
Friends With Flair Friday - Happy Halloween

Welcome to Friends With Flair Friday, folks! I have a fun Halloween card to share with you today using the WAY fun Bones About Halloween set by Samantha Walker for Unity!

Happy Halloween

I have mentioned that I love Halloween, right? 'Cause just in case you missed it..I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!! It's just too much fun! And these stamps are SO CRAZY FABULOUS!!! I love them!


So, here's the thing...Do you like fruit flavored marshmallows? Do you like marshmallows at all? Are you a marshmallow purest who believes one shouldn't mess with a good thing and avoid flavors altogether?

I'm wondering because I recently purchased a bag of Jet-Puffed FruitMallows and they are super duper yummy. The Hubbums, who does, indeed, like marshmallows, has asked why one would go and ruin a perfectly good thing. Personally, I like new flavors and exciting combinations, but I do recognize that sometimes they fail miserably (New Coke, anyone???? Bueler????). But...I gotta say, these FruitMallow thingies are not only adorable in their cute little fruit shapes and colors, but they are also quite yummy and an easy low-cal sweet snack. I'd love your thoughts on the matter on this fine Friday. So share, my friends. Share. K. Thanks.

ETA: HOLY HECK!!! These are so new they don't even have photos on their website yet, so I apologize for no picture of my FruitMallows, BUT, while searching for them I discovered THESE:

YES, PLEASE!!!! Just say'n. I will be hunting those down shortly. K. Bye now.

Jingle out.


  1. This is great. Smantha walker stamps, cool!!

  2. oh what fun! i love halloween! too cool!

  3. Fab Halloween card, love the swirl in the background and great images. My children are big fans of marshmallows, especially toasted on the burner with chocolate. Enjoy your weekend. Tracy x

  4. One of my super FAVE things about being home again is coming over here & reading all your blog posts! I'm SUPPOSED to be editing (I'll do that in a sec) so I can't really comment on each post I missed tho' I read & admired each one. But I have to tell you, lil' Jen, you are THE most prolific artist I KNOW! I LOVE all the cards & creations, and will be keeping up real-time again! HUGGRZ, you talented critter!

  5. Hey, hey--what a completely fun Halloweenie card!! Great design. Love the text in the background!

  6. I love Halloween too Jennifer, and your spookish card rocks! I've got to search for those fruit flavored marshmallows...they do sound like they are good!

  7. Ohh, what a beautiful card! I can't believe that it is coming so soon - you make me want to create something spooky ;) AND yes, I agree with the hubs. Love marshmallows but not a fan of the colored ones, xoxo

  8. I just love your SPOOKY Halloween card. Love the stamps. OMGosh! I have to find these marshmallows! How FUN!

  9. You are way too cute with your posts...love your excitement and I enjoy reading along! I looove Halloween and your card is perfect to start the season. And marshmallows? Ummm, yea, I always have marshmallows in my house...right now I have the vanilla Cars package...almost gone! I have to tell you that I was at Target and they had such a variety of them...and do you buy the little packages? They are so convenient to take in the car too! Thanks for the inspiration and have a fabulous weekend!

  10. I"m sad to say that I'm no connoisseur of marshmallows as I only prefer them with chocolate and graham crackers. Given that fact, I'm guessing the fruity goodness may be lost on me.

  11. Thanks for the fabulous tip on the marshmallows. Nate will LOVE those! And great card! Love it!

  12. Very SPOOKtacular card there missy..LOL!!! I love Halloween and you have really put me in the mood with your card.

    OMGOSH...the Chazman will be wanting some of those marshmallows. We love the fluffy stuff too. Hmmmmm, might need to have some smores tonight. ^_^


  13. Terrific fun card. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  14. Great fun card. Thank you for sharing your lovely work - I am always inspired!

  15. Scary and fun all at the same time! I just love reading your blog

  16. fab halloween card, I have been eyeing up all the fab halloween stuff in Michaels today!
    haven't tried those marshmallows yet, seen them in the grocery store but I kinda like the white ones so wasn't tempted by them!
    have a great day, happy crafting, Debxx

  17. What a great Halloween card! I love Halloween, too!!! Haven't heard about the fruit marshmallows, but I'm open to change and would be willing to try them. :)


  18. Fun and beautiful card. And I too love the fruit marshmallow.

  19. great halloween card... neat layout!

  20. Hi Jennifer, this card is so fun!! Love it... I'm almost wishing we celebrate Halloween here..just for the candies perhaps. Love marshmallows but they are hard to find where I am (sigh!) Have a great weekend!

  21. This is very cute.. I love the glitter.. hugs

  22. Oh how fun and I so need to get crackin' on my Halloween cards...thanks for the much needed inspiration!!!

  23. fab halloween card (although that skeleton is a wee bit too realistic! ha!)- love the glittery flourish on the text! And your marshmallow discussion is so funny- I would never have thought them lo-cal...!

  24. Ooh, perfect! And I don't really like marshmallows, but I did have some gingerbread man marshmallows last christmas that were pretty good! Maybe you'd like them if they're out again this year.

  25. Great Halloween Card! Marshmellows dont do much for me except for Hot Cocoa or Smoores...but I will be on the look out for the flavor ones to try!

  26. Cool card! I haven't had marshmallows in awhile but I am more than willing to try a "flavored" one. :)

  27. Your halloween card is adorable - but ummm, fruit flavored marshmallows? YUCK!!!!

  28. First I want to say your card is adorable. Lovin those stamps.
    Now onto the question at hand. I LOVE marshmallows. They have to be Kraft, all others taste like vanilla.
    I Have yet to see the fruit flavoured ones, they sound interesting.
    My favourite, is to take pieces of chips (potatoe chips) and stick them all over the marshmallow and then eat them that way.....you get your salty and your sweet at the same time. I eat them all summer like that, lol.

  29. Great Halloween card- love the DSP - perfect with the theme of your card. Not so sure the marshmallows sound so yummy....I have a daughter that would like them.....but me- not so much!

  30. Super card! I like fruit flavored marshmallows, and I really love toasted coconut encrusted marshmallows.


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