
Theoretically, this Hippo could have done this in my Basement yesterday. Just say'n.

***Don't Forget to check out the great GIVEAWAY HERE!!!!

Well, Hurricane Irene has come and gone and we were fortunate to have no major problems. Our basement flooded, however, it is unfinished and we fully expected that to happen, so we were pretty prepared for it. As of this morning, the humidity down there was down to 65% and some areas of the floor are dry. The lower areas are still puddles, but they will be fine in a day or two between the pump and the dehumidifier. We never lost power at our house, although, MANY people did. My parents lost it all day at theirs. I don't know if they have it back this morning or not yet. We did have at least one tree down - it actually snapped in the middle and the top part fell down so we have a giant 'half-tree' in the backyard. It's kind of funny looking. Another tree is leaning A LOT, but we can't see if it broke due to the growth all around it, so it might just be forever leaning oddly or it could be broken. None of these fell anywhere near the house, though, so that's good. So, that's what happened in my neck of the woods. How about you?

Happy Birthday Hippo

I felt that this card was appropriate for today, seeing as this fun hippo could have taken this bath in our basement yesterday! HA! He is a fabulous image from 100 Proof Press! The image is called Splashing Hippo! YAY! (#5657-W) Seriously. I love him. I used some great EAD Stickers for the sentiment on this card! Love them!

Happy Birthday Hippo

I used inks as watercolors with my waterbrush to add just a bit of color to the image. I love how it makes it pop! And then I simply added some black and blue twine from The Twinery to finish it off!

I am linking this card to the following challenges:
Less Is More: Take Three - Week 12, Off Center; Week 28, One Layer with Ink; Week 29, Things that Move
CASual Fridays: Use Stickers


  1. So glad you were spared the worst of the hurricane. Your card is fabulous! He is a super fun image

  2. I LOVE that happy hippo, but am even more elated to hear that you escaped relatively unscathed from the hurricane! May the water be gone...and neighbors, friends, and family find themselves back to peace soon. :)

  3. Great card. What a fun, quirky image, glad you survived Irene, thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. What a happy card...hippo splashing happily. Happy to hear you weathered Irene okay with minimal damages.


  5. that hippo is a cutie! Glad to hear you weathered the hurricane without too much damage!

  6. Good to hear you weathered the storm. Love your card - that is a happy hippo! Congrats on getting past 600 on FB!

    Deanne :)

  7. This looks great - simple but very effective!

  8. thank goodness you are safe and sound!

    very cute card!

  9. I've had the east coast in my prayers all weekend. So glad you made out OK. I lived through 3 hurricanes in 2004 when I lived in Orlando. Losing power in FL in August is NO FUN. No power anytime is no fun, but still. That's the worst part. Love your card! That hippo is the cutest image. It's so fun! Hope you have a good week.

  10. Happy to hear you guys are OK and no major damage.

    SUPER cute card.. LOVE the hippo:)

  11. Glad you were mostly spared... this image is hilarious given the possibilities. Very fun!

  12. Glad to hear that you and yours are all ok.

    That Hippo is gorgeous!!

  13. I LOVE your super fun card and that hippo is adorable - you could have called it Hippo BATHday to you!!!

    So pleased to hear that you were so well prepared for the event that is Hurricane Irene and are pretty much on top of things

    Stay safe


  14. So glad yall are safe... Love the hippo card.. Thanks for sharing.

  15. No hurricane action here in the Midwest. But actually are having a nice break from the extremely crazy weather we have had all year so far!

    Super fun card, Jingle!

  16. glad you got off lightly, luckily we did too. yes our basement flooded and it is finished so a big mess there and something happened to our AC but waiting for the service people to call and it isn't too hot right now. we didn't lose power but my brother did, we are south of Philly and he's north of Philly. so who knows.

  17. Glad to hear that you survived the storm ok, with minimal damage. YOu never know with those biggies. Love the hippo card too! The splash makes me smile! -Amanda

  18. glad you had no problems! super cute card!!!

  19. That is a super image. Great fun. xx

  20. Great fun card and hope the basement is no longer swimming in water x

  21. Aww, what a cute card! And more than that--I'm so glad that you are safe!!! I hope your mom got her power back!

  22. LOL such a fun card. Glad you are all safe. x

  23. So glad that all you had to deal with was water in the basement - that is bad enough! That little guy is adorable and very appropriate.

  24. My, what a cute image this really made me smile.... fab card too!
    Thanks so much
    "Less is More"

  25. A fabulous card, great image, such fun
    Thank you very much
    Diva LIM "Less is More"

  26. So glad you came off pretty unscathed hunni! I've been glued to the TV watching it, unbelievable to watch it barrel so far up the East Coast.
    Super cute hippo card!
    *hugs* Sal x

  27. Now, THAT'S a happy hippo!!
    Great job!!

  28. Super image, fun card. Glad to hear everything is ok with your family. x

  29. This card is adorable! Love your CAS design!

  30. That hippo looks like its having a jolly good time in your basement ;)

    I love that you added your waterpen to make the water more prominent.

  31. Ok this is just too much fun!!! Super cute :)

  32. That looks like the happiest hippo ever! And that's too bad that your basement flooded, but I'm glad it wasn't worse.

  33. Ha ha ha! What an appropriate card! Glad to hear you're a-okay after the hurricane.

    We weathered it fine, too.

    I'm baaccck!! Sorry I haven't been around the past week plus. I took a much needed bloggy vacation...and went a few places, too. Hope I didn't miss any dolly posts. Gonna have to go look now! LOL!

  34. Stunning card, love the hippo.
    Beryl x

  35. cute card and am happy you are safe :)

  36. This is so cute, great card. Carol x

  37. Relieved to hear you're all OK and didn't suffer too much damage. Just a tree down here ~ lucky:)


  38. Hahaha, I just love the stamp.
    What a nice card

  39. Hahaha, I just love the stamp.
    What a nice card

  40. This is a cute image- imagine a storm and then a hippo in the basement- too funny. Glad you made it through the storm well!

  41. Hi there, so glad you were okay. Great card what a happy hippo, love it, Gay xxx

  42. So glad all turned out well with you and Irene.We lost power for two days and had alot of water in the basement. We are drying out now! Just love the hippo card, it made me laugh. take care, gerri

  43. How cute is that sweet hippo?! Love, love, love him! Great use of stickers! Thanks so much for playing with us at CAS-ual Fridays!!

  44. So glad everyone is safe! This card is adorable. :)
    Thanks for playing at CAS-ual Fridays!

  45. glad your all o.k!
    the card teeheehee!
