
Happy Spring!

Another beautiful day is upon us here in Massachusetts!  We noticed, upon arriving home yesterday, that yet another bush in front of the house burst into bloom over the course of the work day!  That's kind of crazy and way fun, if you ask me...brown in the morning when you leave and then FULL of flowers when you get home! HA!  I hope the cooler temps coming next week don't kill them all!

I received a fun bag of random stamps from Unity yesterday so I decided to use a couple of those for a quick FWF Friday card celebrating Spring!

Happy Spring

I used the Happy Spring sentiment from the Spring set.  I just colored the words with watercolor crayons, spritzed them, and then stamped them so I would only have the words and not the frame for this one.  Love that!  The little scene is from ...well, I have no idea what set it is from.  I've searched the site and come up with precisely nothing, so...if you happen to know what set it is from, I'd LOVE to hear it!  LOL!  It's colored with watercolor crayons/pencils and mounted on DCWV chalkboard cardstock die cut with a Spellbinders die.

Happy Spring (detail)

That gorgeous ribbon is, of course, May Arts.  So...there you have it.  I little card to celebrate spring!  I know some areas aren't seeing the fabulous weather quite yet, but I'm sure you will soon!  It's coming, my friends!  Unless you live in Australia or New Zealand, which I know a couple of you do....I'm sorry to say that you are looking forward to fall/winter.  But..hopefully it's a good one!

I also wanted to mention that I have a fun Home Decor project up on the Scrapbook Circle blog today!  I'd love for you to stop by and check it out!

Jingle Out!


  1. This card is adorable! I love that tiny little scene stamp, too!

  2. Fabulous card! Love the CAS style with the great bold ribbon and the great framed scene! I know I've seen the stamp in a kit somewhere on the site but I don't have a clue where- sorry!

  3. adorable card!!!great design and style!!!

  4. I love your card! We are experiencing the same beautiful weather here in NJ and I'm LOVING it! Although I don't know what set that image is from, I do know that it is quite adorable! and I love the way you mounted it, it almost looks like a metal frame.

  5. I saw you had a win last week, congrats! This is awesome. I am totally in like with that chevron ribbon!

  6. Lovely Spring card, love the ribbon. Tracy x

  7. so sweet! Love that ribbon :)

  8. I also had this stamp scene in my grab bag win and wondered what set it was from, but it is very sweet. Great card, the ribbon is awesome. Enjoy your weather and beautiful trees and bushes. I just love this time of year. Congrats on your win.

  9. awesome card...love that cute little scene...

  10. Congrats on your win, Jennifer! I love the image on your card, and your colouring. Beautiful!!

  11. Adorable and that ribbon is zingy.

  12. I'm SO into orange right now--love the pop of color on this cute card!

  13. Such a cute little card! I too love the orange ribbon!

  14. wonderful card - very spring feeling! Hope you enjoy your weekend :)

  15. I got that stamp in my bag of randoms, too! I love how you mounted it.

  16. Congrats on winning, I saw your name on their blog this morning. Very cute springy card!

  17. Super sweet card, Jennifer! I've not seen this stamp before and I love it!

  18. loving this beautiful illustration. Enjoy the weekend Jingle. Annette x

  19. Great card, love the new stamp! Love Penny

  20. I was just out surfing the web and came up on your blog... so glad I found it. Your cards are adorable and so original. I agree about the wonders of spring weather and spring blooms. All it really takes is a couple warm sunny days this time of the year and our landscape turns from brown to vibrant. You have so many followers that me joining your journey will just be a little drip in the bucket, but I'm just going to drop right in as # 1250.
    Your newest fan and follower, Connie :) If you have a little spare time, please drop by for a visit, my welcome mat is always out. Who knows you just might decide to follow me too.

  21. My my isn't that ribbon beautiful!

  22. Adorable card, love the bright cheery ribbon behind the image! The stamp is actually from an old stampin store kit called 100% Happy, great kit!

  23. Your card is just adorable! I love the stamp you used and how you colored it - so pretty!

  24. Super cute card! Glad someone identified that adorable little scene. Great ribbon! Chevron or zigzag???!!! ;)

  25. I just love that chevron May Arts ribbon! It has added the right about of color to your adorable card! Such a cute little scene!

  26. so cute!!! Love the way u have used your stamp!!

  27. Super sweet! Love that gal with the kite and how you've colored the scene.

  28. Now that's a happy spring scene! Love the orange ribbon to brighten it up even more :)


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