
It's time for a Brand New Tami Mayberry Release for Gina K. Designs!

And I'm officially in love.  Can you be in love with a fabulous winter stamp set?  'Cause I'm totally in love with this fabulous winter stamp set.  Just sayin'.  The Tami Mayberry Team is joining forces with the Gina K. Team today to inspire YOU with this gorgeous set called Simple Snowflake!

I chose a soft color palette to show off the gorgeous snowflake sentiment stamp in this set!

Winter Wishes

I punched the circles and adhered them somewhat randomly and then stamped the sentiment image directly on the card. A bit of twine made the perfect finishing accent!

Winter Wishes Detail

And here is the list of the Tami Mayberry team members! To begin the hop head on over to Tami's blog! You will find LOTS of inspirational links there!

Jamie Cripps
Jennifer Ingle
Kelley Eubanks
Laura Williams
Laurie Willison

AND...for those interested in an update...we have made it through the worst of Sandy quite well. We still have power, although, last I heard my parents are out, as are several other people we know. My sister had also lost power and I'm not sure if she has it back yet this morning. Power has already been restored in some areas, while I believe others will likely be waiting a few days. We will see how it goes. We were fortunate to not lose ours, as many in our town did. There is quite a bit of small debris around, but, again, nothing as dangerous as it could have been, so that is all good. We are thankful.


  1. what a super stamp set and what a cute card!

  2. Love this stamp set! I love anything snowflqake and I like that the little verse fits inside the one snowflake!

    Sweet card!

  3. I just love everything about your card...from the colors to the design. Stunning.

  4. I love the colors and the fun confetti snow design! Super fun card!

  5. glad you all are safe and still have power...

    Your card is adorable...love that stamp set.

  6. Very pretty! Love the colors you used :)

  7. I was happy to see your post this morning. Thank goodness you are alright. Hopefully the rest of your family will have power soon.

  8. Very cool card!! Love what you did! :) And glad to hear, you made it through the storm okay!

  9. Just adorable. Love that you've used non-traditional colors. Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. Fun card. Love the punched out circles!

  11. Very nice set.
    Glad your're weathering the storm:)

  12. This is fab! Love the confetti bits and the muted colors you've used! Love this stamp set!

  13. I had to come see how you are doing - so happy to hear you are safe!!! (LOVE the card too - such sassy colors).

    Deanne :)

  14. Can totally see why you love this stamp set- me too and I super love the card you made!

  15. Very cute cards! I am happy to hear that your family is ok. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  16. Love your card, Jennifer!Great colours. Love, love, love the new stamp sets.

  17. Clever use of colors and style Jennifer. Love your cards.

  18. This is so cute! Love the colors you used.

  19. Wow, beautiful set and a gorgeous card, Jingle! btw, will you add a "." between "justjingle" and "blogspot" in the URL next time when you leaving me some comment love? lol <3 you!

  20. Fantastic card! I love the colors you chose - so retro! Glad you managed to make it through Sandy without power outages. We lost power last night but have a back-up generator so it kicked in right away. Still waiting to get back on the grid though.

  21. I love this stamp set and your card just puts a big smile on my face!!!! Love it!!!

  22. Fabulous card! Great design, colors and whoa, that's a lot of tiny circles!

  23. love the non traditional colors and the use of the twine :) awesome card!!!
    hope you are safe and sound and not having Sandy interrupt your crafty time :)

  24. Adorbs! Can I just say that I'm loving the non-traditional colors for holiday cards? Awe-some!!!

    BTW, that stamp set is extra cool! Laters Jingle! Thinking of you!

  25. Very pretty. I like the way you used the circles on your card.


  26. Love your card and what a beautiful stamp set!

  27. super love this...awesome colors!


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