
Be Brave {Friends With Flair}

It's Friends With Flair Friday over at Unity and, as usual, I am playing along! I have to apologize for the poor photo quality. You see, I'm wicked smart and I decided to wait until the very last minute to photograph my card and so I did that at about six o'clock this morning and then after taking two very nice shots, my camera batter, which I ever-so-intelligently haven't charged in ages, died promptly, therefore not allowing me to upload the photos to my computer until it is charged....which it will be when I get home from work today. Just say'n. Soooo....that means you get phone shots today. Thank you, my dear friend, Mr. Droid. Just say'n. HA!

Be Brave

I used the She Sprouted Wings set for today's card along with a wealth of happy Crate Paper goodness!!!

Be Brave (detail)

(Does anyone know if there is a Droid app for macro shots? 'Cause I could TOTALLY use one! Just say'n.)

I actually tore paper for this card. That's pretty amazing considering I'm generally NOT a torn paper fan. It usually bugs me. To no end, actually. For reals. But this card kept telling me it needed some torn edges, so I went for it, and voila! By George, I think it was RIGHT! Hmph. Go figure. At least I got to ink the heck out of those torn edges. Inking the heck out of anything pretty much makes me happy. Just say'n.

So, what are you up to this fine weekend? Here in the U.S. we have a holiday weekend to celebrate Independence Day. They keep it quiet, but in England they celebrate us leaving on the 4th of July. HA!!! Anyway...any fun plans? We have some fun plans. I will have photos for SURE! Happy Friday, folks!

Jingle Out!


  1. Love your card-yep I can tell it was talkin to ya-looks great torn! Hate that your battery died, but I can say the phone photo looks good to me. No fun plans that I know of for our holiday weekend but I know I am going to spend most of it in my crafty room since dh has to work:)

  2. Love this card, it is absolutely stunning!

  3. Love your card! I noticed the torn and inked edges right away! Great DP!

  4. I love this card 'cause I firmly believe we ALL need to remember how brave we ARE. (And I like torn edges! I am made UP of torn edges!) No 4th of July plans over here other than TRYING not to melt in this heat. I keep getting the urge to twirl into a heap on the floor, hollering, "I'm MELTING! Mellllllting!" like a certain Wicked Witch. Sigh. Looking forward to YOUR photos. I will celebrate the holiday vicariously through my Blogger friends who are not having record heat & serious no-fireworks/no barbecuing drought conditions! Have a happy Fourth of July! HUGS!!!

  5. Great embellies! Love the teal.

  6. Beautiful and I love your torn edges! Enjoy your holiday weekend!

  7. Beautiful, PERFECT card!

  8. I always love your goofy blog (I'm goofy,too!), and your cards. You are very talented.
    I'm going to a park for the 4th (we do it every year) to EAT, play games, and watch fireworks!!

  9. WONDERFUL!!! Simpley WONDERFUL!!! Love the colors, layout, border, and everything! Beautiful card!!!


  10. Lovely card, torn edges and all!

  11. Love the colour scheme of the card.

  12. The first thing I noticed was the torn edge and I liked it! It's nice sometimes when things aren't all even all around, it definitely adds interest to this beautiful card! *smile*

  13. Terrific card Jingle. Have a great weekend, Annette x

  14. Beautiful card! That's one of my favourite Unity stamp sets, I've used it loads for all kinds of projects. Love it.

  15. Hi Jennifer! Love how your card turned out. Gorgeous!! Have a lovely weekend, and Happy 4th July! {hugs}

  16. Absolutely GORGEOUS card! I was surprised though - almost expected to see a lot of red, white and blue here all weekend! Heehee!

    Have a fantastic July 4th weekend!

  17. oh wow, this is amazing, just love the vintage look!
    Have a great weekend!
    Happy Crafting, Debxx

  18. Gorgeous! I love how you made that sentiment block the focus! Brilliant.

    lisa a.

  19. Totally gorgeous card!

  20. This card is perfect, love everything about it!

  21. Such a beautiful card with beautiful sentiment. Hope you have a wonderful 4th!

  22. Beautiful card! And glad to see you had a happy Fourth. Love the hair.


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