
Happy Happy HAPPY!!!!!!

Yup. That's pretty much what ice cream does to me. Always. It makes me happy Happy HAPPY!!!! And that, my friends, is one of the reasons this card is so very fun! The other reason, is because it's stuffed! Yup. Totally stuffed the ice cream part with a bit of fluff to make it puffy! Loving the puffy ice creamness! Just say'n.

Happy Happy Happy!

The stamps are from Samantha Walker's Sweet Life kit for Unity. Well, the ice cream ones are..the sentiment is from the Heartfelt Sentiments set.


I actually stamped the top of the ice cream twice, once on a thin cardstock and once on the patterned paper. Then I carefully stuffed fluff beneath the patterned paper and poked the holes accounting for the slight change in shape due to the filling. I stitched it up with some embroidery floss and there you have it! Super fun stuffed mint chocolate chip ice cream goodness!

Happy Happy Happy (detail 2)

So, my advice for you today ... you have GOT to know what that is, right? Eat. Ice cream. Lots. Just say'n. It's totally the best advice for everything in the world. For reals. K. Bye now.

Jingle Out.


  1. Yum! Love the way you puffed out the scoop!

  2. Love the ice cream!! Perfect, perfect,perfecct project for today. I need an ice cream now - it's been so hot here today. Have a lovely day!!

  3. Loving your icecream....yummy and such a clever idea. x

  4. yummy! i love how you stuffed the ice cream!

  5. This is so adorable and creative! Love the stuffed ice cream! This makes me want to go get some mint chocolate chip today! :)

  6. Love.it! And one of my very favorite kinds besides! Awesome, sweet card!

  7. What a fun fun card...totally love it..

    Have a great weekend..

  8. YUMMY! This is so cool and fun - love it!

  9. Puffy, stitched ice cream? Terrific! What a fun card.

  10. This is a very SWEET card. Nice touch with puffing up the top of the cone.

  11. love the 3D ice cream :) I didn't realize the stamp was so big!

  12. yummy!!! how fun to stuff the ice cream to make it pop! :)

  13. Love your ice cream cone! What an awesome idea to stuff the top.

  14. What a clever idea to stuff your ice cream - looks great :)

  15. Love this! It's too stinkin' cute!

  16. So cute! Love the puffy ice cream. Mmmmm ice cream.

  17. I love this! Love it so much I want to eat it up! Great idea!

  18. I love this! Love it so much I want to eat it up! Great idea!

  19. WOW! This is so creative and fabulous! Love it!


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