
My Final Card as Sweet 'n Sassy Guest Designer!

Wow! September has FLOWN by! Today I have posted my final card as the September guest designer over at Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps! I decided to create a birthday card using the awesome gear stamp from the Timeless Classic stamp set. I love this set! I have used it several times and the results always make me happy!

Happy Birthday Gears

I combined the great gear image with some really cool brads from Eyelet Outlet. I used the clock parts brad and two of the wing brads to create the perfect embellishment for this card!

Happy Birthday Gears (detail)

I have really enjoyed my time as Guest Designer over at Sweet 'n Sassy Stamps! I hope you have enjoyed the cards I have shared for them, as well!

Jingle Out!


  1. You've had a terrific showing! Helps that YOU are sweet and sassy, I'm sure!

  2. Loving the fabulous gear stamp, its also a fabby card Jingle, xx

  3. Going into my favorites file, I love the simplicity of it and how masculine it is.

  4. Whatta fabulous card...super masculine one!
