
Fresh Rubber - WOYWW

That's what's on my desk. AND...you can see a card I created with it in my other post today above this one! The stamps were waiting for me in the mailbox when I arrived home after work yesterday and I inked the new release set up right away! (Okay, well, after doing the dishes, feeding the dogs, and other general 'have to do kind of stuff. Just say'n.)

WOYWW 30 May 2012

I haven't inked up that set that you can see or the one on my cutter yet, but I am totally going to be doing that soon, too! These are such fun stamps! They are Tami Mayberry's designs from Gina K. FABULOUS!!!

Anyway...that's what is on my desk. Note the lack of skittles, jelly beans, swedish fish, or any other such sugary goodness...*sigh*. I'm out. Need to get in touch with my supplier..aka: Target. HA!

Jingle Out! :-) Happy Wednesday! For more WOYWW fun check out Julia's blog!


  1. Fresh rubber has an awesome smell. :) And it means fun new toys! :)

  2. looks awesome!! can't wait to see the 9 am post

  3. Ok I am hooked and can't wait till the next post. I just love the arrival of new toys to play with. Happy crafting,

    Eliza #140

  4. You can't beat that excitement of inking up a new stamp for the first time! Great pic. Take care & enjoy this special WOYWW. Zo xx 37

  5. We have the same supplier!! I usually end up with Godiva...and Dark Chocolate Mocha Trail Mix...and tootsie pops...and skittles...and... you get the idea. DD says I am not allowed alone in the snack isles there. hehe

  6. Ooooh, have fun, and get yourself some candy! Barb #120

  7. Hope the candy is on order... enjoy your new rubber... Hugs May x x x#4

  8. Great desk - but no candy? Hope you're restocked now... Happy WOYWW, Helen 8

  9. Happy 3rd WOYWW Birthday. A great way to bring crafty friends together in fun and friendship. Thanks for sharing your desk and for visiting.
    Love JoZarty x

  10. New rubber! How exciting! Quite a bit of creative chaos going on there. I had to laugh at the "I did it right away!" and right away being after all those necessary chores. Yep, that is about the same kind of "right away" in my life too.

  11. I am not into "rubber" or stamping, but I didn't know you cut rubber with a cutter like that. Happy very belated 3rd Anniversary from #2.

  12. Always lovely to find goodies waiting for you when you get home! :)

    Thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW anniversary!

    Ali #86


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