
Love Cast In Clay Blog Hop with GIVEAWAY and WOYWW!

Welcome to the Love Cast in Clay Blog hop joining the Creative Paperclay® Design Team and the Amazing Mold Putty Design team! I know you have a lot of blogs to visit, so I will keep this one to the point today! Here is the card that I created!

Love Cast in Clay

I created the mold using Amazing Mold Putty from a necklace that The Hubbums got me for Christmas!

Love Cast in Clay mold

After allowing the mold to set (it takes around 15 minutes or so) I pressed Delight™ Modelling Medium into the mold. I like the Delight™ for this because it is so light weight and works great on paper craft projects! Then I allowed that to dry for a couple of days and gave the heart a light coat of red spray paint. Nice and easy and a super fun custom embellishment!

Love Cast in Clay (detail)

So...check out what the other bloggers have created because there is a TON of great ideas out there with these AWESOME products!!! If you comment and follow each blog on the list you will be in the running to win a 16 oz. pack of Creative Paperclay® and a package of Amazing Mold Putty!!! That's kind of AWESOME, just say'n. Have fun!

And...for those of you who came around to check out my WOYWW post, well, things are a little messier than usual at the moment. I believe that may have something to do with the dozen plus cards I created on Sunday. Maybe. Perhaps. Just say'n. ANnnnnyyyyway..... here it is, folks...life and in a photo...wait..that doesn't make sense...well, you get the idea....


It's a fun mess, though, I PROMISE!!! Have a Happy Wednesday, friends!!! Pwaaaa!

Love Cast in Clay


  1. it is amazing what you can make molds from wow wow wow

  2. Loving your clay heart and its a great card, x

  3. wow this card is so awesome and i love that heart!!

  4. Such a great idea to use your necklace for the mold and it turned out so cute!

  5. Jen, your card is just wonderful!

    Hugs XX

  6. What a gorgeous card! I'm sure that mold will get lots of use!

  7. I love how you can make a mold from stuff you already have at home. Or how cool is it that you can remake a favorite piece of jewelry?!?

  8. I really SHOULD own stock in Amazing Mold Putty! AND in PaperClay! Don't you just love it? And - wow! Your hubby did GOOOOOOOOOD getting you that lovely necklace! It also made a VERY beautiful piece for that card! Cannot go wrong with RED!!!!

  9. Wow, Jingle! That necklace from your hubby is gorgeous! I love how you used it to create the heart for your card, which is beautiful by the way.

  10. Love, love, love the clay heart!!! The card came out looking great.

    Happy WOYWW
    (Not participating this week as I didn't get photos taken :-(


  11. Beautiful and I love your card :)

    Have a fab WOYWW and a great week, Karen #108

  12. Love how you used the mold. Adorable. :)

  13. Love what you've done with the mold. Fab!Hope you enjoy this WOYWW. Zo x 89

  14. What a great necklace - and now you can go nuts :) Awesome! Your hubs has good taste!

  15. Well, thanks for that, I came to look at your desk and got a lovely tutorial to boot. I really must find the molding putty now...Hmmm
    Keep smiling and creating I am #132

  16. I just love what you did with the products. Love truyly can be cast in clay.

  17. Hi ya
    oh wow i luv your clay heart it looks fabulous, lovely creative desk, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW,sue,x(54)

  18. mess isn't really mess when it is a fun mess! love your clay heart, so pretty!
    Have a great week!
    Happy WOYWW Debxx #8

  19. That heart is so cool, Jennifer! I had no idea there was such an easy way to make them. Love your card!

  20. Your little heart is just amazing and I LoVe the card you made with it! Your messy desk is forgiven for producing such lovely work ;( Debbie #84

  21. one word STUNNING!!!, Hugs May x x

  22. The heart is lovely, and the card looks gorgeous. Hope you have a great week Lou x

  23. What a cool idea, and your card turned out fabulous!

  24. Hi Jingle, love your desk, as usual I am amazed you find room to craft! As for the molded piece ( which looks awesome )will it crumble or break when you mail it? waving hi from the hills of NC :)

  25. Fabulous card, great embellishment, and I love the necklace too!

  26. Awesome heart embellishment! Love it! And it looks like you have lots of crafty fun going on today! :)

  27. Lovely! Great hopping with you.

    Creative Paperclay DT

  28. I LOVE your embellishment you made. Makes me want to try my hand at this:)
    Beautiful card

  29. BEAUTIFUL card and love that molded jewelry accent! :)
    my workspace is such chaos today...I don't even want to compare! lol

  30. wow jingle I love that card. Just saw some paper molds today and thought what an interesting idea! I am offering up some blog candy so come leave a comment on my blog and get a chance to win! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie #90

  31. Having trouble with the Creative Paperclay and Amazing Mold Putty and Barbara's sites...but I'm following everyone else!!!

  32. 12 cards...wow...you have been productive! Your new paper sculpting card is lovely.

  33. Beautiful card! I love the heart :)

  34. Beautiful pendant, card and mess!
    A dozen cards in a day? wow!
    I'm working my way through this weeks WOYWW - I’m over half way through now!


  35. What a stunning card!!! Wow, I have all kinds of jewelery that would be perfect for this. Tfs!

  36. Applause for the hubbums and for you for making this cool heart!


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!