
Anybody want a donut?

Hello, friends! It's FRIDAY and it's not just ANY Friday, nosirreebob! It's FEATURE FRIDAY at Skipping Stones Design! (It's also Friends With Flair Friday and the same Friday where I post my Tuesday Trigger card, so you should probably totally check out the post before this one because it kind of rocks, too. Just say'n.)

Who wants a donut??? Well, now I do. Darnit! HA! Anyway...I'm excited to show off a SUPER stinking adorable and rather hilarious stamp set from Skipping Stones today! It's the Birthday Donuts set!

Happy 29th Birthday...

I LOVE IT!!! Cutest images and the most HILARIOUS sentiments ever! For reals. No, I know this looks like a 'sweet' 29th birthday card...but, well, I will let you see for yourself...

Happy 29th Birthday (inside)

HA!!! Hilarious. Just say'n. Of course, if you happen to ACTUALLY be 110 lbs., well, first of all, I'm not sure we can be friends anymore unless you are like 13 AND...this card might be slightly less funny. Just say'n. (No, I kid! We can still be friends, you just aren't allowed to talk about your weight, k? K. Thanks. bye.)

No, but in all seriousness, this is a super fun set and a LOT of fun to create fabulous cards for your girlfriends! OH! And don't forget that today is the last day to enter your card for the Skipping Stones WCMD challenge! You should do that. FREE stamps are at stake, here, people!!! And if you don't have any SSD stamps yet and would like some, then check out our Tuesday Sketch Challenge because you don't have to use them, but you could WIN FREE SSD STAMPS! Even ones with donuts. Just say'n. So go. Check it out. Nowish.

Just LOOK at those sentiments! HA! Hi.freaking.lar.ious. Just say'n. So...you probably need it. Or you can come over to my house and stamp with me and I will let you borrow it. K? K. Sounds good. Party at Jingle's! YAY!!!! Don't forget to read the next post. It's a good one. I promise. K. Bye now.

Jingle Out.


  1. your posts are so amusing, Jingle! i've enjoyed my visit!

  2. yes! I'll take one with some chocolate frosting and sprinkles, please :)

  3. Hehe, great card!! Becky x

  4. Now THOSE are some EXTRA fun images! And I love how you used that particular one to create a very cute & funny card!

  5. Great! And, yes, I wanna donut!! Valerie

  6. what a fun stamps ! please pass me a chocolate donut thnx!

    greetz tanja

  7. This stamp set is too funny. Love it!

  8. That donut is so super sweet. I love sprinkles. (And I ended up getting the Nikon 8100 and a Mac Book Pro) Love them both. :)

  9. This is soooo cute! I love it! :)

  10. tee HEE! love the stamp set - too cute! your simple design is fabby, girl!

  11. Simply adorable. I really like the inside sentiment. Reminds me of a card my two older sisters would give me.

  12. This actually made me laugh out loud! Too funny! Perfect with the twine!

  13. I'll have a donut!!! super cute card Jingle!!!

  14. Me, ME! I want a donut!!! hehe Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog today. I see you're in Woostah, I live in NH. :) {{{Hugs}}} from your *trying NOT be* 200 pound new friend. LOL

  15. Now that's funny and super cute:)

  16. I passed on a donut today, but yours looks delicious!!! Your post had me laughing so hard! Thanks for the entertainment!

  17. Happy Happy Happy 29TH and a donut too...my mother always told us, her 6 kids, every birthday she was 29! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  18. Totally hilarious! Great card too.

  19. I love this Jingle!! I DO NOT have this set. I guess i don't have them all. I hope you have a great weekend!!!

  20. Your card is so yummy.
    Those are some fun stamps :)

  21. These stamps are fabulous! Who ever gets that card is going to love it!

  22. Such an adorable card, Jingle! Now you have me wanting donuts this morning......lol

  23. Such a fun card! Love it and the sentiment is great!

  24. So cute and perfect for a B-day!

  25. this is so cute! great simple design, too. lovely card!

  26. Jennifer, this is hilarious! I love your CAS design.

  27. Ha ha ha, that's funny!!! I haven't seen 110 pounds in a few years, so our friendship is still safe! :)

  28. Your card is hilarious...and you're right that the sentiments, are too. Love it!

  29. Very sweet... oh did I just say that? LOL
    hugs Lynn

  30. Oh this is too funny!! Just love it!

  31. That is just too cute AND funny!!!! Sometimes funny cards are definitely the best cards!!! :)

  32. Thats a cute "low" calorie donut lol


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