
These Are The Days I Want To Remember

Yes, my friends, today begins a full WEEK off of work for the Hubbums and I!  We are looking forward to hanging out with friends, hanging out with each other, hanging out with our puppies and sleeping in!  LOL!  I actually got to sleep until eight o'clock this morning!  TOTALLY FABULOUS!!!  Just say'n.  And, I also have a fun, free-feeling 100 Proof Press card to share with you today, as well!

these are the days...

This one seemed like a good fit for the start of a vacation week!  I had submitted it awhile back, but it wasn't chosen so I can share it now!  The cloud is cut from patterned paper (DCWV) and the sentiment is a strip from an October Afternoon sticker sheet.  I simply cut it where I wanted the break!  I used the Girls riding bikes image from 100 Proof Press!  I love the fun in this image!


I hope you have a WONDERFUL, happy day!  Enjoy every minute of it!!!!


  1. YAY for vacations! I know you & your cutie-pie hubby will have a wonderful time! That card is AWESOME!!! And Jen, I'm getting CLOSER to trying another card. MAYBE, just MAYBE I can make ONE that doesn't look like a junkyard doggie chewed it to pieces! LOL! But even if I NEVER turn out a decent card, I can always come & admire yours! LOVE YOU!!!

  2. Have a great time together Jingle and lots of fun.
    Loving your beautiful biking girls. Annette x

  3. adorable!!! Enjoy your vacation week!!!

  4. Same here-a week of vacation time! Don't know if I will get to play much. Your card is the perfect start for today. Love the carefree-ness!

  5. This reminds me of Enid Blyton books. I was such a Bookworm (and still am!!!) and loved to read The Famous Five and also The Secret Seven books that she wrote and this brings back those wonderful childhood memories of curling up with those books.

  6. Love vacations too! Love this card! So cute! And thank you my sweet friend for stopping by for a visit! They are always greatly appreciated! : )

  7. very fun card! Love the bicycle people - they are too cute :) Happy staycation!

  8. What an adorable card you made with those cute stamps. Love them!!!

  9. Way cute card... Love the stamp. I was turning the pages of my March/April PaperCrafts mag and seen ya in there.... Congrats.. I so need to start submitting again.. Looking forward to seeing you in print again. hehe

  10. This card should have sooooo been picked up...it's fabulous and original...I love it. Have a FAB week off...that rocks:)

  11. Have a great time this week! Mind you, with those puppies, I'm guessing sleeping in will look more like 'going back to bed' :)
    Love the whimsical image!

  12. I can't believe they didn't accept this card, I think it rocks! Love Penny Scrap-aholic@blogspot.com

  13. What a cute, fresh looking card. Enjoy your vacation!

  14. Love the biker babes! Very cute card. Have a lovely week off!

  15. Happy vacation!!!! Blessings, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  16. I really like the bikers--how fun!!!

  17. Oh - have a great vacation! This week will ALMOST be like a vacation for me - off on Monday AND Friday! Woo hoo!!! Sleep in, walk around the house in your slippers (and pj's of course) and sip your coffee while looking into your hubby's eyes! hee hee. Have a great week!



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