
My Mini Photo Studio and My Workspace Full of Retro Cafe Art Goodness! (WOYWW)

Good Morning!  This will be a quick on today due to the whole vacation thing, but a few of you asked to see the light box and light photo studio set up, so I decided to share that today along with my desk shot.  I don't have anything super fancy set up, just two IKEA Lack tables side by side with the light box and lights.  Oh.  And Domos.  One in a panda suit.  They protect the photo station.  Just say'n.

My Mini Photo Studio

Beneath the table I keep my stash of bristol and canva-paper along with the bags of the cards I create, my heat gun, and my flower frogs.  I like the set up and it seems to be working well so far!

Here is my desk at the moment:


Not quite as messy as usual, but I DID just get a BUNCH of fun new stuff from Retro Cafe Art and I can't WAIT to play with it!!!

So...that's my desk for now!  I hope you have enjoyed the peek!  Have a Happy Wednesday and don't forget to check out the rest of the participants over on Julia's blog!


  1. Your new light box is GREAT! I think I really DO need to invest in one because the dilapitated three-sided poster board I've been using in this poorly lit room is SO NOT WORKING! Have a fun day, lil' Jen!

  2. Looks like a great set up. I so love your desl...looks sooooo familiar! LOL

  3. I would love to see more of your photo box! I have been struggling with a good way to light and photograph my projects. :)

  4. nice set up. Have fun with your new toys

  5. i have that same photo studio...love it...just wish i had room to leave mine out all the time...oh and can i just say that is a super impressive amount of bristol paper u got there ;)

  6. Nice so you can take pics of your work anytime? Your desk looks a lot mine! Hope vacation is good.

  7. Fabulous black laquered desks!
    xx 101

  8. Yes a light box! I so NEED one. Too rainy and grey here for many good picture days :) Love Retro Cafe Art! I am pretty sure I hooked up there because of you :)

  9. Nice idea re the photo box. Have fun playing with your new stash when you get chance and enjoy your vacation :)

    Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx

  10. Looks great. I love IKEA. They have the best stuff.

  11. great setup you have there!

  12. Well I skipped back to see the photo booth results - definitely worth having, such a professional finish (love the martini card!). And yes, you did get some new goodies. Yummy, almost enough to just slew over the desk like Mrs Cool Jingle. Have fun!

  13. I have the same lightbox and I love it. I just don't use it enough because I don't have a spot for it. Maybe one of these days.

  14. Ooh thanks for sharing the light box with us! I need to invest in one of those...but still need to figure out how to take non-blurry photos-I use a tripod...I love your messy desk, makes mine look clean:)

  15. wow, your photo studio looks amazing! very interesting new goodies on your table too!
    Happy WOYWW, Debxx #23

  16. Great photo studio and love your desk!

  17. Looks great, and so nice that you can have it set up all the time, that is a big plus. So professional!
    I'm #100 today at WOYWW

  18. awww I loveee your "2 side kicks" you got guarding your light box....I so wish my gf can see your desk ....she gets on me all the time about mine

  19. Thanks for the pics of your light box, how's it working out for you? Loving it? Just wondering about the investment = results, would love your input! Have fun on vacation! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  20. What a great light box. A super way to show off your cards and art. I want to know what that thing with the purple on the handle is that is prominently displayed on your desk! Happy WOYWW from #9 this week.

  21. this is my first woyww, I love getting the chance to see where otheres create, you have a wonderful space and so many goodies.

  22. Pretty cool set up! Mine is plain - dinning room chair with foam core propped up and on the cushion = plain! LOL!!

  23. cool. maybe you could show us a photo using the photo box and then the same card without using the photo box?

    hope you are having a great vacation!!!


  24. The light box looks great. i was one who asked lots of questions about it. I think they are fab and I need one too!

  25. You have a great set up here! And OMG I am in love with the Domo in the panda suit! I never knew there was such a thing! Too cute!
    And now I need to know what are flower frogs?!
    Have fun with your Retro Cafe stash! I will pop over there for a look. It's no wonder it takes me forever to visit on WOYWW :)
    xoxo Karen #93

  26. I need a lightbox, busy bee desk going on, Have a super holiday x x x Hugs May x x x

  27. Fab light box, great desk too. Lots of fun stuff to play with. Hope you enjoy this week's snoop around the creative desks for WOYWW. I'm still nosing, I know it's Friday, but I will get to everyone! Take care Zo xx 81

  28. Your desk and mine could be twins....mine's completely covered in fun stuff too!

  29. Great set-up. Bet you're loving the photo box!

  30. Love the photo box - you're very lucky to have it set up 24/7. Wish I could do the same, but I have to share my space with a big guest bed!

    Enjoy playing with the new stash!

    Morti #50


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