
Friends are just plain Cuckoo and other odd associations.

That's what happens when I have two cards to share in one day. You get one seriously weird title out of the deal. Oh, well. Such is. But seriously... it will all make sense in a moment...I assure you, my dear friends!

Friendship?  Yes, please!

Ummmm...is that not one of the cutest quotes, like, ever? Let me answer that for you. Yes. It, indeed, IS one of the cutest quotes ever! AND...to make it even BETTER, the ever fabulous Samantha Walker has included it in her Ornate Artisan Stackers set for Unity in pure, beautiful rubber form! *LOVE!*
"BUT WAIT!" you exclaim! "That flower isn't in the Ornate Artisan Stackers set???!"

Friendship?  Yes, please!  (detail)

Wow! You are on the ball today, my friends! And you are absolutely correct! You see...shhhhh! Don't tell anyone, but *sometimes* I use more than one stamp set on a single card. *GASP!* I KNOW, right?! You know....like when the sentiments from one aren't really working with where you want to go, but the images are...THAT my friends is when it happens! I reach for another stamp set. WOW! The power of two! HA!!!!


Both the flower and the clock are from the seriously adorable Cuckoo Clocks set. Ummm...*HEART!* And yes, I did painstakingly hand cut each and every one of those little pieces. And yes, I genuinely enjoyed doing it. WHAT? SORRY!!! I can't help it if I'm a little crazy! What do you want from me, really? HOWEVER, in the event that you have no desire whatsoever to do that, I can help you out with the clock. You can thank Samantha Walker and Spellbinders for that one. As for the flower, buck up and cut the daggum thing out, people! HA!

Cuckoo (detail)

Oh...and I mentioned associations, so here you go! It's kind of funny that we associate these gorgeous colors with fall. I mean, yes, her in New England they are everywhere, but have you ever seen Orlando in October? How about Dallas? New Orleans? Ummm...no orange, yellow, or red. Well, that's not true. The colors are entirely present, but not on leaves of deciduous trees. Heck...good luck even FINDING a deciduous tree in some places! Curious. Very Curious. BUT, that doesn't stop me from being head over heals in love with this amazing Orchard Harvest collection from Samantha Walker for Creative Imaginations! I used the 6x6 paper pad and I LOVE IT!!!!! The twine is from The Twinery and knotted for some adorable texture!

And that, my friends is my Friends With Flair post for today! I hope you have a super fantastic Friday!!!!


  1. love these--i love cuckoo too cute!!

  2. Beautiful cards, and the friendship quote is seriously cool! Valerie

  3. SOOO cute!!! Both of them!!! LOVE the papers you used!!!


  4. That's such a sweet image. Love how you've popped the bird out a bit!

  5. That friendship quote should be my constant tagline or my email signature. LOVE IT!!!! And I have a confession. Sigh. Here goes.
    Hello. My name is Kai and I am a CUCKOO CLOCK ADDICT.

  6. they are just gorgeous, love the cuckoo clock!
    have a great day! Debxx

  7. These are both such cute and cheery cards, great job!

  8. Cute, cute, cute. Love the colors and whimsy! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

  9. These are just adorable! Love the layering with paper and those images are just too cute!

  10. I love both of them!! Love your posts too! I look forward to reading them.

  11. I think your post title sounds like tyre title of a fancy new self help book for which you should be paid handsomely for! Your cards are SO cute!!! Those little knots of twine are adorable and I'm loving the cuckoo clock!

  12. Gorgeous paper piecing and I love your twine knots. :)

  13. Your paper piecing is awesome! So much detail!

  14. These cards are delightful! Your writing is so clever too...love how your personality just ooooozes through!

  15. Cute Cards ! Love the paper piecing and those little knots are great.

  16. I love how you stamped those on PP and cut them out! It must have taken you a long time, but the results are GORGEOUS!

  17. Eek! Another stamp set I MUST own, based entirely on it having a Dickens quote! So glad you pointed it out, I might never have known, otherwise. :) These CAS cards are both so sweet! The little twine knots are a perfect embellishment.

  18. Those stamps are so cute!!
    And I love them on your cards.
    So nice and simple but adorable :)

  19. Gorgeous cards!!! The fussy cutting was so worth it and produced a fantastic look!

  20. These are gorgeous and I love the cuckoo.

  21. thoses so cute and fun. I love your cards, and the super pretty colors.

  22. Love these cards, espeically the knots of twine. Becky x

  23. Sunny cards from a sunny crafter! Love them and your blog!!!

  24. Great cards! LOVE the paper piecing! I enjoy doing it too:)

  25. These are both such cute cards! I LOVE those stamps and the SW papers. The twine knots look so cool!!

  26. oooooh adorable. I love that you mixed sets, not crazy at all!

  27. Oh, they are BOTH so fun!!! That is indeed such a wonderful quote. :) And that cuckoo clock is great. I wish we had one...my grandparents had one when I was young...and I would just LOVE when the little birdie would come out and say "cuckoo cuckoo!"

  28. LOVE your cards! The knots on the first card are so cute. Gotta love the twine! :)

  29. LOve the simplicity of these cards with the little knots!

  30. Both of these are simply fantastic. Great work!

  31. I believe everyone needs at least one crazy friend......your CAS designs are devine. I particularly love the cuckoo clock - totally cute and I too love fussy cutting....its quite therapeutic.

  32. Super cute cards, and awesome fussy cutting.

  33. Wow! These are fabulous and I am so jealous you have those cuckoo clocks!

  34. LOVE the clock! Both cards are fantastic!

  35. Both your cards are so adorable :)

  36. Such CUTE cards!! Love them both! Great colours, awesome paper piecing and love the twines. Great job!!

  37. Being a CAS girl, love love love these cards, the color just goes POP!

  38. You crack me up! I also love your cards. I've always loved cuckoo clocks, so that card is my favorite!!!!!

  39. That cuckoo clock is super cute!

  40. Too simple cards:), decent I like these specially the friendship card ...
    Plastic Cards Monster
    Plastic Cards


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