
Just Whipped This Up.... real quick like...

You know. How one goes into the kitchen and 'just whips something up' real quick. Yeah. I don't do that. Like...ever. BUT...I do like to bake now and then, and that's super fun! I even experiment a bit from time to time...with results that taste good sometimes, too! HA! But...alas, last weekend The Hubbums actually whipped up some Snickerdoodles and I couldn't resist creating this fun little gift set!

Just whipped this Up

If you happen to get the Gourmet Rubber Stamps Newsletter, this may look familiar! If not, WHY NOT?! It's STUFFED with inspiration every.single.time. Just say'n. I created this fun set using the FABULOUS In The Kitchen stamps! {HEART!!!} A bit of May Arts jute ties it all together! WAY FUN!

Now...I'm sad to say those snickerdoodles are LONG gone, so I should start preparing my statement to get The Hubbums to make some more because they were pretty much wicked crazy good. Just say'n.

Jingle Out.


  1. ohhh yummy on the cookies and the card and gift!! totally scrumptious!!!

  2. Love the mixer so cute! Great card!

  3. oh how fun and i love the gift tag!! that is super!

  4. Great card- love the fun image you used- and yummy..Snickerdoodles- my fav!

  5. What a cute set!!! Love the label with the whisks. And I L-O-V-E snickerdoodles. LOVE them! Would love that recipe to add to my collection:)

  6. That mixer image is adorable and the whisks are cool too! Cute project!

  7. Both are just super! I may have to scraplift this.

  8. Sweet cookies AND sweet packaging?! Perfect:)


  9. Such a cute card! I love mixers! My mother-in-law is the BEST baker and her snickerdoodles are out of this world!!

    Your hubby is a man of many talents! From blowtorches to snickerdoodles, lol!

    Hope you have a great day Jingle:)

  10. I'm off to the kitchen to make up a batch of SNICKERDOODLES! They don't call mt MAMMACOOKSALOT for nothing, My Kids thank you for the inspiration:)

  11. Sooooo cute! I love that stamp! I have that set (the LAD version), and you're inspiring me to use it. The tag is adorable!

  12. Love your sweet banner card and those colors!


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