
Map Your Heart Out in Massachusetts

Yes. It's true. I can spell Massachusetts without spell check. It's a rather rare skill, I've discovered. Actually, upon moving to Oklahoma for college many moons ago, I discovered that many people actually have no clue where our little state is even located on a map. Granted, when I mention Boston that had some familiarity...you know... because everyone knows our sports teams crush everyone else, but when I dared use the beloved 'New England' I actually had more than one person tell me it was cool that I was from over seas. True story. Sad story. But true story.

All this really brings me to tell you that I kind of love this silly little state. Don't get me wrong, I fall in love with states fairly easily. I mean, Oklahoma will always hold a special place in my heart and Colorado, well, *sigh*, yes...I will always love Colorado...maybe even live there again some day. What I CAN tell you is that once I got to about the Cape (That's Cape Cod for you non-locals) on this card...I was sort of wishing we DID still live in Colorado. You see, it's square. Just say'n.

Home Sweet Home

Squeeee!!!! I know....maybe too excited about a simple card, but I REALLY love this one! It makes my heart happy. I am actually thinking about framing it to hang in our house. It suits us. I stitched the state map outline onto the white cardstock with red floss. The heart is stamped right over our little city of Worcester that we love so much! You see, when I read about the Map You HEART out challenge in the Moxie Fab World, I took that as more than just USING maps...I wanted to make something that really expressed the idea of mapping my HEART out! So that is exactly what I did!

Home Sweet Home (detail 2)

I layered the stitched panel over some map printed map paper and layered that over the bold, simple black cardstock card base.

Home Sweet Home (detail)

I clustered a pretty black cabochon rose from Making Memories along with some black rhinestones (also MM), and some gorgeous Webster's pages ribbon with Maya Road trinket pins to add a bit of flare. I created the 'flower around the flower' by adding the black trim in scallops behind the cabochon. I love it!

The sentiment is from the Unity Heartfelt Sentiments set.

Home Sweet Home

And there you have it, a little piece of my heart and one of my favorite cards EVER. I love it. I really, really love it. You see, some times a little challenge REALLY CAN lead to something totally MOXIE FAB!!!

Jingle Out!


  1. I think I just may love that card as much as YOU do! Red and black? Can't POSSIBLY go wrong with that! And, WOW (as in FIREWORKS wow) to that rose! GORGEOUS addition! I have wanted to go to the New England states for YEARS. I had a good friend in New Hampshire &, tho' she moved to Seattle some years ago, she gave me the New England 'bug'! Your card is a wonderful representation of your beautiful state! (And Jen, you KNOW I had to laugh over people's complete cluelessness. All a person can do is roll his or her eyes! LOL!)

  2. WOW! this is just TOO creative! I really love this card and your enthusiasm over it is so much fun :) Just a super cool idea!!! I know someone who lives in Worcester :) :) :) great card! Definitely frame-worthy!

  3. what an awesome card!!! i have so many fond memories of mass! i used to live when i was little in woburn and i went to school in stoneham! my really good friend ( we met in spain) lived in the north end I would visit her 3x a year!!!! love it!

  4. Your stitching is amazing. Must have taken a long time.

  5. Love the card, only I'd move the heart over to Salem and Rockport (ok, I'm two-hearted) lol. But if it's a small enough map and a large enough heart one should do :D.

    And I'm such a polygamous person when it comes to location love (too, too, too many to mention lol). Thanks for sharing :D

  6. I had just spotted the Moxie Fab challenge this morning so your card made me squeal! Love it. Of course I love the Unity sentiment also.

  7. Mornin' Jingle,

    I spent one of my birthday's on Martha's Vineyard. I was lucky enough to go on travel (my company) to Hyannis Port and took a day trip over. I've always wanted to go back and really explore the area.

    Being from New Mexico, I get somewhat the same thing! Like, can you drink the water? Really? hee hee

    Love the card!


  8. Ooh, wow--totally love it! I'm from Ohio and while I've lived here for 11 and a half years now, my dad will still just tell people that I "live in Connecticut, or somewhere in New England." Thanks, Dad. Anyway, I LOVE Mass and can't imagine living anywhere else now. So I double love your card!

  9. Clever idea! I know where the state is....being a teacher they make us learn all this kinda stuff...LOL

  10. Your card is STUNNING and so clever as well!

  11. Great idea, love the stitching and the superb embellishments. Have a great weekend, Annette x

  12. You for sure should frame it! What an amazing piece of art! Have a fab Friday!

  13. Of course you know, I love your card!

  14. What an AWESOME card!!!!! I just LOVE it! Great job! :)

  15. New England...overseas...ROLF

    But I have a similar problem with Delaware....I usually get a "Where?" after that from anyone west of the Mississippi. And then I have to 'splain that it's just below Philadelphia.

    Love your card. It rocks the challenge.

  16. I loved that you stitched the state! It is so adorable! You can tell from reading your post how excited you are about this card, and you should be. It really is a work of art!

  17. Pure fun.
    I say definitely frame it.

  18. So cute love the card. I'm so in love with the black flower.

  19. Hi Jennifer! Your card is Amazing!! Love the stitched map, and the cute little heart. It's a beautiful layout.
    I may live on the other side of the globe, but I have been to Massachusetts! And I Loved it!! Lots & lots of wonderful memories of that trip. You live in a beautiful state! :)

  20. I love the black flower. That make the pop out!

  21. All I can say... FRAME IT! Love this :)

  22. What a fantastic card, Jingle! Love the stitching and the heart over your city. I agree with the other poster who said you should frame this (along with a copy of your post) - it would be excellent decor for your craft room.

  23. ADORABLE!!! Definitely need to frame that one! What a cool memory and keepsake!


  24. I'm going to an online school in CT but live in WY, and I'm pretty sure many of my classmates have little idea where WY is- a bit opposite of you! And, I'm pretty sure that WY would be easier to stitch than MA- way to go, making it recognizable!

  25. Hmmmm..do you really LOVE this card? HA I do believe so and you should. I love how you stitched the outline. Really makes it "POP" and the tiny heart...perfection!!!!

  26. New England = Overseas? Bwahahaha. Absolutely ridiculous! This card oozes love and I love it!

  27. I love reading your posts as much as I love seeing your cards. Given I am from Australia I am pleased you explained all this today otherwise the shape on your card would of had me guessing. I am now envious of your sewing skills. Love the Card!

  28. wow this is totally amazing...you go girl with you fun talent...love it

  29. Super cute card. This is so creative and the colors are amazing.

  30. Yes, I can (sadly) believe that someone thought New England was overseas. Your card is so over-the-top brilliant! That's some mighty fine stitching!!

  31. Just wonderful! Love the concept and your card.

  32. Wow! Awesome card! LOVE the stitching and the sentiment behind your card:)

  33. Awesome card! Love how you marked your city with a heart stamp!

  34. Love your fun little comment on states... too funny! I believe I can spell Massachusetts too, without a spell check and I'm Canadian! LOL. I sound it out in my head when I spell it. Anyway, what a fabulous little card. So creative and fun!

  35. OK...this is a SUPER COOL card! Love the stitching and yes, you should frame it! LOL!! Love your post today :)

  36. This is awesome!!!! I am in Mass, too!! About an hour east of you! Have a great weekend!

  37. SO darn clever and wow, that stitching must have taken forever!! Love it!

  38. This card is so original! Really nice :)

  39. omgosh! I love this, Jen!!! super cute and creative!

    laughing at the part about new england. Spent lots of time visiting Plymouth during college yrs. Loved the area, but just not the cold weather.

  40. LOVE the card!! What a GREAT idea!! The STITCHING is PERFECT!!
    THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

  41. This is fabulous! Totally rocks.... That stitching!

  42. Seriously????? I opened up this page and said out loud "She did NOT!"

    This is so cool and I definitely think you should frame it for your home. The red/black border strip with the little pins is awesome and the tiny heart melts mine. Way to go!

  43. Hey Jennifer! Thanks for linking this up to the Map to Your Heart challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you "mapped" out some time to play along! :)

  44. Such a clever card! I went to college in Boston, and now live near there- and I still question whether or not I spell "Massachusetts" correctly each time I write it!


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