YES... I am a Facebook follower too...

  65. I got a card posted to my blog and then headed to a funeral. Sometimes, a handmade card is the perfect way to say I care when words aren't enough. Thanks for the chance to win! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com

  66. Well, my day has to be spent working all day at my job!!!! Would rather be sitting in my craft room instead! Awesome goodies....love it and Thank you for a chance to win!!

  67. I'm a follwer of your awesome blog!!!

  68. Congrats jingle for winning the studio calico kit, awesome prize.

    Thanks for gaving us many goodies too. Yestday I celebrated the WCMD making cards having fun with the challenges and the prizes :)

  69. I liked your facebook page ;) you're one like more close to the 900.

  70. Good gravy, Jingle, what an awesome prize :) Just sayin'!

  71. And I forgot to leave my plans in there, lol, but since I'm a follower I'll leave it in this one :)
    My plans were (since it was yesterday): got up SUPER early (3!) and stamped & crafted until about 7, when it was time to get ready for the farmer's market. And then I napped all afternoon, and watched "The King's Speech." I love Saturdays :)

  72. I am celebrating by making cards, viewing all the eye candy on stamping blogs, welcoming my son home from camp, seeing a women's volleyball game (they won!) and then having dinner with my husband. Perfect Saturday!

  73. I didn't knew it was World Card Making Day to be honest ^^But I'll make some lino prints with my stamps to create postcards and send them around!


  74. And I am already a follower for some time now :)

  75. WOW! What a big beautiful bunch of goodies~~

  76. No cards for card making day, but my daughter and I love to make our own cards for people.

  77. I spent the day checking out all the wonderful WCMD festivities in blogland!

  78. I spent WCMD moving furniture and today, our basement flooded. Just taking some time to relax now. I am a new follower. Thanks for the chance to win free stuff!

  79. I spent WCMD scrapping! I had every intention of making a card but my heart wasn't in it! But I did do a couple layouts!

  80. I already LIKE your Facebook page. I was one of your really early fans :0)

  81. And OF COURSE I follow your blog way back before you had all your big numbers of followers!

  82. what a great package! I spent it not making cards :( but visiting my daughter at college :)

  83. Well here's what's funny--I didn't even know it was world card making day, and I went shopping for stamps and a new cutting mat, came home and started on my Christmas cards!! Thank you for hosting such a fantabulous giveaway!

  84. Here's comment no. 2 for being one of your fortunate followers--love your blog!

  85. And here's my third comment for also following you on Facebook!

  86. I hope I'm not to late for this. I spent the day with my little one and got in a little craft shopping. I sketched a lot of cards in my head though...lol. Smooches...

  87. I am certainly a follower of your blog. You do Great Work my friend. Smooches...

  88. What a generous giveaway! You're awesome!

  89. I worked on 15 ATCs that I needed to start for a swap. Got them mostly finished!

  90. I made 2 cards on WCMD... thats not bad considering I had family over. Thanks for the chance to win.

  91. I spent WCMD making cards! Participated it the challenges on the Unity blog with my 8 yr old son.

  92. Didn't get a chance to stamp on WCMD. I am on vacation and although I brought stamping supplies, I forgot my acrylic blocks. Hope to get to a craft store today to buy one. Iris

  93. I didn't even know it was WCMD until this evening. I honestly didn't get any crafting done today at all!

  94. I was at the Cape for World Cardmaking day, but got a few done when I got home. You know I like and follow you, you're the best! Hope I win!

  95. Celebrated making cards with my girls...started off making a box to put their treasures into...thank you for the chance to win!

  96. I am mailing a card today. I had some posts up this Summer of cards I and my family made. Need the stuff to get going once more. To morrow I am having another giveaway. Do come over!


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!