
What's On Your Workspace Wednesday and a little Valentine

Of COURSE I have Halloween papers and punches on my desk right now.  Doesn't everyone?  HA!  No....I'm not getting ahead...I was working on a couple of submissions and pulled them out for a last minute card.  Funny story, actually....I pulled out a really cute set of fabric covered brads that I wanted to use on my Halloween card - they were basically the inspiration.  And then I pulled out some favorite Halloween Samantha Walker stamps and fabulous Echo Park Halloween paper...and made my card...but I didn't add the brads!  Ooopsies!!!  Funny how that happens sometimes!  Anyway...here is the aftermath...

WOYWW 2.8.12

And...before the Halloween card I made this fun little card.  You can't see the remnants of that one so much because they are buried by all that other stuff, but you know how it goes!  HA!

Happily Ever After

The jar stamp and the ADORABLE STINKING Kewpie doll are from 100 Proof Press!  The trims are all from May Arts.  I colored the stamps with markers (Tombow) and then added some Stampendous! colored fragments at the bottom of the jar.  Those are brand new and SO COOL!!!!  The images are the Large Unmarked Mason Jar and the Girl Cupie.  I love both of these images SO MUCH!!!!

happily ever after (detail)

I hope you have a super fabulous Wednesday!  You might want to stop by this weekend, as Sunday is my birthday and well....I like to share on my birthday!!!!  Just say'n.

Jingle out!

P.S.  Check out all the fabulous WOYWW posts over at The Stamping Ground!


  1. so many goodies on your desk!!!

    cute card!!

  2. Your table looks like lots of work! Valerie

  3. A creative and busy desk, lots of lovely crafty toys to play with :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Karen #90

  4. Looks like the desk of a truly creative lady! Your card is adorable! Love the kewpie in the jar!

  5. Great cards and lovely messy working desk! Creative frenzies kind of all look alike, don't they? :) visiting from woyww.

  6. Kewpies are my faves!!! And your kewpie peeking out of that jar is WAY too adorable! As for your workspace? It seriously looks GOOD compared to my entire craft room today. I have everything turned upside down, trying to rearrange it in a more accessible & functional manner. Yeah - right! I'll SO be back on your birthday but NOT because you may be in a giving mood! I'll return because I will be jumping right on that HAPPY BIRTHDY TO YOU bandwagon! Have a happy day, lil' Jen! HUGS!!

  7. Love that your desk looks like mine :) Halloween? You are right on the ball - I'm impressed. And that doll in a jar is super cute, by the way

  8. your desk looks like mine :)
    Love the card!

  9. what a fun fun card...Love that fun image...Girl your desk cracks me up...Mine is almost there...maybe by the end of the day.. :)

  10. Look at that cute little card!
    Love it! :)

  11. Well, I see space on your balck mat, so there's been space to =work in, so it's all good. Hallowe'en - good grief..but I must say that I probably do my best Christmas stuff when it's too late/early! Cute cute happy card..I can live without the Kewpie but I like the jar!!

  12. Cute card,Jingle..but Halloween...however do you muster up the mojo for it at this time of year?

  13. Thanks for sharing...you have been busy. That kewpie is cute! Hey I see room for one more card...what do you think! hahahahaha

  14. Gorgeous kewpie...so naughty looking! Love the card xx

  15. great halloween papers on your desk and your card is so cute!
    Happy WOYWW, Debxx #159

  16. Your card is adorable. And I JUST did a Halloween page on Sunday, so I've probably got some remnants on my desk, too.

  17. Loving your desk and your fabulous card. x

  18. Awh, this is a sweet card:) And nice tease...looking forward to seeing your bday surpirse!


  19. now THAT is what I call a crafty desk!!!
    Am now a follower xx
    Lisa 163

  20. O my word just love that card, very clever!!super busy desk going on this week, Hugs May x x x

  21. Looks a lot like my desk mid-project :P Very cute card

  22. I was just reading an article about how trendy mason jars are and then I visited your blog and saw your card. :-) But I don't think I've ever seen a kewpie doll "in" a jar before. *grin*

  23. Eeek! Halloween? I,m just getting my head round Christmas! love your mess.
    Thanks for your guess but Nah! It,s wrong totally missing it. Clue ... something to do with a needle and thread..... ????
    JoZarty x

  24. Eeek! Halloween? I,m just getting my head round Christmas! love your mess.
    Thanks for your guess but Nah! It,s wrong totally missing it. Clue ... something to do with a needle and thread..... ????
    JoZarty x

  25. Wow what a lovely craft space and a stunning project!

    Thank you for sharing. :)

    Maggie xx

  26. ...thats one busy desk...love your card, very cute...have a fab week...Mel :)

  27. Hi, Jingle! Your card is adorable! Love seeing your desk. A messy desk is a sign of a creative mind!

  28. I love seeing someone else supplies for making their Art...yours is so inviting! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  29. I have never seen that stamp image before - too cute! Great card - love that ribbon!

  30. Love your cute little card as always. your desk loos like mine!

  31. Wow cute card hun love the image of the bottle!Happy Birthday for sunday ,hope it's agood one!
    Have a creative week Happy woyww

  32. Super cute card, of course you can have Halloween, why not! lol Thanks for sharing & enjoy this weeks WOYWW, I've been nosing around all the fab desks as I try to visit everyone! Zo x 83

  33. Lots of creative love on that table! Halloween - hee hee. Cute card!!


  34. Sweet card! What a cutie!

  35. Love yr desk! But sdote that cutie on the sweet card!

  36. It's always a pleasure and fun ride to see your desk - that's a cutie there!!! Thanks for letting us look in and peek at your desk... Sarah at 7...

  37. Good for you being so far ahead and I hope your submissions get accepted
    Bridget #51


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