
Happy Monday Before Mom's Mashed Potatoes!!!!

Yes. That's right folks, this girl is looking forward to Thanksgiving!!! I'm a big fan of Mom's mashed potatoes. Just say'n. However, I also have some fun stuff going on here in the land of Just Jingle in the meantime! Are you a Kewpie doll fan? 'Cause I pretty much totally am and I pretty much think everyone should be. Soooo....the fact that 100 Proof Press happens to carry SEVERAL Kewpie style doll stamps is simply DELIGHTFUL in my humble little opinion! Quite a delight, indeed, actually. K? K. Thanks.

i love you kewpie card (detail)

K. So, ummm... seriously...??? How could you POSSIBLY resist that kind of insane cuteness???? You can't. Just say'n. And I totally know these things. For reals. I'm an expert on cuteness. No. Really.

i love you Kewpie card

And then I went and set it on a freaking adorable cloud background!!! YAY! So, seriously...you are in love, right? 'Cause I kinda am. I mean just LOOK at the cuteness! YAY!!!!

Supplies: Stamp (100 Proof Press), Patterned Paper (October Afternoon), White bristol (Canson), Pink Cardstock (American Crafts), Ink (Momento), Markers (Tombow), Glitter String (May Arts), Punch (Fiskars), Gem Stones (Imaginesce), Sentiment Stamp (Unity)

Oh...and after noon Eastern time today I will be adding a nifty little happy link to this post. You *might* want to plan to check it out. 'Cause it's a happy. Just say'n. K? K. Thanksbye.

ETA: OMG!!! It's UP!!!! You can see it HERE!!!!!! I'm just a little ridiculously excited!!!!!

Jingle Out.


  1. your right~super cute!!! have a great TG Jingle!!!

  2. I used to collect dolls & I had several of the CUTEST lil' Kewpies! So I share that love with you! The stamp is one I'll HAVE to get! And I love how you used the clouds for the card! SUCH a darling result! I'll be back to check out your happy link for SURE! LOVE YOU, Jen! P.S. I could dive into a VAT of mashed potatoes & eat my way OUT. That's why I'M not making any this holiday. I can resist them once they're on the table. It's the time when I make & season them that I taste ... okay ... shovel them in me. A friend is bringing the potatoes. LOL!

  3. this is just way too cute--you are totally correct!!!!!!!!

  4. Really cute card, love the background. Tracy x

  5. EEEEK!!!! Totally worth coming back to see! Congrats! You so deserve it! I was actually wondering the other day if you had already been the Moxie Fabber of the week in the past because, well, it's a great description of you. What a great way to start your week! Well done!

  6. Woohoo, yahoo!!! You are such a wonderful pic for the Moxie Fab Blog! CONGRATS! p.s. I was never a fan of kewpie's, but your card is sooo cute!

  7. so CUTE!!!! You are right...who wouldn't love this sweet Li'l kewpie.

    I hope that you enjoy those mashed potatoes. My sister called me yesterday and her family has requested some of my veggie dishes. I never knew they liked them that much..LOL!!

    Enjoy your holiday...be safe...eat lots and take a really nice long nap!!!


  8. Adorable little cherub with the perfect little sentiment. Congrats on being Moxie Fabulous!!!!

  9. Congrats on being Moxie Fabber of the Week! A well deserved honour!

  10. You are hilariously cute yourself, just sayin!

  11. This one made me SMILE. Wishing you and your family a Happy Turkey Day! :)

  12. This Kewpie card is adorable Jingle! And congrats on being Moxie Fabber of the week! It's about time - just say'n :) I always love your posts! Happy Thanksgiving dear and enjoy your mashed potatoes! Personally I am looking forward to the green bean casserole :)

  13. ever so cute image and totally adorable card!
    congrats on being Moxie Fabber of the Week, you totally deserve it!
    have a great day, Debxx

  14. cute card and congrats--you are moxie fab!

  15. This card is so adorable.
    Congrats to ya as this week's Moxie Fabber!
    Happy Thanksgiving to You :o)

  16. happy Thanksgiving Blessings to you and your lovely family. I love Thanksgiving foods and the whole darn ritual! Peace, Mary Helen

  17. Landed here from Moxie Fab. Love your CAS creations. Am your new follower.

  18. KEWPIE CUTIE!!!!! Wonderful!!!
    Hey CONGRATS on being the MOXIE FABBER!!! woo to the HOO!!

    Uh, does your mom share the secret of her awesome mashed spuds, by any chance???

    Happy Thanksgiving, my Jingle-y friend! I'm outta here until Sunday, I do believe....

  19. Oh my goodness! I haven't seen a kewpie doll in ages!!!! This is just adorable. I am most looking forward to my mom's stuffing - it is out of this world good!


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