
Come Home - A Mixed Media Assemblage and WOYWW

This is a mixed media piece that I created in a surge of creative energy yesterday. I have been rather ill and finally felt better (just to feel horrible again today, mind you), so I was excited to use the time I had and the energy to get some creative work done. It started out as a simple ATC with the fabulous arch ATC frame and base from Retro Cafe Art Gallery and it just grew from their into this entire piece. I really love it!
Come Home

Much of it is constructed of found parts such as the thrift shop frame, the rusty nails, screws, washer, and metal plate. I find these things randomly on the side of the road and I can never walk buy without grabbing them and this is TOTALLY why!

The other supplies, the arch ATC frame, the ATC back, the charlotte doll, the german scrap, the tissue tape, glitter, and the film strip ribbon can all be found at Retro Cafe Art (because they are AWESOME LIKE THAT!!!! Just say'n.)The ribbon used behind the ATC frame is from the always fabulous May Arts.

So, basically, THAT, along with a whole lot of other stuff is what is on my workspace at the moment! HA!

That and these little treasures that I picked up at the thrift shop yesterday.

The cedar coasters or whatever they are supposed to be were a quarter for the pack and I think they will make great canvases for little pieces of art. The glass was just intriguing to me, so I had to pick that up, also a quarter, and I think I have a plan for it, but I'm not sure I want to do it because it is so cute I sort of just want to use it for storage or something! HA! And, as for that odd little funnel, well, let's be honest, a witch's hat is easily seen there! Right? Right. Totally. Just say'n.

Wow! That's a lot of stuff I've tossed your way to look at today! I hope you enjoy it! I also have this fun little card that I made *JUST FOR FUN* (I told you I had a creative rush, right?) and I am adding to the CPS Challenge because I LOVE this week's sketch!!! I might do a couple more, actually, because I love it THAT much!


This simple Halloween card was created with a Close To My Heart stamp, Momento Ink and Twinery twine. And that's it, folks!

I hope you have a super fabulouso Wednesday! Do leave a comment if you can! I love your comments!!! They make my days a bit brighter! YAY!!!

Jingle Out


  1. Love your altered frame especially the rusty nails etc, brilliant. Great CAS card too. Very creative desk this morning. Tracy x

  2. Glad you were able to get some creative time in after felling icky...it certainly paid off both projects are chock full of awesome! Your workspace looks just like mine :) I wish they would start marketing magic wands for crafters to send everything back to it's proper place...someday

  3. Love the frame, very impressive! valerie

  4. Love your altered art with the nails on - gorgeous and the card is beautiful too :)

  5. very cool! love the nails

    card is really cute too

  6. Love the Arch and the doll!!

  7. wow, fabulous work of art, love that name plate, hope you are feeling better!
    have a great day,
    happy crafting, Debxx

  8. Do you know, now that I have a hungry puppy walking with me all the time, I've been finding all this kind of stuff too. It's amazing what you find out & about on the sidewalk! I absolutely love how you incorporated all these crazy bits into your artwork :)
    And, I feel a little bit better about my desk now. Just say'n.... :)

  9. I always love your cards, but I particularly look forward to any of your assemblages! Really well done!!! Love it! Cheers!!!

  10. Your little gnome just makes me smile every time I visit :).

    Your mixed media piece is really nice. All the textures and details look like it's a fun piece to work on.

  11. I love your card and your frame!!

    I hope you feel better soon though :)

  12. I love the mixed media piece. You've got talent, girl! :-) And I love the Halloween card. Great job!

  13. I love your project- I love the look of mixed media, but when I gather supplies, never know where to start......! How cool- love the rusty nails and all. Great Halloween card!

  14. wowee Jingle your frame is amazing, so loving this and your CAS card. x

  15. LOVE LOVE LOVE your mixed media, that is just adorable.
    AND OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I have seen your work space before and it STILL stresses me out..........I just cant look!

  16. wow that is stunning, I love found objects especially metally ones. Fab rusty nails. i got so excited to find a metal shoe buckle in a parking lot the other week hahaha

  17. Great work today! Your thrift shop finds are fab!

  18. I just adore your unique creativity! FABULOUS finds!

  19. Holy art piece, Batman! That ROCKS! I had to check out every single fabulous detail! Also love the card! The touches of red just P-O-P it! Girl, I thought MY workspace was over the top but YOU WIN! LOL! Of course, that's because you are constantly in the process of creating. I HAVE no excuse. By the way, I'm GLAD I'm not the only one who collects things here & there to use in various creations. One of the neighbors SERIOUSLY thought I was a bag lady 2 years ago because she saw me taking STICKS from a bundle of cut limbs out by the curb. They were ready for the trash guys. I NEEDED them! HAHAHAHAHA! She complained about me to the neighbor whose sticks I was taking & the neighbor later told me. (She also said I can have her sticks anytime!) Anyway, I hope you feel about a million TIMES better. Can't have our lil' sweetheart feeling bad! HUGS!!!

  20. Very fun piece!
    I hope you feel better soon!!

  21. Oh my gosh, where to start? Amazing mixed media piece! Loving the nails, super cool! Your work space looks so creative and fun! As for the thrift store finds, I can totally see that glass with some buttons or baubles stored in it!!! And then your card, that twine is fabulous!

    (a little secret, I picked up that scale at Walmart for $13. It's Paula Dean !!)

  22. Wow! LOVE that project! SO awesome! :)

  23. That is THE best Halloween card I have seen to date - seriously - I love the simplicity of it. I'd have picked up that glass as well, great shape :) xx

  24. this is unbelievable! Speechless! I love the halloween card with the twine and stamp as well. Thrift store shopping is fun! Looks like you got some good stuff!

  25. Your frame is amazing. So cool that you repurposed the odds and ends. Looks like you had a crafty Wednesday going on! :)

  26. Your altered art is always so interesting. Looks like you got some good buys, too!

  27. You sure do great work when you don't feel well, Jingle! Hope you feel better soon.

  28. I got a late start yesterday because I fell asleep before I could link up with Julia. Now I'm just trying to catch up. For some reason, I thought you were on the mend. Now it sounds like you are not again.

    Good grief. I LOVE rusty nails and those from a nail gun are fantastic. In fact, I love the entire piece. It nearly blew me away. This is my kind of art. Found art is so addictive. Happy belated WOYWW

  29. Wowee! Your mixed media project is awesome! Great use of found objects and new objects all pulled together in one cool piece of art!
    I see you have lots of stash on your desk! Want some more? I am having a giveaway on my blog and would love for you to enter!
    xoxo Karen

  30. You're a girl right after my own heart! Love this assemblage piece!

  31. Wow, this card is amazeballs! You're so talented:)


  32. Loving your mixed media piece! WOWZA. Loads of eye candy there. Can't wait to see what you do with your other thrift store finds!

  33. Great mixed media piece! Love rusty stuff. My hubby's just got into metal detecting and I think he needs to watch out that I don't pinch all his finds. He found a 14th century groat the other day and he's agreed to let me take a mould of it! I shall be starting a new UK currency soon, made of Friendly Plastic lol! (You can see the grungey steampunk bits I've made on my WOYWW blog post.) Hope you feel better soon. Happy belated WOYWW.

  34. That is stunning! Just stunning! xoxo

  35. AWESOME mixed media work!!! I just love this departure...but the Halloween cards are pretty great also. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  36. Lots of eye candy here! Love your assemblage piece - it is so gothic. :) And those are some great thrift shop finds. I love going to our nearby thrift shops - you truly never know what goodies you'll find there! Happy weekend to you!

  37. That is just amazing!!! And your simple halloween card, perfect!

  38. Shzaam!! that is fantastic altered work. Keep smiling and creating


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