
Pumpkins, Scissors, and Lace (WOYWW)

Hmm...it appears that is what is on my workspace this morning. Pumpkins, scissors, and lace...I can see at least three, but I know there is at least one more pair of scissors buried there, a couple of punches are obviously sitting about, as well. Oooo! I spy the new spider web washi tape that I'm looking forward to using! AND...see that Scor Buddy on the left? Yeah, well, I've actually had that thing for like a year or something like that and guess what? IT HAS A MAGNET that holds brads and pins and stuff! Guess when I discovered that little tid bit?

Last night.

For reals. Not even joking! HAHAHA! I just got the full size Scor-Pal and noticed a note about the magnet on that one and went to check my little Scor-Buddy and look at that! There it was! LOL! So...that's my desk. And my story for today. Happy Wednesday, folks! For more fabulous WOYWW posts, check out Julia's blog!

WOYWW 19 Sept. 2012

Jingle Out!


  1. I think my workspace looks worse than yours for once ;)

    Deanne :)

  2. i just had to pull out my scorbuddy to check. Look at that! It does have a magnet! I didn't know that!

  3. I think these boards should also come with a button so that it will magically attract the scoring tool from wherever it is hiding!.......I really do try to put it back in its little cupboard each time I finish using it but....... I really could do with that button :-) Have a fun week and Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 102

  4. Jingle,

    Look at all that fun stuff!!! Yep, creativity abounds!

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #17

  5. Funny! Sometimes I adhere something I plan to stick on a layout and then it vanishes sometimes I find it stuck on something. Sometimes I don't discover it stuck on something else for months. It drives me bananas. I have 3 pairs of scissors too because I am always misplacing them somewhere under the mess.Tamika #139

  6. You always have the best goodies on your desk! It seems like you have moved into your new space quite nicely. Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #36

  7. Loads of great stuff to play with, bliss!
    Amanda J @129

  8. Have lots of fun with all that crafty goodness... Hugs May x x x#7

  9. Funny, don't you love it when you discover something like that?

  10. It is so funny when it takes so long to discover something like that. Happy scrapping to ya.

  11. Well you've certainly got plenty there to work with. I love having good tools for my crafting, but we are spoiled for choice these days aren't we. I laughed about your magnets. that's the sort of thing I would do. And I'd be equally pleased when I finally found it! Have a good week. Kate x #97

  12. Only three pairs of scissors? I am shamless to say I have multipuls cause I can never find the one I just put down LOL. I didn't know about the scoreboard, thanks.
    Krisha#30 still peeking around


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