
Scrapbook Circle Daydreamer - Another Layout! Yikes!

I know!  It's shocking!  Another layout! And this one is SO TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the one I posted last week!  For this layout I used the Scrapbook Circle Daydreamer kit!  I LOVE THIS KIT!  The bright and fun colors just make me incredibly happy AND it is so full of Amy Tangerine goodness, I can hardly STAND it!  wow. i totally used too many caps in that opening paragraph.  i will not use them for a bit to make up for it.  k?  k.  good.  thanks.

So, anyway...my assignment was to lift a layout that was created by one of the Scrapbook Circle fans!  You can see the layout I lifted over on the Scrapbook Circle blog! I basically pulled the sketch from her layout and totally made it my own with color!

Color - SC Lifting You

So.Much. Stinking.  Fun!!!!  I know...LOTS of color for a Monday morning, but trust me, it's good for you.  I know these things.  Just say'n.

Color (detail 2)

I had a ton of fun tucking stickers in here and there to get my final look!  I love how the Heidi Swapp photo corners and letter stickers (for the title) really finish it off so nicely!  And those Amy Tan fabric tabs????  Seriously.  *LOVE!*

Wow!  I'm kinda hyper today.  Hmmm....must be because I'm on VACATION this week!  Yup!  No work. All week.  LOVING IT!!!

color (detail 2)

I hope you like it! I will be sharing the MAY Scrapbook Circle kit with you VERY SOON!  It's pretty stinking fabulous, too.  Just say'n.

Happy Monday, folks!

Jingle Out!


  1. love all the bright colors! very very fun!

  2. Happy colors! Great layout! love it!^_^

  3. Once again I'm WAY behind on my commenting, but I SWEAR I've read every ONE of your recent posts. You have been SO productive, and made such a wide variety of pretties! I REALLY like this latest one because, like YOU, I tend to be a big fan of COLOR! And VACATION? Three HUGE cheers for that! Have a beautiful, creative, FUN week, lil' Jingly-girl! HUGS to you!

  4. Oh, this is great! I love color, too! :)

  5. This is way different for you! Are the measuring tape pieces the Heidi Swapp fabric tabs you are talking about? I love that you use a Sharpie picture vs Tim Holtz or Copic markers :0)

  6. Fun layout! Love the holder for your pens. So cute! And yes, the more the color, the happier I am. :)

  7. So cute! Love how bright it is. You really should scrapbook more!

  8. Colorful and oh so fun! Great layout and i love the photo!

  9. Beautiful!! Love the colors-- great layout

  10. your layout turned out SO fun Jennifer!

  11. Lovely layout and fabbey colours Honey! It is wierd seeing you do layouts - I have only seen cards! As for capitals - it is your blog and you can do or say what you want!! LOL!

  12. I haven't been reading as many blogs as I would have likes lately and what do I come back to??? A LO????? It looks awesome! Love the bright colours!

  13. love all the color!!! :)
    have a great vacation!!!


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