

This weekend I started a new work out. Jillian Micheal's Ripped in 30. It's kind of awesome in that amazingly painful sort of way. I have to wear a bridesmaid's dress this summer. I'm 32 (well...nearly 33) years old. I pretty much have to work out just so I'm not BOTH the OLD bridesmaid AND the chubby one. HA! (ETA: Clarification...No, 33 is not old..but it is a bit old to be a BRIDESMAID! LOL!) At least the dress is pretty and I get to pick out my own shoes! The new year often brings about a lot of new beginnings for people. That may be why when I pulled out this beautiful stamp, that very idea is what came to mind. Beginnings.


The stamp is the gorgeous Oil Lamp (#2347-P) from 100 Proof Press. I love it! We have several oil lamps around our house. They cast the prettiest glow! I drew the rays of light in with a Tombow marker and used a bit of marker to highlight the glass portion of the lamp. The bronze is painted with Twinkly H2O's by Luminarte. I love how it shimmers! You can see the shimmer a bit in the photo below.

beginnings (detail 2)

The sticker is an older one from EK Success and the burlap string is one of my go-to spools from May Arts.

So...let's go into this week reminded that each week is a new beginning. We can do with what comes next as we choose. "Transformation is not a future event...It is a present activity." (That's from Jillian. Just say'n.)

Jingle Out.


  1. 33 is not old, LOL! Wait till you're turning 40. sigh. I'm in denial that i'm going to be 40. I still remember being a kid thinking 40 was ancient. LOL!!!!

    Love the rays of light! Beautiful card!!!!

  2. You girls crack me up...I'll be 46 this summer...you chickies are NOT old:)

    anywho's..I love the crisp card and the rays of light are perfect!

  3. I have just started the gym, finding it quite invigorating. Very effective card. You are not old! Tracy x

  4. 33?????? OLD????? I'm 61 and I FEEL like a young person still. (That is most likely because I'm addlebrained if not totally delusional! LOL!) You actually LOOK way younger than 33. I had guess 26. Tops. And by the time Jillian whips your butt - uhhh - kicks you around - ummm - helps you get in excellent shape (she's my hero, by the way) you will have the body of a 16 year old. Your card ROCKS! LOOOOOVE me some Luminart goodies!

  5. Ooops. I realized I left the 'e' off Luminarte. My bad!

  6. fabulous card and love that oil lamp stamp! We have a lovely oil lamp too! good luck with your workout!

  7. Beginnings is a somewhat difficult proposal to start with...ken bought US an exercise machine and I am slowly trying to make it a daily ritual. Beautiful and simple card. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  8. 32, you are a baby, I had my first child at 32! Love the card, have fun.

  9. Love the card and the sentiment! And 32 old, are you kidding me?

  10. oh no it isn't! You are never too old to be a bridesmaid ... an awesome image on your card.

  11. Great job, and trust me you are NOT old! Love Penny who will not quote her age, but trust me it's old! Love Penny


  12. Good luck with your workouts-and don't stop staying in shape after the wedding. :~) When you're really old (I'm not, but I can see it from here) you'll be glad you stayed in shape.

  13. Love your thinking behind this great card. Will we be seeing you in your bridesmaids dress? x

  14. Love this, Jingle! What a great image and love the rays radiating from it.

  15. JM is suppose to be really good...I know you can do it. I started a walking program on my treadmill during the week and we are going beach walking on the weekends. I know that sounds lame to a YOUNG 33 yr old but it is a workout for this old 53 yr old..LOL!!! At least I don't feel 53 everyday...whew...thank goodness.

    I love this card....all of your cards are awesome but the ones where you use the vintage stamps..well...they are my favorite. (could be that age thing coming into play though huh?)

    Hugs ^_^

  16. the card is so cute~love the stamp!!!

  17. I had to be a bridesmaid at 38! Thankfully we were all around the same age except for here step daughter :)

    Sweet card. Love the sentiment on twine :)

  18. It's always weird being the odd one out age-wise - especially when you're the old one! My two best friends are 6 years younger and 12 years older, and the ribbing I get from the younger one drives me CRAZY!
    All that aside, have fun working out :) The elliptical here is getting a good run for its money since it's in front of the tv. And this card is brilliant - love the rays of light!

  19. That really is a gorgeous stamp Jingle. And I love how you have highlighted the glass.

  20. This is awesome!! And good luck with the Jillian video-I have heard it can kick some butt :)

  21. Cute card! You are so funny, I don't think there's a cut off age for bridesmaids. 32?!? Heck, I'm two decades OLDER than you!!! hee hee



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