
It's Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day!!! ***CLOSED***

Yup...another one! LOL! I want to issue a HUGE welcome to all of my new followers! If you haven't already checked out the THIRTEEN Giveaways from my Just Jingle Giveaway Day on Friday - They will be open through Wednesday, May 25th, please scroll down through Friday's posts, as there is LOTS of great stuff to be won!!!

Today is the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day and I am SO excited to be participating again, this year!

I am offering this pin cushion that I created quite some time ag that was actually featured on Sew Mama Sew! It is made with Moda fabrics that are pretty much just the cutest EVER! Just say'n. And with the pin cushion the winner will receive a few surprise supply goodies that may include fabric, paper crafting goodies, ribbon, or whatever other wonderful supplies I feel like tossing in!

Pin Cushion with Moda Fabrics

To enter, please leave a comment telling me what type of crafting or hobby you enjoy! It's THAT easy! If you would like to follow my blog, I would love to have you, as I am inching pretty darned close to that 1000 milestone, but it is not by any means required! I will not, however, accept any 'enter me' comments. Please do leave a way for me to contact you! A blog link or your email address is great!

And don't forget to check out the THIRTEEN open giveaways I have right now featuring crafty goodness, etsy goodness, and MORE!!!!

This giveaway will close on Wednesday, May 25th. I am personally providing the prize and will be shipping it to the winner. I am willing to ship worldwide.


  1. You never fail to inspire me and I enjoy your sense of humor:) Loving your pincushion. I enjoy cardmaking and sewing but don't do nearly enough of either these days. Thanks for offering the chance to win and I hope you have a fantastic week:)

  2. Your are at it again! Woe, I thought Friday was enough! I like all sorts of crafts, painting, paper crafting, sewing, jewelry making, quilling.....enough! I don't like h*******k! Valerie

  3. oh.. gorgeousness! love that pincushion. would love to win it.

    me.. my favorite craft is sewing. lots and lots of little girls clothes..i have 3 girls to dress!

  4. Oh Jennifer I remember seeing this cute lil pin cushion before and once again I am drooling over it. ^_^ What a lovely giveaway...thank you for participating!! Let's see...what's my favorite craft?? I so can not just pick one..LOL I love to play with clay...make cloth Bohemian bags....make needle felted characters...make paper bookmarks..well you get the idea.

    Hugs to you my friend and congrats on all the new friends.

  5. I am into cardmaking and embroidery right now. Your pincushion is so cute!

  6. Love the pincushion. Hmm..I think I've tried everything once, but now I'm into quilting.

  7. That's the cutest pin cushion ever! I love papercrafting. I just recently discovered how fun sewing can be though!

  8. I'm a multi crafter. I like to crochet, knit, Scrapbook, make cards, sew, pretty much like crafting as a whole. The pincushion is adorable

  9. Beautiful cushion...I am a paper crafter - I love scrapbooking :)

  10. I'm a knitter, myself. Getting into sewing, lately!
    katelyn.j.stephens at gmail dot com

  11. For me, it's definitely crochet!!

  12. That is just downright adorable. Pick me!!

  13. Love it! Right now, I'm a sewing maniac but I crochet, cross stitch and try to knit...woof.

  14. Thanks so much for the giveaway! I really enjoy sewing, particularly piecing quilts, but I haven't done so in a long time. This time of year is so busy.

  15. i like hand sewing with fleece. baby gifts are one of my favorites :-)

  16. i like crochet!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. I am really just loving sewing right now!!

  18. LOVE your blog header! So cute! I love to knit, particularly socks.

  19. Pretty pin cushion. I have been sewing for many, many years. I also enjoy embroidery, stained glass, gardening, reading, and all types of crafts. These are in no particular order - just as long as my hands are busy.

  20. I am now following your blog too :)
    Thanks for having this great giveaway.

  21. I enjoy quilting and cross stitching.

  22. I love all sorts of crafts, but lately I've been obsessed with drawing. I printed some of my sketches onto fabric and am going to make art quilt wall hangings... one of these days!

  23. I love all sorts of crafts, but lately I've been obsessed with drawing. I printed some of my sketches onto fabric and am going to make art quilt wall hangings... one of these days!

  24. I love all sorts of crafts, but lately I've been obsessed with drawing. I printed some of my sketches onto fabric and am going to make art quilt wall hangings... one of these days!

  25. I love all sorts of crafts, but lately I've been obsessed with drawing. I printed some of my sketches onto fabric and am going to make art quilt wall hangings... one of these days!

  26. How sweet! I enjoy sewing - pillows, table runners, curtains, drapes, but I also enjoy transforming pieces that are decorative accessories around the home. Sometimes it's just paint and sometimes it's scrapbook paper.

  27. I love sewing of course, and I know how to do stained glass. I don't do it anymore, but I wish I did. When my girls are bigger, I'll get back to it.

  28. I try to sew every once in awhile, but I'm a knitter at heart!

  29. Adorable! I love working with fabric just as much as I love paper, but I do trend toward more paper. Except lately with my new ruffled blooms in my Etsy shop. I am loving making those. :)

  30. Love the pin cushion! My love is making Waldorf toys for children.



  31. Hi...
    I loves to sew and I am only a beginner.I make small patchwork project like wrislet, pencil case and also wallet :)
    Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  32. Well right now I'm eating, sleeping and drinking quilts. What a nice giveaway!

  33. I love to sew stuff for my kiddos!

  34. I love sewing.. and I've got a serger that I now know how to use, so I'm gonna be going crazy with that pretty soon as well!

  35. Well, right now, I'm thinking about digging out the watercolors again, but mainly I do mixed media stuff.

    Pretty sure I'm already following, but the linky isn't cooperating right now for me to check! You'll make the 1000 soon, for sure!


  36. I love sewing- it's a new hobby in the last year, and I really need a good pin cushioN!

  37. Love the pincushion, love that you have teal in your hair (thanks for sharing that on my giveaway post)! I am coveting pale pink streaks in mine. My five year old thinks it would be cool, my husband less so. I like to sew and do all sorts of crafts with my kids. I am learning to crochet and embroidery.

  38. It might be easier to say what crafting or hobby I don't like lol... and the answer is none :)

  39. Holy cuteness!!
    I love crochet and quilting the mostest!

  40. I gasped when I saw the gnome featured in your header... I <3 Gnomes. I love quilting and making things for other people.

  41. I like all kinds of crafting, but for a while now I've been on an almost-exclusive sewing kick. Nothing wrong with that though, and I'm certainly enjoying every bit of it!

  42. Hand embroidery is my fave. Thanks!

  43. Quilting! G'Day! I'm here for the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day! Please visit me, too:

    Homemaker Honey
    homemakerhoney @gmail .com

  44. My favorite craft changes everyday, but the most consistent one has been knitting.

    Can't wait to see more from your blog!

  45. I just love quilting...it's such a fun and inspiring craft! Thank you for the giveaway!

  46. I adore quilting! And I don't have a pincushion :(

  47. sew darling- and I love sewing- of all kinds :)

    candy at fiber dot net

  48. I LOVE LOVE LOVE sewing. My mom bought me my first sewing machine when I was in 2nd grade, and the rest is history.

  49. What a great giveaway. I love to sew things for the my kids the most.

  50. I love to crochet, quilt and paper craft.

  51. I love to knit and sew mostly, but I also enjoy other crafts occasionally. Thanks for the giveaway

  52. I love crocheting and sewing little things (like coin purses and pincushions!) Would love this sweet pincushion.

  53. I enjoy quilting, sewing, crocheting, scrapbooking, painting and cross stitch.

  54. Gorgeous pincushion. I love the scissors. Thanks for the chance to win!

  55. so cute, I love that scissor fabric! I do a lot of sewing by hand and machine as well as embroidery so the pin cushion would certainly be well used and loved—thanks for the chance to win!

  56. What an adorable pincushion! I can't wait to check out the rest of your goodies!

  57. I love this fabric too! I sew, embroider, knit, crochet, etc...lots o scissor crafts.
    and I love your header...

  58. love your blog...new follower. My fav craft would have to be sewing, but I knit, crochet and take photos as well. I just plain love being creative :)

  59. I am an avid scrapper/stamper who is venturing into quilting. I have 4 tops pieced and ready to quilt!

  60. i love to sew, and your pincushion is so cute! thanks for the giveaway!

  61. I totally love patchwork.


  62. My hobby is quilting. No, it's my therapy :-) Great giveaway! Thanks for participating in SMS Giveaway.

  63. I mostly sew, but lately I have been trying to learn to crochet. Horse of a different color, I tell ya.

    I hope I win, I love mystery prizes and pincushions!

    craftinomicon (at) gmail (dot) com

  64. i am a quilter at heart but wanting to start sewing clothing...so far i haent made time for it even thought ive bought over a dozen patterns! always the cart before the horse with me! thanks for hosting a great giveaway

  65. Quilting with sewing a close second. I love the whole idea and process.
    mtrose59047(at)gmail (dot)com

  66. My craft is quilting, I love everything about it=) I´m also learning how to sew clothes, and to knit. Thanks for the chance to win.

  67. I love to sew, and do machine embroidery.


  68. I'm so glad to have found my way to your blog!

    I'm a quilter, a sometime crocheter, and a former cross-stitcher. I found knitting to be very relaxing, but it did a number on my wrists and hands, so I had to set down the needles and walk away.

    Cute, cute pin cushion. Thanks for the giveaway!

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  69. I love quilting, but I also enjoy mixed media art and some scrapbooking. :)


  70. I like so many things but I really enjoy sewing, quilting and embroidery. Have done all since I was a child.

    great blog, lots of happy things to see.

  71. Knitting is my favorite out of many! ;o)

  72. Your pincushion looks great!
    I enjoy most sewing and quilting, but I also like knitting and crochetting, crafting with wood and paper.

  73. I like quilting, and embroidery, and sewing. I want to learn to knit, too. Thanks for the giveaway!
    parknj at verizon dot net

  74. I enjoy scrapbooking and would so love to win this pin cushion to store my hat pins!!!! Yay!
    What a great giveaway!
    thanks also for a chance to win!

  75. I like to sew and knit and collage so I'm going to check out your blog for sure. Thank you for the giveaway!

  76. Super cute pincushion. I am starting a collection and this would be perfect.
    I love to quilt. :) So happy to have found your blog
    ! I'm a new follower too.

  77. I love sewing things for my girls!

  78. im teaching myself to quilt. i hope to figure it all out soon. :D yvonneknebel@yahoo.com

  79. I love creating. I have sewed pretty much anything that you could think of. Today it was little girl headbands with serged flowers!
    goldiez at hotmail dot com

  80. Cute pin cushion! I'm getting my first sewing machine next week and plan to start quilting! Thanks for the opportunity :)


  81. Jennifer,
    I love to quilt, bead and knit when i have time which is in fits and spurts of time. I am a kindergarten teacher in my professional life.
    I love pincushions and yours is very cute. Thanks for hosting such nice giveaways.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  82. Enter Me.

    You knew someone had to do that! I love sewing and embroidery and knitting and sleeping and eating! ;)

  83. I love all things crafting but now I'm a quilter (or I'm trying to be).

  84. I love sewing! Especially sewing for my son. He's always appreciative (he wears his 1 year old birthday crown around the house...I'll miss this when he's a teenager).
    LauraL444 at yahoo dot com

  85. My favorite type of crafting is sewing, and I could definitely use a new pincushion.

  86. I like to scrapbook and also have gotten back into sewing (quilting)!

    zucchinisummer at gmail dot com

  87. Wow, congratulations to almost 1000! :-)
    And thanks for such a fun giveaway!
    And you are very welcome to enter mine, too. You can win some custom-made buttons. :-)


    Ms Muffin
    ulli-xox [at] web [dot] de

  88. I have just found your blog on the blog hop from Sew Mama SEw and I am looking forward to reading your blog. My favorite craft is quilting but I also enjoy cross stitch, and embroidery. Thanks for the chance to win. Your pincushion is very cute with that scissor fabric.

  89. I am a quilter and an apparel sewer. I can knit and I have an embroidery machine that I use occasionally.

  90. Other than papercrafting, I do enjoy crocheting (I made everyone in our family crocheted dishcloths this past Christmas) AND my husband and I LOVE to cook and try new recipes together. I do so admire ANYONE that can sew - it's something I find challenging. Even sewing on a button will send me running for a retail therapy session (grin).

  91. really loving to quilt right now!

  92. I love all kinds of crafting -recently, I'm trying to start tatting!

  93. I love sewing and writing :) Thanks for teh chance!

  94. I quilt and scrapbook and make jewelry, and am usually willing to at least try anything crafty, so I'm sure I can make good use of whatever you feel like "throwing in" that box. The pin cushion alone is really cute! Thanks for the chance.

  95. I like everything though I'm not good at everything

  96. love sewing my blog address is www.sewingsister.blogspot.com

  97. Right now, my favorite crafting hobby is quilting. Thanks for the giveaway!

  98. I will be back to look around more when DD is napping! I am a quilter and beginning sewer! Thanks for the chance to win!

  99. Your blog is always very uplifting! thank you for the lovely giveawayS :) I love the pincushion. I do sewing,quilting and scrapbooking!

  100. I sew and make handcrafted soaps!

  101. I am a fairly promiscuous crafter. I knit, spin, sew, and weave and dabble in a few other crafts.

  102. What a beautiful pincushion! At the moment my favorite craft is sewing- mostly quilts, but I also like making scrappy sewing accessories. I love stencilling too. Happy Giveaway Day, and I've become a follower, so I hope you make it to 1000!

  103. Oh I love this cute pincushion! I love to sew for my craft, so pincushions are a must! :-) Thanks so much!

  104. Love that Momo fabric pincushion - I'm all about machine sewing right now, with a dash of easy applique. I'm a new follower - glad I found you!

  105. I sew clothing and costumes, scrapbook, and card-make! I am trying to crochet, but I have failed in all three attempts!
    myheehaw at hotmail dot com

  106. I love quilting and sewing but also paper quilling. Thanks for the chance!

  107. That IS the cutest pin cushion ever! I've dabbled in so many crafts, but I've found my "home" in sewing!

  108. I like any craft that creates a big mess!!!


  109. I love quilting, gardening, scrapbooking and photography!

  110. I enjoy sewing. Thanks for the giveaway! I'm looking forward to looking around your blog.

  111. love your blog! my preferred method of artitic freedom lies in multi media collages!!!

  112. Hi there, what a cute pincushion. :) I enjoy quilting, jewelry making, card making and regular old sewing. I am also a newbie knitter.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  113. i love sewing... figuring out how to quilt now.
    sarahandbilly [at] gmail!

  114. This is so cute! My craft of choise is still quilting, though I have recently become addicted to knitting as well!

  115. Really sweet pincushion-funny, they have come along way since the plain ole red ones, huh? Fav crafty hobby? Probably sewing, although I haven't done much at all lately!
    Thanks for the chance,

  116. Beautiful giveaway. I just love that scissors print. Thanks for the chance to win. I love machine sewing, mostly bags and home dec items, but beginning to include quilts. akmajor (at) gmail (dot) com

  117. I love to sew... quilting is fun, home decor is fun, clothes are scary and I really need to learn zippers! I like to crochet in front of the tv and next to my husband in the evenings ;).

  118. Love the pincushion!!!

    I'm mostly a knitter, but would love to be motivated to start sewing again.....

  119. My latest crafty enthusiasm is making bags from reclaimed bits and pieces- clothing, fabric, buttons, lace, anything that tickles my fancy at the time.

  120. Ooooo, love the pin cushion!

    I'm a sewing gal at heart. I try knitting and other things, but sewing is what keeps me coming back. :) machine or hand, clothing or household items or stuffed animals ... as long as I'm sewing, I'm happy! :)

  121. this is adorable! i love your craftsmanship, girlie! the fabric is fantastic and this little pincushion would come in handy for the pins i use on my cards. they are multiplying, i swear! you know where to find me, right? ;)

  122. I am a blog follower.

  123. love the cute pin cushion. I just love your site. Thanks so much for making my afternoon enjoyable.

    lauri dot rymar at gmail dot com

  124. loving the pincushion..i enjoy quilting with friends and creating new pieces of art. thank you..lindacrosby(at)hotmail(dot)com

  125. I am a beginner seamstress, but am LOVING learning! Lovely giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity!

  126. What a lovely pincushion! Thank you for the chance. Myself, I quilt, I knit and I cross stitch. I just got together supplies to try punch needle so we'll see if that gets added to the list. Thanks!

  127. I love any crafts that my children can help with, and am just getting into sewing!

  128. Winning anything you make would be just fabulous!! (Especially a dolly...just sayin'.)

    Sorry I haven't been around much last week...I took a break from bloggy land to focus on spending time with my visiting daughter. :)

    I'm back now....trying to get caught up. You know I love card-making! And should I be lucky enough to win anything, you can reach me via my email which is available via my profile. xoxox

  129. Easy?? Really??? Ok then! I sew, I knit, I crochet, I quilt, I design patterns, I cross-stitch, I embroder, I do needlepoint, I make jewellery, I needlefelt, and I can feel scrapbooking trying to lure me in!

  130. I make most things... I don't do much embroidery and I can't really get into scrapbooking (other than the "make a photo album" type), and I've given up on basketweaving and jewelry making (although may get back into that).... so... knit, crochet, sew clothes, sew other stuff, quilt by hand and machine, cross stitch, needlepoint, embroidery a bit, spinning yarn, a bit of weaving, soapmaking, relatedly lip-balm making, used to do watercolor as well.... I make stuff :)

  131. I love pretty much all craftiness but my favourites are scrapbooking, quilting and bag making.

    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  132. I love embroidery and sewing for babies - am always in need of pincushions. :o)
    Hi from New Zealand - and thanks for the great giveaway.

  133. now that's a lotta give aways :)

  134. What a great pincushion! Now I've gotta go check out the other giveaways wow.

  135. Love the pincushion! I'm a sewer, mostly clothes :)

  136. I enjoy cross stitch and quilting

  137. Oh yayyy. I personally love scrapbooking, knitting and making/editing clothing :)

    jo.tee35 AT gmail DOT com

  138. That pincushion would go perfect in my studio, I've decked it out in the Wonderland line.

    I love sewing and embroidery, but I dabble in almost everything!

    Thanks for the chance!

  139. What a cute pincushion! I love that scissors fabric. Sewing small projects is my favorite crafting activity. :)

  140. I am a new follower-#990!! And I absolutely love to quilt and sew children's clothing!

  141. I like to sew but I also like non-sewing...jewelry, painting things , etc.

  142. I honestly do a little of everything! if I like something I try and do it! Thanks for a great giveaway

  143. I'm a sewer, and I've sewn a little bit of everything, pillows, clothes, purses and I've started a quilt (and dream about more!)

  144. I love to sew .anything! awesome giveaway! thank u! and a new follower!

  145. I'm mad about sewing! I like to sew bags! this is my big love:) and I'm glad to be your new reader!

  146. I love your pincushion. I collect pincushions and love to make them. thanks.

  147. I love all crafts, but sewing is my favorite,especially sewing for my daughters.

    limor477 at aol dot com

  148. Fabric is my crafting love. I love making clothing, quilts, bags, etc.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  149. Wow, awesome giveaways, I love the pincushion! So cute, it would be adorable next to my sewing machine. : )

    I am a dollmaker, you can see my babies at my website www.dreambabydolls.com I am also a scrapbooker and have been teaching myself to sew.


  150. Thank you Jingle! I'm one of those ADD crafters...sometimes I'm all about sewing, then I get obsessed with embroidery, and then I dump it all and go take a cooking class! One of these days I'll get back to writing music again too -- there's just not enough time in a day?! :) Hope you're having fun with giveaway day!

  151. Sewing is my top fave but I also rug hook and needle felt! The pincushion would comein handy!

  152. I really enjoy quilting. Thanks for the giveaway!

  153. I have been quilting for close to 14 years and do you believe I don't have a pincusion.... it's sad... that being said I love to scrapbook! but I have been bit by the quilting bug lately... thank you for the chance to win!

  154. I love to sew and I just bought a new sewing machine!
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    jmhamlin826 AT yahoo DOT com

  155. I love sewing little things or taking pictures of the ones I love!

  156. I love sewing and crochet!
    Thanks for the chance :D

  157. Too cute!! I love to sew...making quilts is my favorite. I actually need a pin cushion. You would think that I would just make myself one but somehow all of the things I want to make for myself , no matter how small, get further and further down on the "to-make" list ;) Thanks for the chance. Smiles~Beth

  158. I like sewing and cross stitching when I have the time!

    rachaelroyce [at] gmail [dot] com


  159. I am really into sewing at the moment, although I dabble in lots of creative pursuits. Thanks for the great giveaways and for showcasing so many great bloggers and creative people!

  160. Love this pincushion! Thanks for the great giveaway. I love to sew fun and functional things (not clothes) for my family. It's my birthday today so I'm hoping to win some nice presents!

  161. Let's just say I love to try to do it ALL and have my own little room to do it in...and leave it at that! :) Adorable pincushion...wow, featured on SMS? Impressive!! Thanks for the chance..I'll be checking out your other gives now!

  162. I love sewing, embroidery, and any kind of papercrafting including scrapbooking.

  163. I love to do crossstitch, a little sewing and crocheting.

  164. i do a bit of sewing so this pincushion would be well used (and i can get rid of the tomato pincushion). and i also draw, paint, collage, make jewelry and altered books (ok, i haven't even finished my first one), i used to do paper cutting, embroidery, and all sorts. i would have loved to be your 1000th follower but i already follow you!

  165. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!! I love to sew, draw and make jewelry.

  166. I love your pincushion, it is super cute. I started quilting nearly 8 months ago & I was seriously hooked immediately. Thanks for the great giveaway, I'm a new follower.

  167. I am just a newbie in the sewing world, but I am already on my 4th quilt. Love curling up with a finished project!

    email is on blog and profile.

  168. thats really cute! i really like to crochet! thanks!

    nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

  169. I love scrapbooking and quilting!

  170. hi there, i m your new follower from Malaysia, Asia..

    I m very new in this crafting stuff.. so far i m addicted to sew pin cushions and so amazed on how easy the cute pretty things are when you know how...:D


  171. I am pretty loyal to my knitting but I am learning to embrace sewing as well!

  172. Love the scissors. I like to sew, quilt and cook.

  173. I love sewing and also make hair lovelies :) This pincushion is adorable!!!

  174. Very cute pin cushion all dressed in Moda! My first love is quilting but I also knit, crochet, and stitch with a few other crafty things thrown in. Thanks for a chance.

  175. I love knitting, I just started spinning and I would love to learn how to quilt!

  176. Love the pincushion. Thanks for a chance to win. I love sewing and scrapbooking and I began both of those crafts when I had my first child 17 years ago.

  177. Lovely giveaway! I would be thrilled to win!

    I enjoy all sorts of crafting except crocheting I never did get the hang of it for some reason. Sewing, quilting, embroidery, painting, beading, candle making, knitting, plastic canvas projects, scrapbooking. Love all of it! Right now I'm working on several projects, sewing a baby quilt, making plastic canvas notebook binders with dainty design filling the covers, and beading.

    ajoyfulnoise (at) live (dot) com

  178. I love sewing and hand embroidery

  179. I like to sew, although I haven't been near a sewing machine in a while.

    mrs.marcus2 at yahoo dot com

  180. Thanks for the nice giveaway. My current crafty outlet is quilting. But it changes quite frequently. :)

  181. I am a dabbler - I do a bit of this and that. Eclectic whimsy. Fabric and things from nature and lots of glue and nails, and whatever else is on hand.

    wis mom works (at) gmail (dot)com

  182. Cute pin cushion! I love to quilt!!!!

  183. adorable pincushion!!! i love to sew/quilt, and have recently gotten into stamped metal jewelry. :)
    great giveaway!!

    jbknav at hotmail dot com

  184. I love to sew and I'm just starting to learn crochet and knitting :)

  185. The pincushion is really sweet! (and I love surprises!)

    I think I am the experimental crafter... I love to sew, paint, use clay of every form, recycle stuff... I love to explore new techniques and materials... It is just fun and keeps me sane!

    If I find anything which is new to me... I want to try it out!

  186. I knit, sew (sort of), bake and cook, and garden (does that count as craftiness?).

    mindfulhome at gmail dot com

  187. Thanks for the great giveaway. Love the pincushion! My craft is sewing. :)

  188. Hello!
    I love to sew and crochet most of all but I also love making jewellery, cross stitch, embroidery, knitting, knitting with wire and papercrafts.

  189. 13 giveaways?! You go girl! I'm primarily a quilter/fabric girl, but will also dabble in crochet, beads, paper - whatever!

  190. Quilting is my passion!


Thank you for visiting! I love to hear your thoughts!