
Theodora - Earth Mother of the Butterflies

So, what could be better than a Butterfly Blog Party? Well, how about a Butterfly Blog Party hosted by the amazingly talented and inspiring Eva? Yes, folks that is EXACTLY what you have stumbled upon on this fine Sunday and I have a treat to share with you!

I would like to introduce you to Theodora. Theodora is the Earth Mother of the Butterflies. She talks with nature and listens even more. She is aware and attentive. She is quiet. She is gentle.


Theodora is a theatre doll with a simple box for her base displayed in the gorgeous 100 Proof Press circus tent image. Her torso is paper and covered with beautiful butterflies and glass glitter. Her face is a paper clay mold that I painted with acrylics (and a little tiny brush!).

Theodora (upper)

I was so very excited when Eva invited me to take part in her fabulous Butterfly party because this project has been sitting half done for WEEKS! When Eva mentioned butterflies it was like a stream of inspiration hit and Theodora finally spoke to me and came out of that beautiful inspiration! I really love it when projects come out of pure inspiration! I am so happy with her.

Theodora (shadow box)

I hope you are inspired by this gentle soul born out of pure inspiration! And I hope you enjoy the other fabulous projects joining Eva's Butterfly Party!


  1. Jen, she's just GORGEOUS! Her expression alone invites peace! LOVE HER!

  2. She's totally lovely! I'm sorry I have not dropped by lately.. things have been a tad insane!

    Thinking of you HUGS!

  3. She is terrific and the butterflies are a perfect touch!

  4. Great work, this is a terrific butterfly doll!

  5. Oh wow, I just love your butterfly doll!!! She's fantastic!!!

  6. Me again... thanks for your comment on my blog - as a result of my super expert blogging skills I somehow accidently deleted it! But at least I got to read it first. Stay happy, Jo x

  7. Theodora is a beauty and love her gentle spirit :)

  8. OMG....you are ROCKING this girlie!!! And the trail of butterflies is GENIUS!!! hugs, Katrina

  9. What an amazing work of art!! Wow!

  10. She is lovely!
    I was so wondering how you were going to use that stamp! So creative.

  11. Jennifer, Theodora is a BEAUTY for sure!!! I love all the details on her and I am so glad my little party helped you finish her! Thank you so much for playing along my friend! Hugs...

  12. beautiful project. love it.
    greetings from germany

  13. Theodora...who knew she was the mother of butterflies. I love her and her precious fragile home in a beautiful box. Have a great weelend! Imagine and Live in Peace, mary helen

  14. wow this is very very cool! and ur profile picture rocks ;-) Janna

  15. A dolly AND butterflies!!! I think I've died and gone to heaven!

  16. Very lovely! :) I adore all those butterflies. Theresa

  17. That is so totally cool!! So pretty Miss J!

  18. Well, I'm too late for the party, but I sure love your creation!

  19. Am too late to party....darn it... but I so love this beautiful theatrical doll. Annette x

  20. Wow! I love this doll. Wonderfully creative work!

  21. Simply amazing Jingle, you rocked this priject!

  22. FABULOUS JINGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This is the wild and wonderful type of thing I like best of all :-)
    Marvellous make my lovely


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