
I'd Rather Stamp Furniture than Move it. Just say'n.

Yes, the process has officially begun. We have started packing, purchased the paper plates to use while the real ones are packed, and stopped at the liquor store for boxes enough times that I'm pretty sure we actually wiped them out over the weekend. HA! Yes, it is official. The moving process has begun. I'm working my usual week this week, so while I got a good chunk of my studio packed yesterday, I will be working on it every night this week after work. Should make for a tiring, but productive week! A couple large items are going over tomorrow and then we will get a truck to pack the bulk of the furniture and the boxes next weekend or early next week. It's kinda crazy, this moving thing, but we have done it enough that we pretty much know how it goes and just get it done!

Miss You

That being said...I'd much rather stamp furniture than move it. Just say'n. LOL! For reals, though, these Paper Smooches stamps are just TOO. MUCH. FUN. This is the Vogue Abode set and I just LOVE IT!!!

Miss You (detail)

The chair is paper pieced with some Pebbles papers. The pretty grey ribbon and Pom Pom trim are both from May Arts. LOVE THEM!

I hope you have a super fabulous Monday! Also, if you need and or want my new address please let me know! Have a happy day!!!


  1. Such a cute card! And I so agree about stamping furniture being much more fun than moving it. Even when I want to move, I hate moving. 31 times.

  2. adorable card...I agree moving is such a job...not fun but when you are done it will be fun to unpack and decorate all over again...

  3. this is so cute!! good luck moving!

  4. Aww...love the card..poms are perfect!

  5. Very cute card!
    Good luck with the packing and move!!

  6. super cute little card~good luck with the move!!!:):)

  7. Such a great card.
    Good Luck with the move.

  8. Adorable card. Good luck with the move. Are you staying in Mass?

  9. Love your stamped furniture. :) Good luck with the move. I still have loads of boxes to unpack. Too tired to move right now...LOL

  10. see the trick is those boxes have to be filled with alcohol when you bring them home from the liquor store. Makes the moving process more entertaining, LOL! Good luck, Jen!

    super cute card!!

  11. wow you are going to be so busy Jingle. Loving your cute card. Take care of yourself. Annette x

  12. Very cute card, Jennifer and I agree with ya...moving is not fun. Good Luck to ya.

  13. Super cool!!! Kraft and purple...who knew it would look so fab together!!!

  14. good luck with the move :)
    love the tiny pom poms :)

  15. Moving...ugggggh!
    So much work when you could be crafting!
    Cute card.

  16. Love this cutie pie card! Great play on words. Glad you had time to hop along today. Thanks for the kind words on my blog. Good luck with the hop AND with your move!! hugs, Stacy H-W

  17. Super cute card. I love the ribbon/pom pom mix. Good luck with the move!

  18. Oh if I had to move........yikes! Love your card- darling- love the image and it looks great stamped. I hope your journey is blessed and your studio is unpacked swiftly and your unpacking of everything else is good too.....

  19. GOOD luck with the move! VERY cute card!!


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