
Book Review: Wise Bear William: A New Beginning

I am very excited to be sharing a WONDERFUL story with you today!  Wise Bear William: A New Beginning is written by author, Arthur Wooten and illustrated by Bud Sandora.

Arthur has written several books for adults, however, this is his first children't story and it is an absolute JOY to read!  The story brings you into an attic filled with toys that have been outgrown, packed away, and essentially forgotten.  You quickly make friends with the delightful characters, Rag Doll Rose, Bean Bag Bunny (I think he is my favorite!), Calico Kitty, and, of course, Wise Bear William.

The day has arrived when the children come into the attic to choose a toy!  Wise Bear William is very familiar with this process and helps get all of the toys spiffed up and ready for the arrival of the children, as EACH and EVERY one of them hopes that a child will choose them, but they know that not everyone will be chosen, so they want to look their very best!  Nice and loveable!  They have to use some pretty fun and creative methods to get spiffed up with only the resources in the attic, but they do it and they look WONDERFUL!

Then...the children arrive...and they begin choosing their new found friends to love.  Wise Bear William sits as he watches each of the toys he has helped out get chosen by a child.  This is truly a delightful story and you must see what happens in the end!

Wise Bear William:  A New Beginning would be a wonderful treat for a child on Valentine's Day along with a new Teddy Bear to love...or perhaps YOUR old Teddy Bear for your own child to give new love to!  You can find more information about the book, author, and illustrator on Arthur's website.  And you can purchase the book here!

Remember, reading with your children is one of the best things you can do with them!  And this is a great book to read together!

Jingle Out.


  1. Oh Jingle,

    You have to tell me Wise Bear William's fate.....

    I bet the illustrations are great - the cover looks so cute.


  2. I will have to check and see if our library has this one. The Chazman loves to read and is like his momma...anything with a bear is a very good read!!!

  3. How sweet! I love children's books. I'll have to look this one up on Amazon to get for my little nephews. Thanks for sharing! :-)

  4. will have to track this one down & find out how it ends :) Thanks for sharing

  5. Thanks for sharing this book!
    Love Penny Scrap-aholic@blogspot.com

  6. I feel not ONE, but TWO copies in my near future - one for each of my two great grandsons! Both are already HUGE book fans! YAY!!! Thanks for the heads-up!

  7. Since I'm a reading teacher I will have to check this out. :)
