
It's Pixie Dust Challenge Day!

Have you been checking out the 15 Days of Christmas releases at Pixie Dust Studio? One new digi release each day for 15 days!!! How fun is THAT? Pretty darned fun, that's how fun it is! Just say'n.

Today's image is all about TOYS!!! You can check it out over on the Pixie Dust Studio Challenge Blog! And speaking of the challenge blog...today is a brand new challenge! This time the Pixies are creating ANYTHING BUT a card. Yup! Putting those images to work for some new fun stuff! I decided to make some Christmas Gift Tags for my project and I'm using one of the 15 Days of Christmas releases from a couple of days ago, Under the Mistletoe!


I created the base from Echo Park paper and punched the bottom with a fun EK Success punch. Then I printed the images on white cardstock and colored them simply with Tombow markers. As you can see, every package with these tags will be for ME!!!! HA! I kid. I kid.

Jingle Jingle Tags

The cute little loops are done with May Arts rope. I love this stuff!

Okay...so here's the deal...I have a question. Here in Massachusetts we have quite a few 'boroughs'. You know, Northborough, Westboro, Southborough....but there is no 'Eastborough' and I don't understand why. Because, you see, there IS an EeastON and a Weston, too, for that matter, but no Northton or Southton! And then we get to the bridges...Northbridge, Southbridge, but no East or Westbridge! Nope. BUT, there IS an UXbridge (I grew up there, actually). What the heck is an 'ux', anyway???? And to boot, these places, while they sound as though they may abut one another, do nothing of the sort. Nope. They are randomly positioned all over the state. I feel as though the founders had a hard time finishing what they started, at least when it came to naming towns! I mean, REALLY???? I just don't get it. It makes no sense and it is entirely unorganized. And THAT, my friends, is my rant for today. Just Say'n.

Have a Happy Thursday!!!


  1. I love these tags! Think they're my favorite project you've ever shared with us:)


  2. Great tags, love the rope. Perhaps UXbridge is the bridge over the Ux? In England you can find Essex, Sussex and Middlesex, and there used to be - a few hundred years ago - a Wessex, but never a Nossex!!! Valerie

  3. Gah, how I love your tags today! So cute!!!

    You have me cracking up about the boroughs too. No buroughs here in Missouri, but we do have burritos, yes... :)

  4. Cute tags, love the punched out bits. Tracy x

  5. Love these! I made some tags this week. Getting in the holiday spirit!

  6. Ahhhhh! Cute lil' birdies, mistletoe, jingling ... doesn't GET any better than this!

  7. So cute!
    And thanks for the laff - we have the same around here - there is even a South Middleton.

  8. I just love Pixie Dust images!!! Your tags are incredible! Peace, Mary Helen

  9. love your tags... So cute.. Thanks for sharing.

  10. cute tags! i also enjoyed your video on the putty. I have that stuff...have I USED it??? now I am inspired to try it out!

  11. sweet little tags, so cute!
    have a great day, Debxx

  12. I love these tags! The punch on the bottom adds such a cute element to an already adorable project!

  13. Love those cute tags....you are going to be all set for Christmas!! Your buroughs rant cracked me up...we don't have those in So Cal....we just have LA, The OC (nothing like the show was) and "the Inland Empire"!

  14. Super Sweet! Can't help you with the Ux part - but can tell you I'm leaving with a smile on my face again - your post brought back memories of my year as an au pair in Lexington - Thanks!

  15. Fun tags.
    I like the images and the circles you punched out at the bottom of them.
    My new MIL's name is Joy. So at Christmas she sure receives alot of objects with her name on them, teehee.

  16. What a great project- love the punched bottoms on them- and the cute image! Gheeze- Christmas will be here before you know it!

  17. These tags are SO adorable...and they say Jingle on them! TOO perfect!


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