
I {heart} You. And that's why I need your VOTES!!! :-) *Pretty Please???* (Giveaway)

You guys know I love you, you really do. I know you do. Because you are all awesome like that. Just say'n. That being the case, I know you will also like this card I have to share with you today. AND, that being the case, I'm *HOPING* you will VOTE for me!!!! *Please?* *Pretty Pretty Please?* I promise I am TOTALLY making the cute face! Tee-hee!

You see, Momenta had this awesome contest on their facebook page where they asked you to use their new Design Your Own Stickers. They are WICKED cool! They come in a variety of styles in plain white. Then, you hop onto their website, MyMomenta.com, and you find the template (super easy), and either choose a pre-created design, create your own with the HUGE variety of options they have available, or download the template and make your own in photoshop or a similar program.

{heart} YOU

I decided to go with a pretty mottled grey for my letters and then I added glitter over three of them to make the 'you' pop out from the rest. This was SO much fun and really quite easy to do, too! I love that I can have letters on hand and then make them match ANYTHING I want to use them on!!!

{heart} YOU

I wanted to make the stickers the star of the show, so that's how I came up with my design. I love these things! They rock!

So, if you are awesome, too, I'd love for you to vote for me! You can vote once a day, so I *might* just be mentioning this little contest over the next few days, but only because the prize is AWESEOME and I'd love to win! And...as an added incentive, I have decided to share the prize if I win! So, each time you vote leave a comment on this post letting me know you voted (once a day)and each time you will be entered to win! I will only be able to offer a prize *IF* I am the winner, so spread the word and VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!

Feel free to leave other comments, but be sure to mention that you voted if you do!

Thank you!!!! I {heart} You!!!!! You are pretty much awesome.

Jingle Out and stuff.

Just say'n.


  1. this is so cute! and of course i will vote for you! good luck!

  2. You got my vote! Messy desk and all! :)

  3. What an awesome card. Love the letters and how you highlighted the word. :o)

  4. i think it's fabulous!!
    i'll vote for you!!
    you don't even have to give me a prize..I'm doing it cause i think it's a fabulous piece!!!!

  5. just got back from voting...i really thought yours was the best!!...hope you win!!!!..i don't know why you wouldn't...yours is the best!!!

  6. Adorable card! Best of luck with Momenta!

  7. Yours is the best--I voted today!

  8. Love Momenta and the design your own sticker program! Cute card!

  9. So cute! I would vote for you if I had Facebook, but I don't!

  10. I'll be sure to run over and vote. Love that card, btw!

  11. I love your card and I am heading there to vote for you right now! Good luck, I hope you win :)

  12. hi, followed you here from sploitcoaststampers.... and voted for you! good luck with the contest!

  13. Love your card! It's super fun!! Good luck!!

  14. Just voted for you!! Goodluck!!


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