
WOYWW - Not Much, Actually... Just say'n.

So, if all goes well, this may be the last messy shot of my desk you get to see! You see, I have purged a TON of stuff in this moving process and I have these silly visions of a clean, well organized workspace in my new apartment. I get these visions every time we move. Somehow...they never turn out how I'm expecting, but I'm BOUND and DETERMINED to make it happen. Just say'n. For reals, though, you guys. I want to try!!! I really really really do. For reals.


So...there you have it. That's my current workspace. The shelves look both sad and hopeful all at the same time. They will be deconstructed soon so they can be moved and carried up to our 3rd floor apartment and then up to my loft IN said apartment. I'm wicked excited about the new space! It's really quite big and it's all mine!!! YAY!!!


Depending on how productive I am early next week I may be able to show you photos of the new set up in next week's WOYWW! If not then, I will certainly get them up as soon as I'm able. I do need to make an IKEA run for sure before I can get it all set up, of course. Isn't that just an automatic assumption when one moves house? HA! I {heart} IKEA! Super cute stuff for my home AND deliciously yummy Swedish meatballs and Lignonberry juice!!! YUMMMY!!!!

I will have another post up today with a fun card, too! See you then! In the meantime, be sure to check out some more fun workspace shots over at Julia's blog!

Jingle Out!


  1. You always have to make a huge mess before it can be tidy!

    I'm just about to make a mess in my hall in an effort to tidy up.
    Wish me luck

    Jakix #72

  2. Sounds like it is going to be a fun space! And exciting to set up :)
    Looking forward to pictures!

  3. I can just imagine how many goodies you get in the mail - things will be stocked up and unpacked in no time! Have fun with the move!

    Deanne :)

  4. Hope the move goes well, make sure you share pics of your new lofty space cos it sounds fab! Take care & enjoy snooping this week. Zo xx 77

  5. That's a lot of stuff, have fun setting up shop in your new studio space. Thanks for the goodies you brought to the crop, I'm going to start using some of those stamps.

  6. oh I think it will be fun to set up your new craft room...and with the move I am sure you will run into some stuff you no longer want or need...have fun

  7. Sounds like you have some work ahead of you! Hope it all gets sorted soon so we can have a nosey around! Helen, 4

  8. Look forward to seeing the new set up. . Hope you have a good week. Hazel WOYWW #99 x

  9. Jingle, if you create better with a little mess, then you should leave it that way. Keep your space exactly how it works for you. dani101

  10. ooooh! you lucky girl - a whole new workspace!!
    can't wait to see it :)
    happy WOYWW!
    no. 11

  11. Well, you know, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do--your new space will be fabulous!

    :)trisha, #113 this week with a quilted inchie

  12. A new space... How fabulous... Cant wait to see it in all its glory.. enjoy the meatballs!!! Hugs May x x x#40

  13. Your new space sounds like it's going to be fun. Can't wait to see it. While lifting don't forget to bend at the knees....

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #96

  14. Yay for the loft space. Can't wait to see it once you get organized.

  15. The new move sounds exciting, looking forward to seeing your loft craft space, sounds awesome! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  16. There's no IKEA within 1000 miles of me, so I applaud you on your new loft studio AND your ability to pop out to IKEA when you need a new bookcase or such. I know these cubes are great, since I've seen others have them, too. Thanks for dropping by earlier today.

  17. I wish I could bottle your enthusiasm and energy! Moving and still crafting! You're my hero Jen:)

    We have an IKEA 15 minutes away and I'm spoiled!

  18. There's nothing better than having your own studio, and one in a loft sounds even better. Congratulations on you new place. Blessings!

  19. I am also trying to purge, trying being the operative word, because I don't seem to be able to get rid of much. :)
    Happy very belatede WOYWW
    Tertia #86


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