
Enjoy Life - Sit in Happy Rooms

***This is my second post for the day! Click HERE to see my Shades of Green card!

I think happy rooms are, well....umm....HAPPY!  Rooms with lots of color are happy.  Rooms with no color and ALL WHITE are pretty happy, too, actually...unless my two black labs are in the, ummm....state.  Just say'n.  HA!  But, a room with BOOKS, well, that, my dear friends, will ALWAYS be a happy room, in my opinion.  ALWAYS!

I created this card for Inspire Me Friday over at the Precious Remembrance Shop blog!  I used two of the sentiments from the Calender Set!  I am telling you..I. LOVE. These. FONTS!  I know... I've said it before, but I just have to say it again.  The fonts on these stamps are just too good!  I really love them.  Just say'n.

Enjoy Life

I combined the stamps with some fun papers from My Little Shoebox and Bella Boulevard and AWESOME stickers from American Crafts that have been waiting for the perfect inspiration!  And guess what?  I pretty much love this little room.  The happy chair makes me happy.  The happy bookcase makes me happy.  The happy cloud that, yes, I realize is INSIDE, makes me happy.  The whole thing makes me feel like I'm in a magical Alice in Wonderland kind of happy world created just for me.  So there.  It's happy, daggumit!  HA!

(No...for reals, though...the cloud...in the room...totally makes me happy.  I want to sit in this room.  Can someone please make it big for me?  K.  Thanks.  Bye now.)

Jingle Out.


  1. Our house is full of hundreds of books all very well read and my total weakness is for reference books...how sad am I......lol
    Loving your card Jingle, enjoy the weekend. Annette x

  2. Lovely and happy room you have created! Fun stuff! Have a great weekend!

  3. Just posted about the other card, but love this one, too!
    Love, love the retro feel!! :)

  4. Cute card Jingle. Funny you mention wall colors...... I posted (today) some color palettes I pinned - can't decide what to do with my walls; which are far from white! :-)

    Your card looks great. I'm a book snob - never buy mass markets.... haaa


  5. Me too!! I want that room, cloud and all. Clouds, big white billowy clouds are pure happiness! Really cute card...off to check out the stamps;)

  6. aww I totally love this...great scene you have created here...amazing...

  7. so cute..ring-a-ling...jing-jing :)

  8. Very lively, original and fun. A greeting.

  9. I would love to get a card like this. Very creative and happy!

  10. I love reading your blog posts and seeing your projects! You are such a funny girl, I am sure we could get into a lot of trouble together...just sayin'...lol!

  11. My kinda room too Jingle! Though I must confess I have gone over to an electric book lately. Need more space in my crafting room so a tricky situation really! x

  12. What a funky room! Love this cool card :)

  13. Love this little scene. Looks comfy! :)

  14. I love to be surrounded by books. I am so happy my girls enjoy the same books as me, or we would have to make our furniture out of books just to make room, lol.
    You card is great!!!!

  15. LOL, I laughed at the end of your post 'cause I was thinking the same thing. How cute would it be to sit in that room? I love it, Jennifer! Have a fabulous weekend!

  16. Such a fun scene card with lots of details! Cool colors too.

  17. LOVE all the colors! TOTALLY cute card!


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