
A Feathered Thanks

So...here's the deal.  100 Proof Press has a brand new website and it is fabulous!  SO much better than the old one!  I love it!  AND...we are going to have a fun blog hop soon to show off the new site and some awesome cards using 100 Proof Press stamps.  BUT...I had fresh rubber.  I couldn't wait for the hop!!!  LOL!  So...I decided to play along with the CAS-ual Fridays embossing challenge and the CR84FN Color Challenge!  Here is the challenge....


And here is the card I created based on the challenge.  I used a deeper peach tone for my feather and them embossed the tips with a lavender embossing enamel from Stampendous!  The feather is the Favorite Feather from 100 Proof Press.

Feathered Thanks

An SRM Sticker makes for the perfect simple sentiment!  I really love this pretty sparkly embossing powder and the detail on that feather stamp is just amazing!!!!

Feathered Thanks (detail)

AND...today happens to be an EXTRA awesome day...it's my Daddy's birthday!!!  We will celebrate with my parents and my sister on Sunday.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DADDY!!!!

I hope you have super fun weekend plans!  I, for one, am happy it's Friday!  Have a GREAT day!!!!

Jingle Out!


  1. what a pretty card- the little bit of sparkle is just perfect

  2. Beautiful - love the simplicity!

  3. WOW! How brilliant it is to use embossing to highlight just some areas of the image? Love!
    Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at CAS-ual Fridays :)

  4. Love it! The feather is just so pretty with the touch of sparkle at the edge! Thanks so much for playing along with CR84FN this week!

  5. Awesome feather card!! Happy birthday to your dear dad:)
    Just got my internet back after a week of no access, so it's like worthy of a party too!!!

  6. Very pretty card!
    Love the peach :)
    And hope your dad has a great birthday :)

  7. Gorgeous design! Love how you added some SRM too. Hope your Dad has a Happy Day!

  8. that is one beautiful feather :)
    happy friday!!!!

  9. Simply beautiful Jingle! Love the shimmery goodness! Thanks so much for joining along with CR84FN :)

  10. That feather is perfect! Love the embossing! :)

  11. This is so simple, but so effective! A beautiful design, I love the shimmer on the feather!
    Thanks for joining us at CR84FN this week!

  12. Hi
    That sparkle is so fabulous.
    Pretty card.

  13. LOVE the detail on that feather and the embossing! PRETTY card! THX for playing with us at CR84FN!

  14. Simply beautiful! Like how you used the embossing enamel on the edge of the feather. TFS

  15. Beautiful simple card. I love anything sparkly and I bet it looks even more amazing in real life.

  16. 1st off Happy Birthday to your dad :)
    Great card, I love how you did the edging of the feather :)

  17. Plain...Simple...And elegant with just a touch of sparkle. positively perfect!

  18. Hi Jennifer!! Simply lovely!!...Soft and beautiful!! Thanks for sharing your creativity with us this week at CAS-ual Fridays:)!!

  19. What a cool image - very classic! Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays - we're so glad you did!!


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