
Konnichiwa {WOYWW}

YAY!  For Wednesday!  It's the middle of the week and we shall see the weekend soon.  It's supposed to snow today and tomorrow, but I'm gonna just ignore that and live in denial until it gets springy around here, K?  K.  Thanks. 

However, being Wednesday, also means that it is What's On Your Workspace Wednesday time over at The Stamping Ground!  And...I decided to give you an aerial view today.  Yup.  I totally stood on a stool to get this shot!  HA!

WOYWW 23 March Arial View

Those of you who regularly visit my WOYWW posts will note how CLEAN my desk is compared to usual!  Yup.  I've been doing better about that lately.  It's probably a good thing.  Just say'n.  As for the fun stuff on my desk, well, you see the card that I will share below along with a doll that I just started (it doesn't look like a doll yet in this photo, THAT'S for sure!) and another card that I'm not revealing fully until Friday AND a bag of FRESH CUT RUBBER!!!!!  *sigh*  I {heart} Scrolls Work Stamps.  Just say'n.

WOYWW 23 March 2011

As for all of that other stuff - mostly the supplies used for making the card you see there on the table.  You see, My Cute Stamps had this great opportunity to purchase this WICKED cute set of stamps and the ENTIRE purchase price was donated to relief efforts in Japan!  How cool is that?  Wicked crazy cool, that's how cool.  So, I simply HAD to ink those cuties up right away and what better papers to pair them with than this amazing collection from My Little Shoebox?  Seriously?  Seriously.  For reals, folks.  I love it.


This sucker had a remarkably lot of cut work.  I cut the tree and the lantern from the pattern paper.  The large label is a MLS die cut and totally cute, by the way!  Then I stamped the little girls, colored them with CTMH watercolor pencils and cut them out, as well.  LOTS of fun, this card!  Really.  I had a blast making this one!

Konnichiwa (flat)

And now that all that fresh rubber has been cut, hopefully I will get some time to dive into those stamps soon, too!!!!  I {heart} making stuff.  I really really really really really do.  Just Say'n.

Happy Wednesday!!!!


  1. WOW this IS tidy for you, what's wrong don't you feel well lol
    Loving the card, super cute, and how much rubber is in that bag, you'll never use it all you should send some to me!!! lol :oP
    happy wednesday
    StAy InKy
    hUgS MiNxY

  2. your card is so cute! there are so many small details-great job

  3. A cute card for a good cause, and what a tidy desk - I'm getting complexes! Valerie

  4. Cute card and your work desk is lookin' good :)

  5. darling card, isn't it zenlike to cut things out?? love to do that

  6. Happy Wednesday back atcha', you lil' ball of energized cuteness! LOL! Your work space is VERY neat! I don't know how you manage to keep it tidy with all you do! Mine is a conglomeration of paper pieces, random wads of hot glue strings, empty ribbon rolls, etc. Shameful, my work table. Oh! Almost FORGOT to tell you I think your new card ROCKS!

  7. love love love what you did with that sweet MCS set!!!!

  8. What a gorgeous card, so cute. Loving the creative space :)
    Have a great WOYWW,
    Karen #11

  9. Your card is totally adorable--and so cheerful, Jingle!! I love it!

    And your work desk is an inspiration--I wish mine was so clean...but, I've been so busy, I don't have time to organize!!!

  10. This is adorable!...Love the tree and all those buttons.

  11. wow, fabulous tidy desk! love your sweet card, those little people are so adorable and you have so much patience doing all that cut work!
    happy crafting, Debxx

  12. your desk mess reminds me of my desk mess...i have a tiny little space in the middle where i actually work...and then I do a clean sweep when i get nutty...


  13. oh, and I love the card you made- so darn cute!

  14. Boy, that's a ton of fussy cutting! Looks pretty cool, though!

  15. OOOOH! Happy happy happy! So many cute tiny details and delicious color and yumminess! Glad you stuck with it through the fussy cutting 'cause it makes me (and obviously many others) so happy to see the results. :)

  16. Great aerial shot today, doesn't it look different from above!

  17. BEAUTIFUL little card - and what a nice crafty creative space Happy WOYWW - hugs - Caroline x

  18. Your card is adorable. I admire your cutting :)

  19. I REALLY REALLY love that card,

    and you are springy enough whatever the weather...

    but I do hope you get sunshine soon,


  20. Love your card and I can see all the work that went into it! You're a better woman than me because I almost always opt for one layer cards!! But my desk, as far as hardly any surface space showing, yeah mine looks that way too. Adorable, cute little girls stamp!

  21. a very interesting desk, looks quite messy enough to me. love the card.
    thanks for sharing

  22. That is a super cute card you have made. Your desk is like mine most of the time - loads of stuff and a 6" square to work in!! LOL!

  23. Super cute and colourful, great combination. Love your card Jingle. Annette x

  24. That is such an adorably sweet card! :) I liked the aerial view of your workspace. It does look neat and organized. :) Theresa

  25. Gosh I love that card, cute, adorable, amazing... Great colors!

  26. I LOVE the word Konnichiwa! Every time I hear it it makes me smile :D just say'n. :)

  27. Love the card and Konnichiwa to you too!
    Happy WOYWW
    Rebecca (32)

  28. I think tidy is over rated, isn't it? Your card is grand however I want to see your new rubber stamps! So exciting.

  29. busy desk. Your card is gorgeous card! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #162

  30. Love the card! Looks like you're going to be busy the next day or so. Thanks for the peek at your desk.

  31. No wonder I'm #34 to comment - this is so amzingly cute!! LOVE your card!!!
    + I wanted to let you know that your comment on Moxie Fab this week made me very, very happy! Thank You so much!


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