
It's Pixie Dust Studio Release Day and I'm a New Pixie!!!

Yes, folks...as you most likely gleaned from yesterday's post, I was asked to join the Pixie Dust Studio Design Team and with images this cute, WHO could turn that down??? Yeah, I know! Right?! Right. Totally. You can check out all of the new Pixies over at the Pixie Dust Studio blog! (Oh, and by the way, I LOVE that I can actually CALL myself a Pixie, seeing as I have the blue, kinda spiky, pixie hair cut going on. Just say'n.)

Today's release is called Oh...Baby! and Oh, is it ADORABLE!!!

Happy Baby!

You saw the cutie patooty dear yesterday and today I have a Noah's Ark image to show off! TOO CUTE!

Ark Card

I colored this one with watercolor pencils. I love those!

Here is the entire Oh, Baby Collection! CUTENESS!

SUCH CUTENESS! So head on over to Pixie Dust Studio and pick up an image or two, or maybe the complete collection! The great thing about digi stamps is that they are SUPER affordable! Love that!

Be on the look out! I have two more posts coming up today! LOTS of fun stuff going on!


  1. Love your card and Pixie Dust sounds very good; congrats on being asked to join the DT! Valerie

  2. Awww...congratulations to the newest Pixie!! Love your Noah's ark card!:)

  3. yahoo...you are one busy chickie! Congrats...CUTE card!

  4. congrats!!!!!

    this card is just way too cute!

  5. Congrats and Welcome to Pixie Dust! You will LOVE being a Pixie! Hugs

  6. Cute card and congrats on your new DT.

  7. I always thought you were a pixie or of the fae family. ^_^ CONGRATS!!

    Very cute card...love Noah's Ark!!

  8. Congrats and welcome to the Team :)
    Your card is SO cute! We're so happy to have you join us!
    hugs, margie

  9. Hey Jingle! So pleased to be on the same team with you!!! I adore your card - the colour combo is amazing and love all of the details!

  10. Congrats!!! Love your work....the cards are fabulous!!

  11. Cute!! Can never have enough baby cards in the stash.

  12. Many congrats to you! This card is so darn cute. Can't wait to see the other projects you create with the Pixie team. :)

  13. Squee! So, so adorable! I don't even know what's cutest. I love how you've done up the Ark - baby animals are so awesome. And I love the "happy baby" sentiment :)

  14. Congrats Jen! Looks like a fun one!


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