
Ribbon and Paper and Ink, Oh, My!

Yes, folks, THAT is what is on my workspace right now. I don't know how it happened, but I feel so behind in my creating right now! I have been busy busy busy and last night, I could have worked on some stuff had I not fallen asleep at 8:30. Yup. 8:30pm. I guess when your body decides it's time to sleep you should just listen! LOL! I do have stuff in progress....sort of....and I do have LOTS going on on my desk today! LOL!

WOYWW 4 May 2011

That gorgeous grey ribbon? Yup. Totally took that off the Loft bags from my spring clothing purchases over the last couple of weekends. I LOVE that store and I LOVE that ribbon! HA! And you can see a tiny doll body waiting for her spirit to come out and shine! And inks! Stamping inks, watercolors, spray inks, pens, and more! It seems I've developed quite an obsession with inks. Don't know when that happened, but the good news is that I actually use them, I don't just collect them, so that's a HAPPY!!!!

Well, that's my workspace for today! Don't forget to check out my Wordless Wednesday post above because I got some GREAT shots of spring finally breaking through!!!!

Happy Wednesday! Have a donut! I *might* have stopped at 'Dunks' (That would be Dunkin Donuts for you non New England folks...) this morning. Just say'n.

For more fabulous workspaces and some great projects, too, check out The Stamping Ground!


  1. looks like a lot of good stuff to work with--enjoy your donut

  2. A lot going on but it all looks good! Thanks for the snoop :)

  3. Mercy! You NEED a donut just to get the sugar rush for making all those potentials things in your work area! But you WILL make them! I KNOW you will! LOVE YOU!

  4. Love someone else that has a work space like mine. And love how we can have so much on our desk that we leave ourselves such a tiny tiny square to work on lol. Just finished creating some cuistom cards so I HAVE to get mine back in order. Thanks for sharing , really like your blog updates . Wendy

  5. Can't wait to see your creation - looks like a busy desk in the making! TFS Elaine#19

  6. Such a wonderful work space..Lots of fine creating going on! take care gerri

  7. like your black craft mat, Beautiful workspace, thank you for sharing your workspace, Happy WOYWW 100, 100 weeks of this! wow, #3

  8. Great goodies on your desk...very busy and fun! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Tell me that's your work space AFTER, just creating a project!
    Not Before! Fun photo, love all "your stuff"

  10. I actually LOVE your Wordless Wednesday post. It is fabulous. Your WOYWW post is a bit of a shocker. But I agree. Whatever time you fall asleep, it's hard for your body to adjust to something like linking up to Julia. Have an awesome Dunkin Donut day. There are none in my area, so eat two for me, please.

  11. Ugh. You think that mess is bad? You should see mine.

  12. Hi. I'm wondering if you know where I can get Torendi fabric...I've seen a couple of designs, and they are really cute...Thanks.

  13. Haha, my husband just got done asking me when all my craft stuff was going back into the closet - right now my living room looks like your craft room!

    Turning a House into a Home

  14. Lots of great stuff on your desk.

  15. Another little busy bee! Enjoy!

  16. Lovely creative workspace you have there :D. Isn't wonderful to get things like bonus ribbon? lol. I'm thinking if you fell asleep at 8:30 pm you were tired :D. TFS! #117

  17. I'm glad I'm not the only one who recycles gorgeous packaging! Looking forward to seeing your spirit doll appear.....


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