
My Workspace is a crazy mess, but at least I got a cute card made out of the deal. Just say'n.

So...it's Wednesday and that, as usual, means it's time to share my workspace. It's a mess. I KNOW! You are totally shocked by that! HA! Or not. Whatever. BUT...it's only a mess because of happy things! You see, I got to take a little jaunt to a scrapbook store with a friend on Saturday and that led to new stuff and that, my friends, leads to me wanting to USE said new stuff! Novel concept, I know! HA! So....

WOYWW 11/23/2011

Here it is in all it's glory! Ahhhh....! I really do love that silly mess, you know. I know some people like everything nice and neat and can't work in a mess, and I'm all for a nice clean table, but sometimes that mess just makes me smile because it reminds me that I'm truly passionate about what I do. I just love it.

You Are My Favorite

And here is the most recent card to come from that mess. This is the card I made for The Hubbums for his birthday yesterday. He loves maps, so that background paper was perfect! And, afterall, he IS my favorite!!!!

You are My Favorite (detail)

You Are My Favorite (detail 2)

And that's all for today, folks! I may or may not post again this week. We shall see how it goes. I will be creating during the break for SURE, though! I hope all of my American friends have a very very Happy Thanksgiving! I plan on eating more of Mom's mashed potatoes than any person should! YAY! Many Blessings, my friends! Many Blessings!

Jingle Out!


  1. this is so cute! love the typewriter! you have inspired me to use my typewriter stamp! I have one new in the package and i have never used it! thanks!!

    happy thanksgiving!!

  2. Lovely card and lovely mess! Tidy tables are not to my taste! (Not that i've seen one in a long time...)Valerie

  3. I love this layered now, and the map, and the sweet heart :)
    Enjoy your Thanksgiving! Now I'm craving mashed potatoes.....

  4. This is a very cute card...It is funny how almost everything you own ends up on your craft desk right...and then you have like this little space to craft in...funny how it works that way...I always have that same problem....

    Happy Thanksgiving..

  5. Great job, as always!!! :)
    Enjoy your holiday!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving hope you have alovely few days with family maybe,and food!
    My desk very similar small work space surrounded by piles of crafty stuff i tend to push to the sides!
    Have fab wednesday pop by as i have candy up for grabs hugs judex 18

  7. Such a cute card for your husband! Love the ribbon treatment! Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. I'm not convinced a crazy mess is always a bad thing. ;) Awesome card!

  9. you enjoy your messy desk girl! it is what it is all about after all! gorgeous card for your husband! Happy thanksgiving, enjoy your mashed potatoes!
    Happy WOYWW! Have a great day! Debxx #95

  10. Beautiful! I love your bow! Congrats on being Moxie Fabber of the week...I read the article on my phone but wasn't able to comment. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Oh wow, I love this!!! and congrats on being Moxie Fabber! Happy Thanksgiving~I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

  12. Messy desks are the best, mine is a bit out of control at the moment and I think I should ban embossing powder from my room... can you see the floor in your space???

  13. That ribbon is absolutely gorgeous.Friends are a bad influence arent they!
    Bridget #36

  14. Adorable card - love that little typewriter stamp. Very messy desk! LOL!!! You create best that way, I believe. ;)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  15. Love how you did the bow! have a great holiday weekend! I hear you like your mom's mashed potatoes?! :)

  16. If you get any - and I mean ONE SINGLE IOTA - cuter, I can't take it! LOL! I was SOOOOO exhausted (I've been cooking, entertaining 4 senior ladies, decorating the tree, etc.) since 3 A.M.! I needed a short break & I headed right over HERE because I knew you would revive me. YOU DID! Thank you! Love the work space because it makes my sweet lil' friend HAPPY! Also love the card. Bet your husband did, too! Most of all, love YOU! Eat a bite of your mom's mashed potatoes for me, okay?

  17. Seriously? That is an adorable stamp! Love how you've used it with the map paper... it's perfect!

  18. Oh goodness, you did get an awesome card out of that! It's what my area looks like as well. Mine is more concentrated, it is a smaller space. Looking forward to having some time tomorrow to clean it up!

  19. Thank you for sharing your honesty about your worktable space... I feel a little better about my chaos. Happy Thanksgiving. Blessings, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  20. Fabulous card...and I have to admit it- that is how my desk looks...! LOL

  21. The ribbon is gorgeous, and I just love that non-traditional bow!

    Can I tell you how happy it made me to look at your workspace? :-) I love organized chaos!

  22. Hi there. Thanks for letting us peek into your creative space this week. It’s always inspiring seeing where and how we create! Hope the rest of your week goes very well for you. Your table is a true crafters table!
    Neil #31

  23. Really Really cute card. Your creative space makes me feel good about mine right now. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  24. Adorable card and my work area is a major wreck right now. And it's driving me nuts. Started cleaning it up so my nieces can create when they visit Friday :) happy Thanksgiving friend!

  25. They say you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs and I think crafting is a bit like that...you can't make fab cards like that without making a bit of mess :-)
    A x

  26. Extra Happy thoughts from me today - after having seen the photo of your desk (-:
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  27. There's plenty going on on your desk this week and what else would you do with new stuff but play with it :)) Your card is fab - love maps too so that paper appeals to me too and the ribbon is gorgeous - love your bow. Happy Thanksgiving, have a great week. Elizabeth x #81

  28. You always get a cute card out of it, mess or no mess, Jingle!

  29. Ah Jingle gal, I'm totally utterly comfortable with your working table; and you're right - it really really shows your enthusiasm and passion...and there's no shame there! Cute card.

  30. Now that's what I call a messy desk!!! Obviously a productive one, though. The map card is great. Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving. Happy belated WOYWW, Shoshi #70

  31. Congrats on being the moxie fabber! I've enjoyed your blog and creations.

  32. A beautiful mess...that's the way mine is too....love the card especially that ribbon bow - it is gorgeous.


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