
Puzzle Books from Alpha Books - GIVEAWAY!

Hello, friends! I have a super fun giveaway for you all today! Do you love puzzles? Things that make your mind start turning and challenge you to see things in a new way? Then this is PERFECT for you! I received copies of three fabulous puzzle books from Alpha books to review AND they are giving one of you the SAME set of books!!!

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Picture Puzzles, Vol. 2 was my personal favorite of the three books that were sent. Do you remember doing the picture puzzles in Highlights Magazine as a kid? You know, where you had to find all of the differences in the two similar pictures? Well, that is EXACTLY what these puzzles are like, only for grown ups! They are wonderfully challenging and a lot of fun, too! I like how the book includes varying levels. The puzzles are clear and well printed and a lot of fun to play!

The Hubbums, on the other hand, is a logic man! He LOVES logic puzzles! Of course, being that he has a degree in philosophy and had to take several logic classes and is currently considering heading to law school, well...yes...he loves a good, challenging logic puzzle. LOL! This book was great for him! He found the more difficult puzzles to be challenging and fun and the lower level puzzles were just good practice!

The third book is a Sudoku book! Sudoku is super popular and I know a lot of people will find this to be their personal favorite!!!

Overall, the books are really well put together and a lot of fun! I was surprised at just how much we have been enjoying them! These would be PERFECT books to take for a day on the beach this summer! I plan on packing my picture puzzles for my next beach day! They are also great to toss in your carry on for in-flight entertainment, or to have in the car for road trips!

You can find more Complete Idiot's Guides and Puzzle books at the Idiot's Guides website!

Here is a bit more information about the books from the company:

The Complete Idiot’s Guide® to Picture Puzzles, Volume 2

ISBN: 9781615641390, January 2012, $10.95

Authors: The Editors and Designers of Alpha Books

About the Authors
The Editors and Designers of Alpha Books are uniquely suited to the task of producing The Complete Idiot’s Guide® to Picture Puzzles, Volume 2. The editors and design group enjoy a close working relationship, enabling them to produce high-quality, four-color books such as The Complete Idiot’s Guide® to the Perfect Wedding Illustrated, Fifth Edition and The Complete Idiot’s Guide® to Scrapbook Projects Illustrated. Moreover, the editorial and design groups’ background in game and computer books makes them especially suited to the task of producing this very fun and funny book.

Puzzle Baron’s Sudoku
ISBN: 9781615641215, September 2011, $9.95
Author: Stephen P. Ryder

Puzzle Baron’s Logic Puzzles, Volume 2
ISBN: 9781615641529, February 2012, $14.95
Author: Stephen P. Ryder

About the Author
Stephen P. Ryder is the founder and editor of the Puzzle Baron network of websites (PuzzleBaron.com). These sites focus primarily on textual games and puzzles, including acrostics, cryptograms, logic puzzles, drop quotes, sudoku, patchwords and many more. The Puzzle Baron network has upward of a half a million unique visitors each month, along with an extremely dedicated user-base of more than 50,000 registered players who compete against each other for record scores and times.

The Puzzle Baron site Logic-Puzzles.org launched in mid-2008, and though a relatively new site, it is consistently ranked #2 in Google and Bing for anyone searching for the terms "Logic Puzzles" or "Logic Puzzle". The site was featured in PC World (April 12, 2009) as a recommended site for logic puzzles, and currently has more than 10,000 registered members. It offers the largest library of grid-based logic puzzles available anywhere online—currently just over 5,000—and it has a statistical solving history on every one of the puzzles from the database of just under a million puzzles solved since inception.

Now for the GIVEAWAY! Would you like to win copies of each of these three books? One person will win ALL three titles!

To enter: Leave a comment here on this post letting me know your favorite kind of puzzle and where you like to work them! (This is mandatory.) Please include an email address so I can contact you if you win!

Additional Optional Entry:

Follow my Facebook page (see widget on right side bar) and leave an additional comment letting me know you did and your FB name.

This contest will be open through Tuesday, June 5th. Per sponsor request the winner must have a US address - no P.O. Boxes will be accepted. I was given copies of each of the three books to review. All opinions expressed are my own.

Jingle Out.


  1. the books look fun!!! i guess my fave would be the logic one!

  2. My favorite is word search. I like to do them, when I am taking a break from housework.

  3. My husband do the newspaper Suduko every day we put in the copier so we each have a copy then he usually finishes it about a half hour before me!

  4. I like word jumbles where you rearrange the letters to make a word. This is a fun giveaway!

  5. oops--I like to do them in the car waiting for the kids.

  6. My favorite kind of puzzles are logic and word puzzles. I love all kinds of puzzles, though, especially sudoku. I love to do them while waiting or while in an airplane.

  7. I follow you on Facebook: Maria Lucchesi Johnson

  8. I follow you too on fb--char m. kochensparger.

  9. I love these type of puzzles! Right now I'm working through a book of Jumbles. I enjoy doing them at home in the afternoon or while traveling. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  10. I love Sudoku and usually work them when traveling or at home in my free time.
    hsemonick at gmail dot com

  11. I love crossword puzzles and enjoy doing them while traveling. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  12. I love to work logic puzzles while I'm watching TV.

  13. like you on facebook (Tara Donelson Huff)

  14. I am addicted to sudokus, the harder they are the more I enjoy. I love to do them in the train when I commute in the morning.

  15. I like crossword and word find puzzles. I usually work puzzles on my sofa in my addition.
    reklaw422 at hotmail dot com

  16. I have liked you on facebook as Jessica Todd.
    reklaw422 at hotmail dot com

  17. I enjoy crosswords and fill it ins best... I usually like to do then when I am lazing in bed;)


  18. Oh Happy Day!! I love love love puzzles! Some people linger after a meal with coffee but I work on a Sudoku or a crossword. My addiction to puzzles began with the Highlights magazine in the doctors office when I was little. The logic puzzles are a fave too. So glad my daughter has inherited my love of puzzles. I've carried on long enough about puzzles but your giveaway takes the prize as my very favorite ever!

  19. I'm following you on Facebook.

  20. My husband and I have sudoku contests. We print out two copies of the same puzzle and see who can finish faster.

  21. Wow those books look fun! I like to do crosswords but sometimes my mommy brain just doesnt function! jeandonny2000 at hotmail dot com

  22. My fav is Suduko and I tend to do them daily or a bunch all one day and then not do another for a week. Thanks!

  23. Am a FB follower of yours too.

  24. I love logic puzzles. I'll do them anywhere (include the bathroom LOL)

  25. You have shared really informative and interesting post i will like to
    say thanks and also request you to keep post that kind of stuff in your
    more posts.


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