
Cinco de Mayo fun!

***FIRST: I NEED YOUR VOTES!!!! Actually, my awesome and very talented SISTER needs your votes! She was recently nominated for Best Female Lead for the Providence Theater awards and needs your votes to win! Please visit this link and vote for Sarah Bedard! Her nomination is on the second page of the survey (you don't have to answer for every category.) Thanks! You guys ROCK so I totally know I can count on you to help her out!!!***

Last night we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant for their Cinco de Mayo celebration. We have never been there for Cinco de Mayo before, but MAN was it a fun party! They handed out free stuff...including beer! They have GREAT Mexican food, obviously, AND...everyone there was in a great mood, so the atmosphere ROCKED! It was a lot of fun!

Free Cinco de Mayo T-Shirt!

This is the t-shirt that we each brought home!

And then there was this....

Not a Toy

A fun little noisemaker toy, right? Right.

Apparently not right. You see, this was the other side:

This is Not A Toy

Because my awesome camera app made that kinda hard to read, let me read it for you: THIS IS NOT A TOY.

Yup. That's what it says. I'm not exactly sure what it IS, then, seeing as...well, yeeeeah. That, and REALLY? I mean, REALLY???? You are going to hand out a bunch of things that make tons of noise to a bunch of people with beer and margaritas a plenty and expect them NOT to play with them??? That was poor planning. Just say'n. HA!

BUT...I can tell you that their point *may* have been well proven when I had it going at a pretty quick clip and the top popped off! HA! That caused uprorious laughter across the entire table, THAT'S for sure! LOL!

Anyway...fun stuff. LOTS of fun stuff! I hope you enjoyed YOUR Cinco de Mayo in your own way!

And...don't forget to come back tomorrow! It's NATIONAL SCRAPBOOK DAY!!!!


  1. What a fun time... Ron was too worn out for us to go to dinner but I would have loved to have gone to a cinco de mayo party too!

    I hope you have a wonderful NATIONAL SCRAPBOOK DAY weekend!


  2. What a fun way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. We went to a local place because we knew that the Mexican places would be packed!!

  3. You do so many fun things! And I suspect the warning was so that little kiddos wouldn't get ahold of it considering how easily it comes apart. My housemate is Mexican but HIS idea of a Cinco de Mayo celebration is watching tv while drinking a Mexican beer. BORING! LOL!

  4. What a FUN time ya'll had....thank you for sharing the adventure. (I can so see the look on your face when that top popped off...LOL)

    Your sister got my vote...best of luck to her!!

    Hugs for an awesome TGIF!!!

  5. Glad you had a fun evening! Like your *toy* too! Valerie

  6. that looks like fun, one day we will have to do this, it is my little ones birthday so it will be great to do a double celebration! well triple because they are twins!
    Have a great weekend!
    Happy Crafting, Debxx

  7. la fiesta nacional un día grande para tí e tí e todo amigo.
    Have fun and enjoy!


  8. Hi Jingle,
    I just voted for your sister!!! I hope she wins!!!

  9. Sounds like a fun night for y'all! Voted!

  10. Girl...you crack me up! Love your stories!

  11. Mexican food is my favorite! Sounds like you had fun....and I would have been playin' that toy like nobody's business! LOL!

  12. I voted! Thanks for your nice comments on our home. I did all the decorating myself. Ill be showing more little pics in my blog all the time. take care, gerri


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