
Hello Kitty Snuggie Cuteness Come'n at ya Jingle Style!

Well, someone asked, and this is me, so really just one person asking was enough for me to do it. Just say'n. My friends, yes...the Hello Kitty Snuggie that I posted on Facebook on Christmas day (along with The Hubbums' Batman Snuggie) is real, and yes, my friends, we do genuinely own them. And love them. And have no idea how we lived without them.

SERIOUSLY, you guys! Do you have one? 'Cause if not, you are TOTALLY missing out. I know we all mock them, but these things are GOLD, people! For reals. Just say'n. But...to get to the point...someone asked for a picture of me in it ... SO... well, here you go:

My Favorite

OH! WAIT....that's actually my 100 Proof Press card of cuteness! Yup! I am LOVING that heart stamp! It makes me happy and is PERFECT for Valentine's Day cards! It's called the Fancy Heart and even the NAME makes me happy. Just say'n.

My Favorite (detail)

And that fabulous little sentiment is just a tiny tidbit from the amazing You & Me printable from Scrapbook Circle this month! LOVING IT!

Oh...but you wanted to see a picture of me in my Hello Kitty Snuggie, didn't you? K. Here you go.

WOYWW 1/4/2012

Oh....waaaait...a minute. THAT isn't me in a HK snuggie! That's my desk!!! You didn't think I was going to miss out on the first WOYWW of 2012, now did you? I mean, REALLY! You should know me better than that at this point. I mean...I really thought we were close. *sniff* *sniff* HA! As you can see, I have had an abundance of projects going...very slowly, due to the cold I have and had at a far worse level over the past weekend, however, I did get some fun stuff done. Actually, there is one more project on it now that I began just after taking that shot last night. The floor, however, I can still report as being wonderfully clean! I like it this way. I hope to maintain it. My next project is these suckers:

Messy Expedit 1/4/12

See how messy the cubes are? I want to take each one out one at a time and go through it all and organize and purge each one to an acceptable level so it all looks pretty again. Just say'n.

So...that's what I have for you today. Oh...and on the breakfast menu for today was yogurt...and maybe perhaps some Peach Rings. Maybe. Just say'n.

Jingle Out.


Ohhhhhhh....you still wanna see that? Well, alright, FINE, THEN!

Me in HK Snuggie

*sight* Now I want to be in it right now! HA! Oh...and please ignore the pile of folded laundry behind me. Oh...and yes, I do have a bike hanging on my living room wall. Oh...and that's my tablet. It's awesome. Just say'n. Oh...and keep in mind that I'm sick, so I don't exactly look my best. Just say'n. Again. K. Bye now.

Jingle Out for reallies this time.

Just say'n.


  1. great card and you are too funny!!! thanks for putting a smile on my face!

  2. That is such a cheerful and amusing post. Thanks for putting a smile on my face. Hope you soon fell better. Hugs Maggie #73

  3. Could you BE any more adorable? I don't think so!!!! LOVE your card with the pretty hearts! And your work area? To ME it looks like a productive, creative lil' Jingle-girl lives there! As for you in your new Snuggie - CUTE, CUTER, CUTEST. And if cutest WEREN'T the superlative, and there were a SUPER-SUPERLATIVE for 'cute', I'd definitely USE it! LOVE YOU, and REST!!!

  4. That's awesome! I love that it has ears! Feel better...I would also recommend the sour watermelon candy things. Love the card too...and the one that's up over on the Stampendous blog. I don't know where you find the time!!!!

  5. Super adorable card. I love Hello Kitty too. Love your snuggie. :)

  6. Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!!! It's darling! I love it. I am always amazed to see your desk and NOW your shelves. It is such a mess of awesomeness. Hope your feeling better!!! Have a good day!

  7. Your card is so sweet --- just like you snuggled up in your 'blanket'. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  8. feel better soon - I'm sure that comfie snuggie will help... ;)

  9. Love your sweet card and snuggie:) I say just get baskets for your shelving..hides stuff:)

  10. Lovely card and your latest photo is really overwhelming - hope you soon feel better! Valerie

  11. you look great in your snuggle your card, looks great also, your room will look great , like Amy said get baskets their super for hiding bits (lol) Hugs May x x x

  12. Great Card love it and your color choices are fabulous... Love the Purple Cows cutter on ya desk.. It is my favorite cutter also. hehe Love your work space and cubes are fab. The snuggie is the bomb way cute... Hugs girl..

  13. Thanks for the great snugglie laugh! I hope you get to feeling better soon. Loved seeing your studio cubes.

  14. aww I love how fun you are. I hope you feel better soon...your card is adorable..

  15. Well, dang. I wish I could be this perky when I'm sick. Hope you feel better soon!

  16. Love the card, love the Snuggie. Feel better!

    Hey, what is that guillotine cutter you have, and do you love it? Oh, and if you do, where did you get it?

    I like the way it looks like you have your colors done by shelf there! Great idea!

  17. Your cubies look pretty impressive to me, just the way they are. Organized by color... I'm still trying to figure out how to store my specialty papers.

    You are so cute -- great writing style and you ALWAYS make me laugh. Yes, you!!

    Happy WOYWW #92 (yikes!)

  18. Jingle ... all I can say is that I love you ... for reals! You are such a bright spot on the internet! Adorable card, but I wanted to comment on the bookcase. I remember when you bought that and posted your first picture of it. It seemed so empty compared to today's picture! When was that, 2008 you bought that? A lot of "damage" (that you turn into treasures) can happen in 3 years, LOL!

  19. Well don't you look cute even if you are poorly sick! I LOVE your cubes, they are a work of art in themselves!
    JoZarty x
    Get well soon.

  20. Well, the card is wonderful...but that snuggie ROCKS!!!!! hugs, Katrina

  21. LOL! you crack me up--seriously hope you feel better soon! LOVE the snuggie btw--as long as your comfy and warm WHO CARES! :)
    Great card too!

  22. How fun! I just want to go play with all of your stuff!!

  23. :). Love the card. Love the desk! Love the mess. Love the snuggie. Hope that you feel better soon. Thanks for making me smile! Happy WOYWW! -Amanda 28

  24. So love the card...a heart in a heart in a heart in a heart...perfect for that special Valentine!!

    LOVE the desk too...I like a messy desk. Shows that your muse has been singing up a storm. When you get to the cubicles you should have a supply sell here...just sayin!! HEHE

    Hope you feel better chickie and you my dear would still look good no matter what even wearing a tater sack. I do like the jammies though...cute cute!!


  25. Oh my goodness!! You are too cute in that snuggie. Hope you feel better soon.

  26. LOL, you are hilarious!! Thank you for bringing a smile to my face today. :)

  27. Okay..If anyone can make a snuggie look cool its You! You will be happy to know I cleaned my space too so I can maybe get some crafty juices flowing...and as always I will take anything you dont want :)

  28. you make me look good,

    i love you


  29. I think it might take some time to sort those cubes - enjoyed my visit here - lots to bring a smile to my face (Hazel, WOYWW 108) x

  30. OOOO! I wonder if my Hubby would let me hang my bike on my living room wall! NO! He would want a car engine for a coffee table and he ain't having THAT!
    I could do with a cwtch in your snuggie now as I am rapidly going downhill with this cold I have been fending off!! Sob Sob!
    Can I help you sort your cabinet? Please!

  31. I LOVE it! I have always said I thought snuggies were actually pretty clever. Especially for those of us who are always cold (lol)

  32. This is way funny...I love your snuggie. Sweet card.

  33. Heehee, you sure look snuggly in that robe! Love your gorgeous card, Jennifer and Happy New year to you!

  34. You tease! Ahhh, but then we are all left satisfied with the adorable pic of you in your snuggie! So cute!
    I can see why your love that heart stamp, your card is gorgeous!
    And please keep us posted on the cubby shelves organization!
    xoxo Karen

  35. Well, that brightened up my day, which otherwise was looking a bit chitty!!
    Happy new year

  36. What everybody else already said! you are so funny! And talented! And snuggies rock!

  37. Good luck on the organizing mission! Your card is super cute and hope you feel better soon!

  38. I just love the card and love the snuggy and I do hope you feel better soon. A great post, it really made me smile!

    Sorry I am a bit late in visiting this week but I hope you had a great WOYWW, Karen xx (#108)

  39. you blew me away with your craft shelves~WOW!!! cute post!!

  40. You are so funny! Hope you're feeling loads better today... I do love the snuggie :-)

  41. Teehee, your snuggy looks so cozy..funny as you look like a pink Yoda ;)

  42. loveeee your card...eeeeks I gotta get it in gear and get some made!
    hope you get to feeling better!

  43. Love the snuggy and the card that matches! Especially fond of your Purple Cows Trimmer front and center in your creative space! Most excellent.

  44. Well, if it was a toss up between the snugly thing or the cubes...I'll take the cube please!! I'm a big hello kitty fan..but I'm twice your age, so not going there.....you look great btw! Hope you're getting over the cold by now.

  45. Hiya my first ever visit to you and your space. Love it. Still not convinced though about the snuggly thingy. Hope your cold getting better. Am a bit late visiting I know as I am trying to visit everyone. Happy New Year. Anne x

  46. This would have to be the most entertaining and funniest blog I've visited since Wednesday...a girl with my sense of humour...unfortunately I don't have a HK snuggie, but I do have a HK pencil case and a HK watch!!!

    Will definitely be putting you on my "blogs to visit regularly list". Thanks for the laughs!

  47. Love your shelf! Love it! And I would wear a Hello Kitty Snuggie :) Actually, I want a snuggie, but my husband scorns them... :( Instead we put a quilt over the coffee table, and stuck an electric heater under it like a kotatsu! Thanks for sharing!

    Katie (138)

  48. Ah... we all have our secret vices. Only yours isn't so secret anymore.

    Great job on keeping the floor clean!!! And I am envious of your cubes, cluttered or not. If I owned such a fabulous thing it would look just like that. I can relate to the pile on the desk. I've got one now which is why I'm visiting some of the desks I didn't get to previously.


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