
Fridays. I will Love them Always. Just say'n.

It is Friends With Flair FRIDAY! And, while I do love Friends with Flair, I have to tell you that the FRIDAY part of that equation is my favorite right now!!! Is it just me or did it take like two weeks for Friday to get here this week? I mean, REALLY?????!!!!! Craziness, I tell you. Pure Craziness.

But, alas, it is Friday and I'm in a remarkably good mood. I made cake balls for the first time last night and plan to serve them to my coworkers today, so everyone should be pretty hyper in short order. HA!

Love Always

Love Always. Ummm...I love these colors. I totally do. And these stamps. And these papers. So...yup. I pretty much love this card. The papers and stickers are all from the You + Me kit from Scrapbook Circle. You really NEED to check out this kit. It kinda rocks! Also, check out the Scrapbook Circle blog today because I have two GREAT card ideas up over there!

Love Always (detail)

The stamps (the frame and the sentiment) are from the Ornate Artisan Stackers set! I know I say this every time I use it, but I LOVE this set! That frame is one of my favorite stamps! Just love it!!! The black twill and the burlap string are both May Arts. I just realized the bow is kind of hard to see in the picture, but it is the flat, layered kind done in twill. It looks really pretty in person! I promise!

Love Always (2)

I hope you have a stupendous day with lots of things that make you laugh. Laughing is good. I believe in it strongly. Just say'n. YAY for laughing!!!!! Have a happy day!

Jingle Out!

Oh...and I am happy to announce that the Valentine's gummy heart candies are now available at CVS for all of your breakfast eating needs. Just say'n.


  1. I have to say I love Fridays too, but this was an awesome infusion of young-people's energy. Thanks! :~P
    (Card is awesome too.)

  2. Gorgeous card!! Love the happy heart & the sweet frame.

  3. Your cards are ALWAYS wonderful!!! But it's your fun spirit, your cake ball making, gummy heart eating, laughter promoting little self that makes ALL my days Fridays! You know, I can't recall how I originally found your blog, but WOW! Am I EVER glad I did. SERIOUSLY! And I WILL laugh today 'cause laughing is good for our health! Actually, even better than GUMMY HEARTS. LOL!

  4. That is such a fun card! Love that background!

  5. awesome fun card...I love all those hearts.

    I got my necklace yesterday...thank you very much.. love it

  6. so cute!!!you make great cards!!!:):):)

  7. Black, white and red a winning combination and a fab card. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  8. Stunning Valentine's Day card! I love that color combination also!

  9. Love this design and that fun stamp. Have a happy weekend!

  10. Great card ~ love the black and red with the bit of pink thrown in.

  11. Love everything about this ... and thank you for the head's up on gummy hearts (hubby loves 'em)!!

  12. Love this card, very dramatic! Valerie

  13. As always, what you do is simply fabulous, dahling! Your creativity always spurs mine. Happy Friday! Have a great weekend.

  14. Great card! Love the lo of it. Also some great cards over on Scrapbook Circle blog!

  15. This is awesome- love the heart outside of the frame- brilliant idea! Happy Friday- enjoy your gummy heart candy- yum!!! I will look for lots to laugh about today!

  16. I love this card Jingle! Love how you used the stamp. Fantastic!

  17. Happy, happy Friday to you! Have fun sharing those cake balls. Love your card, too!

  18. Cute card I too love the colors. Love the background paper.

  19. that is a groovey heart my friend!

  20. so gorgeous, love how you popped up the heart!
    have a great weekend, Debxx

  21. LOVE this! I soooo hear you on the long week...oy!

  22. I love the red, black and white cards and this sweet Valentine is gorgeous! have a wonderful weekend. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  23. Gummy hearts- the breakfast of champions. Oh, and the card is great, too :)

  24. Cute, cute, cute!
    Love the color combo! :)

  25. A perfect Valentine card!!! Awesome as always!!

  26. Great background choice! Love the ornate frame!

  27. Love this Jingle! So you-nique :) Thanks for your sweet comment on my Really Reasonable Ribbon projects :)

  28. This is a fabulous card! I love black and white with a pop of red! :) TFS!

  29. You and Wendy had me cracking up last night on your Facebook feed. Hilarious! What a beautiful card, those colors are gorgeous.

  30. It DID take two weeks to get to this Friday! Your card is awesome!!

  31. The black, white and red is such a classic color combo, can't be beat! Awesomely adorable card!

  32. Teehee, gummy heart candies for your breakfast eating needs, you crack me up, lol.
    Your card is so pretty, love the heart background and the pop of colour

  33. I totally love your card! Particularly the framed heart and colours.

  34. Love text prints and this card rocks!!


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