
You Inspire Me in Black and White

It is a crisp, cool Autumn morning here in Massachusetts today. And by 'cool' I mean FREEZING FREAKING COLD, BATMAN!!!! Who the HECK ordered weather in the 40's? I mean, I'm all for fall, but let's actually have FALL and not head straight into winter, K? K. Thanks. Good...now that we got THAT little matter out of the way...

It is Friends With Flair Friday and I have decided to go black tie for the occasion. HA! Yup. Black and white. Just. Black. And. White. I kinda love that combination. Just say'n.

You Inspire Me

*sigh* Black and white can be SO pretty!!!!! And tell me...no...really....doesn't that birdcage image just SCREAM to be stamped in black and white? I think it TOTALLY does. totally. Just say'n.

You Inspire Me (detail)

The stamp sets are the I Adore You set by Echo Park for Unity and the Heartfelt Sentiments set (Which happens to be just SO convenient to have on hand! I have this sentiment set, a sentiment set from Close To My Heart, and one from Hero Arts and without those three sets I simply do not KNOW what I would do! Love them!) The twine is from The Twinery.

I am linking my card to the Sky Challenge at Charisma Cardz, Shabby Chic Girls' Club Ooh La La Linky, and Little Red Wagon's Twine Challenge.

So...leave a comment, let me know what you think and have a super happy FRIDAY!!!! Come back tomorrow to see a GORGEOUS new release from Retro Cafe Art Gallery!

Jingle Out.


  1. Love love love the black and white! Yep, cold snap alright!

  2. SO pretty!! I like these stamps!!
    Oh, yeah, froze my be-tonk-a-tonk while walking the dog this AM!! WOW!

  3. Very classy card, love the image and black and White. Tracy x

  4. Love this! Yes, the cage does want to be stamped in black! Great job on this card. Yeah, it froze here in MN yesterday, what's with that?!!! It was 90 on Tuesday, froze on Thursday. SOOO Minnesotan of the weather to do that!

  5. I LOVE the black and white, it really makes the detail in the stamps stand out! Gorgeous, classy and elegant!

  6. I love me some b&w!!! This is so elegant and clean!!!

  7. WOW! This is one gorgeous B&W! I just love this combine.

  8. Love the black and white. I totally agree that the bird cage looks fab in black and white. Becky x

  9. I LOVE black & white! This card is perfect all the way down to the twine! LOVE IT! And, yeah. We are also in the deep freeze here in Houston today. We'll make it only to 95 or 96 as opposed to the 102 & 103 we had earlier in the week. Sigh. I WANT COLD WEATHER!!!!!

  10. Snap as it is sooooooo cold in my part of the world (Scotland).
    Classy, oozing elegance.

  11. it is perfect in black and white!

  12. Can I just say "WOW" - love this card. Really beautiful...thanks for sharing.

  13. I love a black and white card and yours is no exception! Beautiful!

  14. Very pretty. Black and white is always so elegant.

  15. Oh how elegant, Jingle!!! You're welcome to join the one and only link party at The Shabby Chic Girls' Club--It's going on for a week!!


  16. Oh WOW, Jingle, I am so happy that you linked up your fabulous "Ohhh-la-la" card!!! It's perfection!


  17. beautiful card, very elegant! I had to scrape the ice off my car this morning! Valerie

  18. This card is so elegant.I love the black and white scheme.

  19. STUNNING! This is so elegant in black and white. LOVE it!

  20. Beautiful card! I love it in black and white. I'm just saying. :-)

    I'm now following you in Google Reader.


  21. This is a very elegant card! I LOVE what you did with this. Beautiful. (And I'm hoping it's since warmed up as the day has gone on....it's a beautiful day here in the 60's..perfect fall weather.)

  22. LOVE this!!! Love the simple black and white color scheme!!!


  23. Totally stunning card, so love it!
    Have a great weekend, happy crafting, Debxx

  24. Yep, this is gorgeous in black and white! Black tie for sure. :D

  25. The black and white is so dramatic! WOW! ♥

  26. Lovely card! love the blk/wht!! Hugs from Conroe, TX!

  27. Love that black and white combo. I am jealous of your weather - we are still in the 90's.

  28. I have to agree..yep, I love the black and white.

  29. Such a beautiful card! :) I love the black and white. I actually enjoyed the cold...I know, I'm strange. I love colder weather.

  30. Beautiful card!! I love the black and white...so classy!

  31. Oh wow. That so elegant and stunning! Simply AWESOME!!!

  32. So Pretty & elegant!! Love the black & white. Hope you stay warm inside. I'm just SO glad I'm back home where it's warm after 2 months of winter downunder. ;)

  33. It's so pretty! I love the black and white!

  34. Wow! This is simple and stunning. :)

  35. wow I am a black and white fan too .... sometimes I do a black and white project with a touch of colour ,,, your work is awesome .. hugz x

  36. The 40's???...wowza...we are still in the 100s here in Texas. Please send a cool breeze our way. LOL
    Love your blk & wht card. So elegant. :)

  37. just beautiful! The black and white is so elegant!!!

  38. blog for those who love black & white... we must love nature,,,the beauty of our life..
    visit http://gmjangamaly.blogspot.com

  39. Just beautiful! Thank you for joining us at Charisma this week!
    Emma x

  40. Stopping by from Cindy's Oh La La Link Party. This is so elegant!

  41. Dear Jingle,
    I Just arrived at you blog. Oh my, do I love your art and creative mind! I'll be watching this blog closely, thank you for giving us so much of your time and mind. You make so wonderful and lovely works! I enjoyed the visit on your site. Many thanks for your beautiful inspirations!!
    Many warm Hugs from Marina from Germany
    I invited you gently to visit my creative Website: Bettyscardsandpaperdesign.com


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