
Football and Blenders

There's a title for ya! But...it's for reals! That's what I have for you today...Football and Blenders. Just say'n. Let's start with the football!

I was recently fortunate enough to win the May release from Sweet and Sassy Stamps. I was most excited about the super cute sports themed Father's Day stamps. A LOT of Father's Day stamps out there focus on fishing, ties, or cars...my Daddy HATES fishing, doesn't have to wear a tie unless he wants to (as he owns the place), and, quite frankly, isn't much into cars, I mean, I could get away with a cool vintage car, but, it's just not really his thing. BUT...sports - he's ALL OVER THAT! He loves football, baseball, basketball, and even watches hockey and some others from time to time if the first three aren't on. SOOOooo...I am stoked to have a Father's Day set that I can use for him!!!

Football Father's Day

AND...while being fabulously sporty...it's freaking ADORABLE, too!!! YAY! (That parts more for me than him, but that's okay..he won't mind. HAHAHAHA!) I paper pieced this adorable football and mouse and I love how cute it turned out! The papers are a mix of Crate Paper, American Crafts, Fancy Pants, and Glitz. The twine is May Arts. I am linking this one up to the Simon Says Father's Day challenge!

Football Father's Day (detail)

AND...I have another super fun card to share with you today, as well! Here comes the blender part of today's post...

We blend well

Yup! The cutest.blender.ever. Just say'n. This one is done with stamps from The Alley Way! These stamps are seriously cuteness overload! This is the same set I used for my 'In a Jam' card that I posted earlier this week! *LOVE.IT!*

We blend well (detail)

Again, this one is paper pieced. The patterned papers are mostly from the Scrapbook Circle You + Me kit and are from Fancy Pants and the twine is from The Twinery. I actually made this one some time ago, but I submitted it, so I had to hide it from you for awhile. It didn't make it, soooo...now I get to show you! YAY! I love this one!

So, anyway, this sorta kinda turned into a crazy long post, BUT, at least it has cuteness in it! Cuteness is always a good thing. Cuteness makes us smile. Just say'n.

Don't forget to check out the Skipping Stones/Twinery blog hop with giveaways AND my puzzle book giveaway - you can find links to both just under my blog header. Have a happy day!!!!!


Jingle Out.

P.S. Leave a comment...let me know what you think of the cards...which do you love? Why? You know...that sort of thing. It pretty much just makes my day to read them. Just say'n. See ya, folks!


  1. Your post title is so cute! Love your cards. That little blender is fun!

  2. Love them both!! Your paper pieced football is adorable!

    Deanne :)

  3. Both of these are the cutest...great designs...

  4. I love them both, now I'm a sports fan, football - Bristol Rovers type anyway - but I love the blender! How fun is that. Great job on both though! Zo xx

  5. I love them both. The saying on the blender card is so cute!

  6. OK, that mouse? Freaking adorable. I'm not a big fan of making FD cards simply because...yeah, it's all fishing/hunting/boring. But, since I'm not a dad, I LOVE the blender card! Pun? Yes please :)

  7. These are fun.
    Love the retro vibe of the blender card.

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE the blender!!! sooo cute and great sentiment!!!

  9. BOTH of these cards are SO cute!! I really like how you made the elements pop right off the page.

  10. Very cute cards! I love when people paper piece instead of color. That takes some time and dedication to your card! I'll bet your Dad loves his card!

  11. The blender is AWESOME...LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

  12. These are two fun cards! I have a difficult time with Father's Day cards as well, and I think yours is perfect.

  13. Teehee, cute cards.
    Love the little mouse ;)

  14. Both are fun cards....but I LOVE that blender!

  15. What FUN cards - I think your dad will love that card :)))

  16. Congrats on winning the Sweet & Sassy stamps. Must say, I'm super jealous! I love Cocoa the mouse and just ordered this sport set! Hope you don't mind, but I pinned this on Pinterest because it is soooooo CUTE. :)

  17. Oh my gosh-that father's day card is really cute but that blender card is amazing!!

  18. football and blenders...awesome.

  19. darling cards, girl!!! Love the football one!!!

  20. Nice cards, I find them soooo cute! This little mouse is simply awesome!

  21. Both cards are absolutely adorable. Love the blender!

  22. love that blender card it is awesome!!!

  23. Both of your cards are fantastic! I couldn't pick a favorite. Your paper piecing is great.


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