
Call Me, Maybe?

Yes.  I'm aware that song will not be stuck in your head for an indeterminate period of time. You're welcome.  HA!  I love doing that!  Just say'n.  No, for reals, though.  It's pretty funny from this end.  BUT...the down side is that I ALSO get the song stuck in my head, so, yes, there is that.  Oh, well.  It's all worth the fun!  This is a super fun card I created using the super fun PSA Originals set, Frenchie. I love how all PSA sets come with the individual stamps and then the ring that you can switch out with different sets!  SO FUN and SO easy to use!

Call Me Maybe?

I also pulled out some fun alphas! The grey toned alpha is from Amy Tangerine's fun line for American Crafts! It's the Goodness Thickers! LOVE THOSE! The corrugated alpha is from Pebbles, Inc. So fun! I stamped the image onto white cardstock and cut that out and I stamped the frame onto the card base directly to sit beneath the popped up phone. A white gel pen was perfect for adding the stitching around the edges!

Call Me Maybe? (detail)

This card was so fun to create! I also used my new Corner Chomper from Simon Says Stamp for the corners! I LOVE that I can now easily 'chomp' through multiple paper layers for rounded corners! SO happy about that!

And, as we have officially begin the moving process, I am happy to say that at least I don't have any phone numbers to change or move! LOL! However, everything ELSE does have to move. We have officially completed the paperwork and have the keys in hand so if you need and/or want the new address please email me and I will get that to you! Hoping to keep things running as per usual around here, however, you may notice a blip or two here and there.

Now...back to that song that's stuck in your head..."Hey, I just met you....and this is crazy...."

(Oh, you can't really blame me, now CAN YOU?! That song would have entered your day somehow anyway. It's pretty ubiquitous at the moment. Even the US Swim team did a video to it! HA!)

Happy Thursday, folks!

Jingle Out!


  1. Cute card! I enjoyed the US swim team's video!

  2. SO FUN! I totally love this! My kids play this song a million times a day...no lie. Even my teen boys love it! Oi!

    Love coming to your blog every day. It brings happy to my world. Thanks!

  3. I guess I'm the last one to know...or hear cause I haven't heard of that song! But your card is super cute:)

  4. Yep, it's stuck in my head! Cute card.

  5. Love this. And now the song is stuck in my head again. LOL

  6. Great card, and so current. Hope all the moving goes well!

  7. Very cute! Good luck with the move! I hope all goes smoothly.

  8. Teehee cute card.
    I woke up with Love you like a love song, stuck in my head. Told my daughter and she hates that song and was mad as then it was stuck in her head, lol.

  9. Congrats on the new home!!! LOVE the maybe? on the card too!!!!

  10. Our local radio plays it at least twice a day while I'm listening....lucky I'm still in the 'love it!' phase ;) Awesome card to jump on the bandwagon!

  11. haha! we listened to that like 10 times yesterday!

  12. cute and fun!!!!
    congrats on getting the new place and i hope the move goes smooth :)

    *btw i have no clue what song you mean! lol

  13. Cute! Love the typeset and the colors. I never heard of this song until I saw the USA swim team video.

    Congrats on your upcoming move - wishing you a seamless move!

  14. Gorgeous card Jingle :) Hope all goes smoothly for your move!

  15. Neat card Jingle. Love the letters.


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