
We Travel The World Together (And a stamping contest!)

Blogging is kind of like that, don't you think? We get to know people and and their homes from all over the world! It's kinda awesome if you ask me. Just say'n. And when I got this fabulous stamp in hand from 100 Proof Press and then saw the Get Inspired By Home Decor Challenge in the Moxie Fab World this idea of travel was STUCK but GOOD in my happy little head! So...out came the map paper for a fun card!


Am I the only one mildly obsessed with map papers? I see them. I buy them. I love them. And, by golly, I even go so far as to USE them! *gasp!* I know, right?! Craziness all up in here! HA!!!! This particular one is from October Afternoon and the paper behind it is Crate Paper. That fabulous ribbon...TOTALLY May Arts. Just say'n. And that stamp! That totally wicked awesome suitcase stamp...well, you can find that in the travel section over at 100 Proof Press! (You might also want to search for 'suitcase' and 'luggage' to see some OTHER awesome ones to go with it. Just say'n.

Suitcase (detail)

OH! Speaking of 100 Proof Press...the Press It Out Contest is in full swing! The deadline for this fabulous contest is December 31st. You can submit ANY stamping project you wish and as many times as you would like. You must use primarily 100 Proof Press stamps and the prizes...well, they ROCK!!!! LOTS of gift certificates to 100 Proof Press!!!! So, check it out and submit!!!!!

As for my workspace today...Here you go:

12.7.2011 WOYWW

Lots of fun remnants of projects. It was totally clear on Saturday morning when I started working. I know you don't believe me, but it's true! HA! If you would like to see more fun workspaces don't forget to check out Julia's blog!


  1. LOVE this one!! The map is awesome!

    Deanne :)

  2. I love map and travel papers, but I just can't bring myself to actually USE them....Valerie

  3. very very cute card! the map paper is awesome!

    love all the goodies on your desk

  4. Couldn't be better. LOVE maps, LOVE gingham!!! Beautiful!

  5. I am fascinated by maps and can look at them for hours.... the Sat Nav just isn't the same!! Your desk looks great and I'd win a race to see who messes up a tidy space the quickest....
    JoZarty x

  6. Love this card! And how do you get your bows so perfect?!? Just lovely! :)

  7. Creative desk ,Love the card .Happy creative woyww
    hugs judex 27

  8. Perfect card - love the map paper too! I am having a busy day sorting my Christmas cards and loading a few new brooches into our blog shop too. x Jo

  9. wow fabulous card, love the stamp, would be so perfect for my hubby!
    have a fabulous, creative day, Debxx

  10. Map paper and book paper..always add so much to any piece.

    This card makes me want to take a trip...LOL!! You are so right about blogging...getting to travel near and far and never leave your own home. Have made some awesome friends this way (wink.wink)

    OK now..that is the desk that I have come to love to see. Means your muse is singing up a storm.

    Smiles ^_^ and Hugs oh happy one!!

  11. Love the card! I totally dig the map paper! You rocked this one! Love the desk peek too! Happy WOYWW! -Amanda #17

  12. Love the map paper and MA ribbon!

  13. I'm with ya on the map paper. Love the trunk you added!

  14. Love the card ~love your take on cards!!!!

  15. Raising my hand - LOVE maps!! LOL! Great card btw :)

  16. too much fun...and I'll say I love map papers too. I even have the paper you used, but haven't managed to cut into it...yet! Nice ribbon pop of color, too.

  17. That map paper is so fun. Love the gingham ribbon too. :)

  18. Oh I love this! and I adore the gingham ribbon too!!!

  19. Oooohhhhh, what fun paper and how great is that ribbon! My desk was all cleaned off too, but only because I was using it to wrap presents :)

  20. I adore maps! And globes! So I LOVE this! Also love your workspace 'cause you really DO 'work' there! HUGS!

  21. oh my gosh, that is a serious art desk, just sayin! Love your card, and I also love map paper!

  22. I believe you, whereas millions wouldn't.

  23. I was just asking myself how you can bring yourself to use that delicious ribbon when I see your desk and thy you have a whole spool of it, how fab! Desk looks good from here - space to work, no other requirement!

  24. I am with you on the map papers - the same goes for maps too especially old ones!! Wierd ey!!
    Loving your card and the suitcase stamp!

  25. I think my desk is worse then yours this week, lol.
    Your card is great. I like that stamp of the suitcase and the paper you used with it :)

  26. This is smashing! I too love maps:)

  27. I love to travel, so naturally I love maps! They make for the best backgrounds on things. Of course I love your wonderfully busy desk too!

  28. Lovely busy desk, and what a gorgeous map card! Really great. Happy belated WOYWW, Shoshi #53

  29. Hey Jennifer! Thanks for linking this up to the Get Inspired by Home Decor Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)


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