
Would you like a piece of candy???

'Cause I would! But, then again, I pretty much would ALWAYS like a piece of candy. It's a problem I have. No. For reals. I'm addicted to the stuff. And I don't even eat fancy 'grown up' candy. I eat the gummies and the chewies and the sours. Kids stuff. And I still love fruit roll-ups, too. So there. Now you know! HA!

That being the case, it seemed odd to me that I hadn't created a fun CANDY themed Halloween card. So, I fixed that little problem by creating this fun little card! That Cosmo Cricket Matilda 6x6 paper pack arrived in the mail yesterday from Shelly over at ScrapGirlz and I love it! So cute! So, I combined that with my Samantha Walker for Unity Bones About Halloween stamp set and a bit of ingenuity for this cute little card!

Happy Halloween Candy Card

I dyed the ribbon with Maya Road Sunflower Yellow spray ink. I love it! And just CHECK OUT that double bow! That was just a crazy idea I had while I was tying the ribbon so I decided to give it a shot and I love it! Totally going to be doing more of those!

Happy Halloween Candy Card (detail)

I created the little piece of candy by freehand cutting the base from patterned paper and then adding just a strip down the middle with another color. I wrapped the candy in cello and tied up the ends with twine from The Twinery! YAY! for candy cuteness!!!!

Happy Halloween Candy Card (candy detail)

In other news...the fall season decided to last a whopping three weeks this year. This was my front yard last night.


Sad. Day. Just say'n. We got a couple of inches. In October. Hmph! HA!

I guess there is a storm coming in on Saturday that plans to bring more. yay. note my intense enthusiasm for that. Oh, well. At least it is pretty!

Also, just in case I don't get around over the weekend - I have a SUPER FABULOUS AMAZING giveaway coming your way on Monday!!! I've joined up with Kathy over at Bliss Habits and we are going to kick start your holiday shopping. That's all I'm say'n. K? K. Be there. You're worth it. (*Said in my best Gwen Stephani voice.)

Jingle Out.


  1. Hi Jen, this is so much fun!! Love that little candy in the corner and I've filed that ingenious idea away to CASE another day, LOL!! Stunning card :)

  2. Snow for Halloween? Holy Mackerel! Glad I am not the only sweetie around Blogland, just finished a nice candy bar instead of lunch....yummy! Love the card, too! Valerie

  3. what a cute card!

    oh it is just a touch too early for snow!

  4. I love your writing style, Jen. You have such a knack for writing your personality in words. Love it!!! Love the card too...clever with the cellophane candy wrapper.

  5. Ok, so... Good luck with the snow?? But you are right, snow IS beautiful... early but beautiful!!

    And Wow, what a cute card with non-halloween colours! :) Love it!

  6. Oooo, I haven't seen this line yet! So cute & I love what you did with it!

    -Can't believe you got snow!!!

  7. So bright and cheerful, love it! Sorry about the early snow, it's in our forecast this week and I'm so not ready for it either.

  8. I'm in love with piece of candy you created-- it turned out fabulous! And the double bow looks great-- I might have to try that!

  9. Love the cute piece of candy on your Halloween card!! The card is so bright and cheerful, I love it!!
    I know it's too early to have snow, maybe we could swap places, cos it is just too HOT and humid right where I am. Could do with some snow...maybe! Have a lovely weekend, keep warm!!

  10. We had an early frost last night but no snow yet....Happy Halloween and yes I love candy! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  11. Yes I would like some candy! Great card! :)

  12. What exactly is adult candy? :) I love the fruity chewy candy too. Sour Patch Kids, Mambas and lots more...good stuff! Love the handmade candy embellie and the double bow! Cute!

  13. Such a fun card... the candy is fantastic! Like you, I am not ready for snow. Seriously... not in the mood! Yet tomorrow we expect 4-8".

  14. I love that you actually wrapped the candy! Super cool.

    Being in SoCal, that snow doesn't look too bad to me. I always liked the snow at the beginning of the season. Then as the winter drags on you grow to hate it!

  15. Who let Gwen Stephani in??? Snow? But you're not in Canada! What the heck!

  16. Snow? Now? Gagarooney! Cute layout - love the candy.

  17. We got snow, too, but it's not sticking. Thank goodness!! Cute card - love how you created the candy!

  18. ADULT CANDY? Is that - like - candy without its wrapper? LOL! Or is it just an oxymoron? I LOVE gummies. Not a big candy eater but there are some candies I cannot resist now & then. (I'm the original Cooky Monster! LOOOOOVE cookies!) And your card? Just about as cute as it gets!

  19. Cute card - love the piece of candy you created! Sorry 'bout the early arrival of snow! But, it is pretty!

  20. Super cute card! Loving the double bow and the candy embellishment! :)

  21. YES!! Real candy cuteness! LOVE your card!

  22. I am not ready to see snow! Love the card though, lol.

  23. Love that piece of candy!! And Oh my, the snow!!!!

  24. Oh, that is SWEET! I love your little candy decoration--very clever. These are great colors for such a fun card! We got a dusting of snow last night, too, and more on the way tomorrow. I've heard 6-10"! With leaves still on the trees! My kids may have to trick-or-treat on Monday in their snow boots . . .

  25. Boo for the snow. But yay for the candy! Love the little piece you made, so adorable!

  26. The candy paper is to die for. Not literally, but I'd love to find it. I couldn't tell which brand it is...

  27. I love your card so bright and cheerful

  28. Snow? Glad it came your way first, we'll get it soon enough here, like this weekend. Great card, my boys and I love fruit rollups!

  29. That card is so adorable! I love the bright happy colors. Wow - you actually got a bit of snow. We are expecting something tomorrow night - which may interfere with the party we were planning to go to. Bah! I love snow - but I love it when it comes AFTER Thanksgiving! LOL

  30. Love the little piece of candy very cute!

  31. I so love seeing what you have in store for us each Friday! And your fun Happy Halloween card did not disappoint, I love the colours and the little bit of candy. TFS.

  32. This is so cute! I'm loving the dyed ribbon. I haven't done that yet but I must try it soon. I'm SOOOOO sorry you got snow. :( It's so early. Hope it all melts and the sun comes out soon! Have a great weekend! :)

  33. Snow?!?!?! WOW!!! I can pass on that for a while! LOVE that candy on the card though! So cute!


  34. Adorable card!! I'm with you on the candy!! Even my vitamins are gummys :)

  35. Love the card! The snow? Not so much.

  36. How cute! I love it! We got snow too!

  37. I like the bright and cheerful card. The yellow ribbon looks great!

  38. Fun card....not the snow
    I really like your candy :)

  39. This is so adorable! I love the shape you cut for the sentiment...

  40. cute card and the candy wrap is super cute!!!

  41. What a cute card! I love the little candy in the corner... it's just the right touch! Great job!

  42. Cute, cute, cute. LOVE your little candy embellie! And no to snow....please keep it there!! :)

  43. Seriously, with all your big talk about candy corn, and it took until now to see some??? lol. Shame shame :) I adore the little wrapped candy you made (awww) and you can keep the snow. They're threatening it for us too, but I hate making the kids put on snowsuits under their costumes. Ugh.

  44. Now how cute is this? Yes, I would like a piece of candy. :)

  45. That candy is sooo cute!!! Wrapped in cello and everything...love the creativity!


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