
Show Me The Stamps! Blog Hop Time! LOVE IT!

***This is my second post of the day! Be sure to click here or scroll down to see the cutest Itsy Bitsy Spider ever! :)***

Well, this is an exciting day!  The Tami Mayberry team and the Beth Silaika team have come together for a super fun blog hop featuring Tami and Beth's super fun stamps!  YAY!  Today Tami's group is showing off the Take Note set!  I decided to combine that set with Tami's fabulous You Go Girl! set for my fun card today!

Love it!

I stamped the 'blah, blah, blah' chatter in the background on pink cardstock and then added some fun neon washi for some super color popness!  Just sayin'.  For the frame, I got a little tricky!  You see, I have the clear version of the Take Note set (which you will need if you want to manipulate your stamps like this), but...even with the clear version...you have to be a bit brave to achieve this look.  I cut out the middle.  LOL!  Yup!  I took a pair of scissors and cut out the middle part of the stamp.  This left the border and allows me to manipulate it into fun new shapes like this one!  I do suggest only doing this if you have grid block available, as you will need a bit of a guide to get it straight after it's been cut.  (Unless you have an amazing eye, but I don't, so I use my Fiskars stamp press grid!  YAY!)

Love it!  (detail)

And here's Little Miss Sassy a bit closer!  Hee-hee!  So fun!  So...head on over to the other blogs in today's hop for even more inspiration!  FUN TIMES, folks!  FUN TIMES!

Beth Silaika Design Team
Beth Silaika
Valerie Stangle
Cindy Coutts
Debbie Corbari

Tami Mayberry Design Team
Tami Mayberry
Jamie Cripps
Jennifer Ingle

Have a super fantabulous day!!!! Jingle out!


  1. Fun design Jennifer! Love the sentiment....feeling that way this morning, lol!

  2. This is awesome. I love Tami's stamps!!

  3. Great job! I love the hint of bling and your color selection!

  4. Love that you stretched and reshaped the stamp, just fabulous!

  5. Clever and very brave (to cut the middle out!)! I wondered how you achieved the shape!

  6. Very cool card! I LOVE how her arm/hand hangs off the panel!

  7. The touch of bling is so lovely.

  8. Love the *blah, blah, blah*. So cute!

  9. Tee hee! What a great girly card!!

  10. such a fun card, love it!

  11. You are brave!!! It turned out totally adorable though. :)

  12. Oh no you didn't!! That is awesome!

  13. This is such a fun card...love how you made your background!!! Clever!!!

  14. love this...the blah blah blah is so fun...great card.

  15. Totally cute! I love that blah blah stamp.


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