
Spring Fairy Wand

I had such a fun time participating in this Spring Fairy Wand swap hosted by Wendy over at Bliss Angels! We each created a wand for our parter and sent them on their way to celebrate the coming of spring. Now, if spring would just hurry itself right along and get here with the wands, that would be great! HA! I received my wand from my partner, Blanche, the other day, however, I haven't had a chance to photograph it yet. It is super fun and full of whimsy! I do have photos of the want I sent her way, however!

Spring Fairy Wand

I wrapped the handle with decorative fabric tape and created the medallion portion from handmade papers. Two fabulous Scrolls Work stamps make up the fairy wings and the sweet girls. They are watercolored with Twinkling H20's by Luminarte for Creative Imaginations - you know how I love sparkle!!! A bit of Stickles on the fringed edges was the perfect way to finish it off!

Spring Fairy Wand

Just a fun little swap!

I also wanted to let you know that The Hubbums and I began a stay-cation of sorts yesterday, so I am not on the computer much this week/weekend, because we are out having too much fun! YAY US!!!! Yesterday we visited the Mark Twain House down in Connecticut and today we plan to do a SUPER fun tour on SEGWAYS through the MOS in Boston, and we are also thinking about heading over to the Sam Adams brewery for their tour! FUN STUFF! It's amazing how much you never do in your own city because you live here. We are having fun!!!!!! Have a fabulous day!


  1. So magical :) Make a wish, wave your wand and see if your wish comes true :)

  2. Love your wand and what a great idea to do a wand swap. pity I missed that! Have a nice Easter, Valerie

  3. I love the suspension of disbelief:-)

  4. That is so sweet... and yes spring reminds me of Fairies and Gnomes...I as a kid thought they helped the flowers grow.

  5. Loving your wand and have a great vacation Jingles. Annette x

  6. That IS fun! Great fairy wand!!


  7. Very sweet indeed, i'm sure whoever received it in the swap was very pleased :D

  8. ooh! I need one of these! I'm re-writing my novel about fairies right now and these inspire me.

  9. Jen, I've MISSED you EXTRA much! Been gone NEARLY the entire month of April, but I'm back now to bug you daily again! I can't EVEN try to comment on all the back posts of all the blogs, but I AM going back & reading ALL of them, one by one! I just did YOURS! WOW, WOW, WOW! For such a teeny tiny lil' person, you are a creative dynamo! I LOVE what you've made & I am SO HAPPY that I am lucky enough to OWN one of your dolls & one of your cards! Mostly lucky to call you my friend! BIG HUGS!!!

  10. Anything "faerie" gets my vote. Awesome job on this challenge!!

    Hope you have FUN on your staycation and I hope there will be lots of photos taken and shared. *hint hint*

    Hugs (you have been missed)

  11. I love the Mark Twain house!!! fun!

    And this fairy wand project is the bomb!! I think Whimsy week requires some good wanding!

    Have a great staycation!


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