
I'm a May Arts Finalist!!!!

I am so excited to be sharing a super fun tutorial with you today. This is the very tutorial that I submitted as part of the May Arts Design Team call and I was chosen as a FINALIST!!! I have created a Garden Goddess doll draped in beautiful May Arts ribbon! She is here to celebrate spring and offer her protective hand over the petals that surround her.
Garden Goddess Doll

To create your doll you will need the following:
A piece of scrap wood (I used an old railing cut down to 9 inches)
Lag Bolt
Creative Paper Clay
Acrylic Paints
Crackle Medium
Clear Coat (gloss)
Super Strong Tape Adhesive
Black Beads
May Arts 1.5in. Sheer Woven Rosettes - White
May Arts 1.5in. Satin Pleats – Grey
May Arts 5/8in. Satin Pleats - Red
May Arts 1.5in. Satin/Scalloped Edge – Black
May Arts 1 in. Faux Leaves – Gold

To begin drill a hole in the end of your piece of wood and insert lag bolt. (If you devise a different armature form, that is fine, this is just what I used for this particular doll. Be creative and feel free to use what you have on hand!) Cover the top of the bolt with a ball of foil to form the structure for the head.
Flora Step 1

Cover the foil with paper clay and sculpt the head around it adding the petals and the neck as you go.
Flora Step 2

Creatively sculpt the facial features using water to keep your clay wet and easy to move while you work. Push the beads into place for the eyes.
Flora Step 3

Cover the entire head with a base color and then cover with crackle glaze. Allow to dry completely. Add your skin tone and any colors you would like to show the crackly over the crackle glaze. Allow to dry. Add additional painted details, distressing where desired by wiping paint gently with a soft cloth. This is your chance to show yourself in your piece, so take her face wherever you wish to go! Have fun with it! Apply the clear coat. Allow to dry completely before moving forward.
Flora Step 5

Now we will begin to dress her with fabulous ribbon! Using a very strong tape adhesive create the base of her gown by wrapping the black ribbon around her entire base.
Flora Step 6

Flora Step 7

Cut several lengths of the black and the grey ribbon. Fold these over to create ‘loops’ and attach one at a time, alternating colors. You will do this in tiers about halfway up the doll.
Flora Step 8

Once you have reached the desired height for the ‘skirt’ portion of her gown use the strong tape to adhere the sheer rosette ribbon around her waste. Add the red pleated ribbon above and below to give it a finished look.
Flora Step 9

Attach gold leaves to the torso on the front and back to create the top of the gown. Cut two lengths of two leaves each for the arms and attach to the sides.
Flora Step 12

Add any finishing touches, such as gems or charms for jewelry and stand back to admire your beautiful doll!!!
Flora Finished Doll (front)

I hope you take the challenge to create a doll on your own and I’d love to see it so feel free to stop by again to show me what you have created!!! Have a fabulously creative weekend!!!!

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  1. What a gorgeous doll! And congrats of being a May finalist! Valerie

  2. Jennifer...WHOOWHOOO!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS to you and no wonder, this Garden Goddess is INCREDIBLY AMAZING!!! You are such a talented and creative girlie!!! They would be silly not to have you on the team, so go Jennifer, GO!!!! Hugs...

  3. She is fabulous:) Congrats on becoming a finalist!!!

  4. Yay Jen!!! I am so excited for you...and I am in love with your doll, she is brilliant!

  5. Congratulations!!!

    And great art doll tutorial, thank you!


  6. congratulations! she is amazing!
    have a fabulous weekend! Happy Crafting, Debxx

  7. Congratulations and good luck!

  8. This is totally awesome! May Arts would be so lucky to have you as part of their team. Good luck!

  9. Congratulations! You are crazy talented!

  10. Congratulations on being a finalist Jingle, you doll is pretty amazing and such great fun also. Annette x

  11. Congratulations!!!

    WOW!!! I LOVE her dress!!! That's a beauty! Of course, I think I love everything about this dolly!!! (Ok, and your other ones, too....but this one is a favorite!)

  12. Congrats to you!Loved yr doll tutorial.take care,gerri

  13. Just had to stop by and thank you for dropping in on my WOYWW post. How sweet of you. This is one cute doll. I'm afraid I'd never make anything like that, since I'm more two dimensional. But I sure like yours.

  14. congrats on being a finalist! Love your entry!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Congratulations for being a Finalist Jingle. What a cute and creative doll you have here.
    Does she have a name? she needs one, every dolly needs a name.
    Take care and happy creatin'
    Lesley :)

  16. Yay Jingle! And she's lovely, very elegant!

  17. congrats! good luck and am loving her clothes!

  18. fabulous creation !!! totally awesome !! :-)

    Lols x x x


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