
Journey = Life, Destination: Unknown

This is a page I did over the weekend based on the current sketch from Sketchy Thursdays.

Destination: Unknown

Destination:  Unknown

This photo of me is from last summer and is taken on the tracks while we waited for the train one day. As I was looking at it over the weekend it brought to mind a gentle reminder that life is, indeed, a journey. However, despite a constant need to continue on this journey, our destination is truly yet unknown.

Destination:  Unknown (photo)

We don't know what may come ahead of us. We don't know what our life on this Earth will bring. But what I do know is that I want to live each and every one of those moments for a reason. I want to embrace them. Each one. I want to be present in each moment that is given to me.

Destination:  Unknown (Top Detail)

How exciting is it that we have this life to embrace? Think of all the fun we can have in discovery along the path!!! Just think of all that may be! Isn't it amazing?

Destination:  Unknown (Embelly cluster)

Today, I challenge you to make someone smile. Just one person. Do something that makes them smile. You will feel the rewards and you will feel that moment. You will be able to truly experience that moment. You will be present.

Destination:  Unknown (Border)

And then...don't forget to smile for yourself. You are beautiful.

Happy Monday.


  1. what a fantastic layout! i love that basic grey paper. i have it but have not used it--need to get busy on that--

  2. I really like your layout and even more your thoughts behind it. We don't always know where we'll end up but it's great to do something to make people smile along the way. I agree, when I do something for someone else, it brightens my day and makes me smile!

  3. Beautiful LO and lovely words! I'm smiling for you just now, and hoping you are feeling better. Hugs, Valerie

  4. Awesome page....and great blog post.....Life is definitely a journey and I think that is something we come to realize a little later than we should...hugs, Katrina

  5. Wow, this is just gorgeous! I especially love the cityscape.

  6. Lovely layout! We don't know what this life will bring us, so we should enjoy the ride. We also should never take anything or anyone for granted, because things happen out of our control! Here is to the moment!

  7. Great layout Jingle. It seems you have had some deep thoughts lately, isn't it amazing how a incident makes us reach deep in our souls and appreciate every moment we have. Take care my friend.
    hugs Lynn

  8. Fabulous layout, what a perfect photo to scrap it is very thought provoking!
    Happy Crafting, Debxx

  9. Oh, what a wonderful post and beautiful page! It inspires me to get back to scrapbooking - I do miss it so! Thank YOU for making me smile for your sweet comment and I promise to take your challenge to heart today ;) xoxo

  10. I love both your LO and your words, Jingle! (That paper is one of my favs.)

  11. Great layout Jingle. Hope you are feeling OK now, sometimes life gives us a jolt and makes us take stock which isn't a bad thing. Just celebrate life and love it. Annette x

  12. Hey- that's a really cool pic and layout!

  13. Love your LO and the picture of you on the tracks is perfect! Thanks for the sweet comment on my new granddaughter :)

  14. oooh, this page is LOVELY. the colours are fabby. those BORDERS! totally gorje! and i love the classy black and white photo to ground it all.

  15. Hi!
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    Greetings from Brazil.

  16. I.

    Love it.

    (pssst....i love it)

  17. Wow, that's a really cool page : )
    Thanks for playing with Sketchy Thursdays x

  18. This is AWESOME! I love love love love the colors and the flowers! Thanks soooooooooo much for playing along with Sketchy Thursdays! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  19. OMG, I LOVE this layout!!! Stunner! http://justjingle.blogspot.com/2011/04/journey-life-destination-unknown.html

  20. What a lovely post! Your page was beautiful. And I loved what you wrote - very heartfelt. Theresa

  21. Very cool layout! Love your design and the papers you used are phenomenal!

  22. Great layout and great post! We do sometimes forget how much we miss when we're always in a hurry to get somewhere (on the road or in our lives) and it is a good reminder to slow down and enjoy what we have. Have a great weekend!


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